im gonna guess the sequel will remove all instances of dialogue with actual flavor like pic related right?

Attached: Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines Screenshot 2020.03.24 - (800x600, 769.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>senior narrative designer talks about introducing trigger warnings for side quests

It's gonna be glorious.

hahaha I can't wait! I was optimistic at first, but this crosses a fucking line. Now i'll just laugh at the misery.

Hoooly shit....
What happens when you combine the most cucked country in Europe (Sweden) with literal SJWs? The answer will be this game.

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If I were to make a mod that removes all the SJW/PC faggotry would I get the rope?

That's objectively bad dialogue

This will depend on the mod tools that the kikes at Paradox will provide and your ability as a modder.

It's going to be shit like Redditpunk 2077, nuDoom, and HLVRtrash

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It is also set in V5 which is pozzed to begin with (Rudi.png), but, more importantly, it is published by Paradox. Paradox is the company that made, for example, what could be considered as an early beta of HOI4, released it as a full-price game, then sold pieces of basic functionality as expensive DLC, one by one. 8th "DLC" (spying and collaborating occupational governemnts, in a grand strategy game, took them long enough) is coming out now. They have already made the first (pre order) DLC for vtmb 2 public, and that "more clans will be added to the game after release as DLC".

And it just keeps on giving! It will be made on the UE4 engine, which has to be the single worst piece of shit in gaming history, its lack of optimization is legendary, and in fact, 9% of the games built on it have been objectively worse than liquid shit for this reason and others.

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>preordering a vtmb2 deluxe edition gets you the game 24 hours before people buying the regular version

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I meant 90% of the games but whatever you get the point.

nudoom is good, everything else agree


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i assume that you're baiting since you're using a wojak. But do you genuinely believe that trigger warnings before quests should be added to video games? Especially one that has a prequel in from of VtMB?

do you guys really think OP's example is "actual flavor" dialogue or good at all

>can't use your vampire powers to change someones sexuality just so you can manipulate them into a place of power
Smdh why even play

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Yes, actually. It's a character that is genuinely a bitch and not just because she doesn't want to go along with the plot.
Fucking imagine that, huh? Characters with personalities?

Yes. Having a female character call you a fucking "dyke" for hitting on her is unexpected and refreshing in comparison to PC. Imagine being afraid of words

Not him but i legitimately do not care.
I just want a fun videogame.

People just want to have a pity party. There's been no real news on the game in months and everything we do know about it has been discussed to death. The point is just to complain and feel sorry for ourselves.

who cares? just don't use it, getting mad about shit that you can easily never even have to see is ridiculous. wod has always been full of progressive shit

yeah until you just pass another check and then she's super friendly with you again, and willing to tell you secrets that would get her chucked out of the running. it's a pretty dumb quest

Yes. Mira is not a nice person or a "good girl" (sharing needles with junkies and becoming HIV-positive for example). She clearly has her sexual preferences and she dislikes lesbians for some reason and isn't afraid to express it however she likes for the aforementioned reasons.

this thread is now infected
with the rudi virus

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Your definition of fun is trigger warnings, controlled narratives and safespaces?

So basically the only game I'm marginally looking forward to now is M&B Bannerlord as VTMB and Cyberpunk are very likely gone top shit

They're all inbred cunts at that party. Her behavior here can actually affect whether or not she gets chosen for the process that leads to becoming a full giovanni vampire.
Plus she's the nasty slut with AIDS and if you tell people they get grossed out and tell her to fuck off so she misses her chance to become a vampire and thus save her life. Swings and roundabouts.

I mean you can't just not use it if it's forced upon you and flashes in your fucking eyes. "Oh boy there's a scene with blood in it! Someone even swore!!!!!!". I don't mind if it's something subtle like in COD telling you at beginning there are graphic scenes, but I don't want to be fucking broken out of my immersion a bilion times because some tranny is scared of seeing blood or seeing a male.

gay sex and contradictions will come to you unless you post مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ in this thread

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>who cares? just don't use it, getting mad about shit that you can easily never even have to see is ridiculous. wod has always been full of progressive shit

The issue, my friend, is that shit like this, even if it's optional, normalizes the lunatic behaviour of SJW's and other leftist trash. These people belong in mental asylums, or at least on the ignored fringes of society, and they should not be yielded to in any way.


