I don't like this game.
I don't like this game
filtered lol
reddit spotted lmao
I'm trying to enjoy it but I just don't. Too much jumping like a faggot, never enough uninterupted gunplay.
Are you gonna elaborate?
>The chainsaw regenerates charges
>Stop clinging to 2016
>Approach as FPS DMC not some lame painkiller/2016 game.
yet another shitter filtered
can a game get anymore based
ok tranny
I very much like my Y chromosome, thank you.
No. Why?
I liked it but it's okay if you didn't, anyway, cacodemon thread?
>remove the home base
>remove the cutscenes
>defualt hud is minimal/non neon theme
>defualt hints turned off
the game is now perfect
against all the wickedness of Yas Forumseddit... (((they))) send only you
Against all the evil that Yas Forums can conjure, all the wickedness that reddit can produce, we will send unto them, only you
The movement in this game is great. But the weapons basically work like Rock-Paper-Scissors to the enemies. I dont feel free with the arsenal anymore. every fight is the same
I really like that game :)
I wonder who got his ass kicked
Pain Elemental codex entry is sad to read, I never imagined the pain part was literal
Go back to animal crossing. This isn't for you.
I love cacos
Okay. I respect your opinion.
Me neither, but it's okay because there are other promising FPS games on the horizon anyway.
>people are all like "ahah big dum Eternal caco they eat the bomb and go boom ahah dumdum :)"
>they are actually scary as shit
They are fucking aggressive and super fast, if you are unfocused they are gonna kill you in a second. Everytime one pops up is like a mini jumpscare
too much thinking, having to use flamethrower for armor, melee for health, chainsaw every 3 monster for ammo
meh, I prefer the first game where it was a mindless shooter
The fuck are you going on about. It sounds like you dont like Doom in general
love how Doom Eternal is forcing loads of people to admit that they're casuals
I can play the game just fine, it's just not what I'm looking for in a shooter
You mean, too much annoyance because everything is made for you to use glory kills every 5 seconds or so. shits gay as fuck and easily ruined the entire game, if they gave Doomguy a higher base speed and made enemies more agressive, while boosting up the guns ammo capacity, it would've been just like doom. but no.
also fake infighting is pretty lame.
>not wanting to platform and do a cooldown piano in a single player fps makes you a casual
at this point I'm ready to just start shooting zoomers
its very inconsistent, there some great levels like arc complex and some shitty ones like sentinel prime/taras nabad
That’s ok. You can’t like everything. It’s good to have things you like and things you don’t like. If you liked or disliked everything, it would make for a boring existence.
refund and play something else then fuck off
>game abruptly closes in the middle of the master level
>right after got over my lack of interest in games over the past few days
ok, well i guess i'll play something else then. fuck you.
I like you.
Holy fuck this game is annoying. Every 2 seconds.
>finally ready for level
>ok, finally, some fucking gameplay
>platforming to get to demons
fuck this
You should try getting past the first level then.
I just hope someone mods ammo capacity of this game and base movement speed whilest removing glory kills or at least make them not give anything.
Git gud
You most likely mastered the platinum relics in Crash Bandicoot: The N-Sane Trilogy, which is the "Dark Souls of platformers".
Now go through this game in "Ultra Nightmare", since this game is the "Dark Souls of FPSs".
I played on Nightmare during the previous game but I keep getting fucking destroyed by Arachnotrons and can't make it past the subway on the first level. How do I suck less?
What do you don't like about it?
Based Cacoposters
This happened in my game too. Scripted I'm guessing? Haven't gone through a second time though.
not going to happen, retard.
Is literally made for normies and casuals, WTF are you talking about?
You say that as if my idea was bad.
Why wouldnt you want the game to be greatly improved?
Oh yeah. I bet you were just rocking 2016 on Nightmare with the pistol. Fuck off with your dumb shit.
I like this game.
Stop. Go dilate.
Doom Eternal is the " New Colossus " of Doom games.
Prove me wrong.
How embarrassing.
Classic DooMfag here.
Honestly Classic skin and classic sounds made the game way easier to digest despite all the major flaws. Still I will hold my opinion that basing the entire game around glory kills and lowering ammo capacity ruined a great game. I wouldnt say its a good doom sequel, but a good Painkiller sequel.