What would a headcrab taste like?

What would a headcrab taste like?

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octopus, I imagine

slightly gamey chicken.

sweet sustenance

crab you fucking idiots

Slimey watery chicken

salty coins and milk

>hurrrrr it have crab in name so it taste like that
Literally 2 digit IQ.

bags of sand

It's muscle tissue is too dense for it to have the consistency of seafood. It's going to taste more like land animal meat

>Eating aliens

Do citizens really?



God, I want it to do things to my dick.

one of the survivors literary tells you it tastes nothing like crab you actual braindead moron

Just like Yoshi's eggs

A polygon doesn't have taste you fucking retards.

>A polygon doesn't have taste you fucking retards.

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prove it

Have you ever tried one?

Shit just like the game it's from lmao

tastes like sustenance

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Name 1 (one, uno) animal with "crab" in its name that DOESN'T taste like crab then, smart guy.

He said what "would" it taste like you pedantic cock goblin.

tough chicken and mayonaisse


Imitation crab. *drops mic*

This bitch never had Doritos

Wtf bruh

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That's because you didn't program any taste attributes to them, dipshit.


giant isopod

How is daily life with autism?

>That thread where a guy sperged out over a pic of a crab
>spent the entire thread saying crabs were insects and people who ate them were subhuman
>posted a pic of hp lovecraft for some reason
this reminded me of that
it was weird.

50% Head
50% Crab

Crab isn't kosher, so it was all Jewish cope.

between wild bird, shrimp, and lobster


>what would a headcrab taste like
you're obviously baiting but still man come on

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Come eat the crabs off my balls and find out.

I imagine them to be very chewy, you would have to put them in a stew or something to get the meat soft enough.

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Have you ever eaten a polygon bitch? That's what I thought

>What would a headcrab taste like?
I didn't know we let the Chinese post here.

We don't "let" them, they just do it anyway.

>that part before the distillery where you catch a headcrab in the act with a mannequin
I got a boner.

When i had my going into games machine i used to eat polygons all the time

haha dude thats so epic i also saw that screencap on r/Yas Forums!

actual autism

calm down mongoloid

You will never know what pussy tastes like.

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haha thats funny too broseph! have some reddit gold

Probably horrible like tripe or a gigantic land snail.

The secret is that the whole headcrab tastes like crab except the head.

be lucky it isn't good and the taste stays in your mouth/stinks up your face for a while

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only if ur're gay

Trying too hard to fit in

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t. virgin

Don't eat that shit you'll cause another pnademic

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Prove it

I don't have to try to "fit in," kid. I've been on this site likely longer than you've been alive.

omg user ur such a badass

eletricity DOES have taste