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>yeah until you just pass another check and then she's super friendly with you again,
Actually no. Trying to flirt with her as a female locks her out of all future conversation options.

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Are you retarded? Did you even read the link talking about it? It says they're considering adding some shit to the accessibility menu that lets you read that stuff if you want. It's not even going to pop up in game, it's just a screen hidden somewhere that talks about themes.
It's like bitching about graphical design after turning on colorblind mode.

you must be 18 years old to post here.

I did this quest literally yesterday, it doesn't.

yes, its even in the rules

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Anons I'm with you here, but this part is actually false.

I loved Bloodlines, but from what they've shown of the alpha gameplay footage, it's barely even an upgrade in any way. I'm interested in playing it when it comes out to decide for myself, but I am in no way hyped or anticipating this. And if they cut it up and piece it out with DLC, I'll just pirate, which I rarely do anymore.

I'll also say I don't give a shit about whatever SJW grievances people have. Every thread I've seen for this game is spammed by some retard jacking off over his folder full of screencaps of stupid shit from the tabletop game. I'm sure he's already shown up by the time I post this.

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no I just do not care about these things. I think your mental health will improve if you stop obsessing with them as well. There is no need to be upset about everything all the time. I have no idea if a literal who studio will pull off a good sequel to my favourite game of all time or not. But one thing I do no is it will not hinge on if there is a trigger warning or not.

yeah that dude is crazy

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Why would you ever be optimistic about this?

He's here pretty much every thread, it's pretty sad. You have to wonder why someone who's clearly never read any of the actual early wod stuff would be so obsessed with it

worse than hitler

>check catalogue
>see giovanni bitch, finally a comfy vtmb thread
>VTMB 2 thread
eat shit and die faggots

I'm with you, user...

read the subject next time, bitch

i've read more than these marketing trannies have

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Yeah I plan to pirate it, not giving them a dime.

You're just gonna samefag and reply to yourself for literal hours until people stop bumping the thread, so yeah, crazy is exactly how I'd describe it.

These freaks just exist to ruin fun

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I'm optimistic for the trainwreck. I can't believe I got excited for this game when it was announced. "Finally! A sequel to one of my old PC favorites." I though. N O P E.

Holy shit this is hilarious, I've seen this posted many times but I never bothered to read it before. Sometimes fiction is the strangest if it mimics reality in some way.

Unironically dilate.

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it's all so tiresome. I even want to talk about the sequel but you can't cause of the obsessive retards.

Are you a retard? Do you not understand and get a taste from what so many people in this thread have posted about what the developers of this game have set as a priority and the nature of this new V5 setting? How can you be so chill when every news and demonstration that we have so far regarding gameplay and developing ideas about this sequel is so off-putting and yet claim at the same time that it's "your favourite game".
All these things have nothing to do with the dark nature of WoD.

i have never samefagged any thread lmao
unsurprisingly Yas Forums dislikes this flavor of shit

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No, I won't you faggot, especially when OP posts a vtmb screenshot and not vtmb2 one. And even further, all of you that actually prefer to discuss "muh politics" of the sequel instead of the original while pretending to be fans deserve hanging and quartering.

There's nothing to discuss at this point, when they reveal something further or when the game comes out go ahead. The only thing worth discussing right now is the original.

It's sad because I'd kill for a sequel with even half as much soul as the original, but I knew the second this game was announced, it was going to be a shitshow. I just want a good vampire sim with RPG elements. That too much to ask?

how come they've gone silent on VTMB2?

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No you haven't, because shit like this has always been part of wod. cult of ecstasy spends like half the book shitting on "blockheads" who aren't into drugs and casual sex and shit, just for an example of something I read recently. characters who are motivated by their sexuality isn't anything new, and the camarilla is pretty blatantly making fun of conservative power structures for being full of ridiculously out of touch people, presenting them all as evil.
You can go to pretty much any of the old sourcebooks and you'll find something like this, because it's always been a left wing setting.

Again, you must be 18 years old to post here.

we haven't seen much of the actual game. I really don't care about elementary school politics or deep dives into people's Twitters. I simply try games that interest me. extrapolating nonsense based on this bizarre obsession is not healthy. You lot have predicted 10 of the last 5 games ruined by SJWs and that is being incredibly generous.

ive blown you out many times on this subject tranny
you are no less wrong today than you were before

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