hey v/ is link a simp?
Hey v/ is link a simp?
Is simp the new word for incel?
simps are dudes who worship the pussy, whether they get it or not, so no.
Lmao this nigga really did just trace miyazaki
I mean generally Link couldn't give two shits less about pussy, only exception I can think of is SS Link and even then Zelda wanted him too.
took the words out of my mouth kik
wtf does this even mean christ I am so old and out of touch
this is what it means
and yes old fag
Link is a Chad bro hes fucked every female in the games bros.
You know how c*ck was used here pretty damn regularly?
Simp is basically the same thing except its applied to fictional characters for a chuckle
Cmon guys, we can't just leave women with "thot" and nothing else. We gotta start a new trendy insult for them too.
Retards with a poor education didn't know it means simpleton and decided to turn it into some MGTOW shit. I assume an eceleb is behind it.
why do you guys always hate on niggers but consistently borrow their culture by using their slang
It's some zoomer tiktok "meme"
>cursed to forever free the same girl from the clutches of Chad
pretty much
Twitter doesn't like to say cück, because Nazis use it, so they came up with their own word for the concept.
your right, it started with the e girl singing ok boomer on tiktok.
It will be within a month. They all start out with their own definition but just eventually turn into another word synonymous for permavirgin
I just assumed it's urban youth for simpleton.
Tried roastie and foid, didn't go anywhere
faggy way of saying "white knight"
t. zoomer
It's more like whiteknight than incel, however the target demographic largely overlaps so either cuck, simp or incel fit just the same.
Looks like those shitty insurance commercials.
It's more effective than white knight because "knight" implies a noble cause
A man that enjoys watching his wife having sex with other men. Loosely used as an insult to anyone putting other people's interests before his own.
Involuntary celibate. Men who want to have sex with women but are unable to attract one, either because of their ugly physic or inept behaviour.
An unmanly man.
Simpleton, idiot. Lately used to insult men who donate to steamer girls.
More like zoomers brains get set on fire if something constists of more than 5 words.
Why is there always some fucking luddite boomer asking this in every thread? Do you not know what urban dictionary is mother fucker?
Simpleton, idiot. Lately used to insult men who donate to steamer girls.
Simpleton, idiot. Lately used to insult men who donate to steamer girls.
Simpleton, idiot. Lately used to insult men who donate to steamer girls.
A man that enjoys watching his wife having sex with other men. Loosely used as an insult to anyone putting other people's interests before his own.
no link is a chad
The definitions don't matter. Anyone that uses them is automatically just a low iq trend follower.
Not really
He's a soldier it's his duty to save his princess. He had a fish wife/girl in other series.
Go back.
Link is adventuresexual for most of the time, and you can't really be called a simp when you're actually fucking royalty.
He's not fucking her.
Every game he starts over and ending up not in bed with her towards the end of each game.
Sorry pal, lemme rephrase that
>hey Yas Forums - Video games, formerly known as Yas Forums - The Vidya, is link a simp?
You do understand that Nintendo is not going to show sex in a children's game, right?
dumb underaged faggot
Free and easy (You)s
>The pussy
you mean 3dpd sluts or is 2d pussy safe?
Nope. He's canonically gay. He only puts up with Zelda because it's mandated buy fate. The moment he's done saving her dumb ass he goes off to find a boyfriend. It's canon in all games.
Link’s the opposite. He’s never once had to ask for Pussy. It’s normally just given to him
He literally had a girlfriend in breath of the wild.
based truthsayer
No, Link is a chad who fulfills his duty like the knight he is and then goes back to being a boyslut he wants to be.
he turns it down. link is gay.
>Calling Link a simp when you will NEVER have a relationship this fulfilling
I like that the word nigger is a european invention, it comes from latin
Tell those niggers to stop using any european language thanks
This is the truth.
Link is a twink chad.
your headcanon is not canon. link has never and will never have any interest in any female. ever..
you're right
they don't use that word though, they use NIGGA
>Link is one person
This isn't going to catch on no matter how hard you try to force it.
In my head he's just a loyal knight and doesn't have ulterior motives toward Zelda. Because he's gay.
>brainlets ITT arguing whether cuck or simp is the better term
I prefer the scientific term, "Sydney Carton complex". Named after the protagonist of Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities whose character motivation is trying to appease an already married woman. Read some fucking books, faggots.
simp is the zoomer equivalent of beta
Its just another buzzword that'll get ruined in a week or two
Now stop being so bitter
based and canonpilled.
>brown zelda
gain taste you faggot
it's just the new incel word for white knight, I see more 30 year old boomers using it than zoomers. Almost all of them niggers, oddly enough.
Cute. Thanks user for being the only salvation in this shit thread.
that was pleasant, thank you.
whatever the age group, it’s weird to see anons gravitating toward the word so much when “beta” or “white knight” have been used here for the same thing for ages. it’s crazy watching newfags replace Yas Forums culture in real time
Gain taste that isn't complete shit.
>Liking WW's whitewashing of Tetra
it's like a whiteknight or friendzoned guy. It's actually been around for a while, I see instances of it on MGTOW forums around 2015
so basically an orbiter
both but more 3d since those people donate money to girl streamers