DNF 1999

Enough of the horseshit Yas Forums, HL:A came out, a SiN remastered version was completed, now all we need is DNF 2001 to complete the cycle, so quit being a fucking coward and leak the thing, for the duke fans, and for duke himself.

Attached: 1584931599241.png (953x843, 1.83M)

Other urls found in this thread:


no its not BADASS enough

Attached: Randy+with+card.jpg (400x400, 19.72K)

Considering almost all of the people who have the build will die this year, this is the best moment to leak it. Things can't get worse.

Compared to everything Gearbox has released since then, as well as several other devs/publishers, DNF doesn't seem like such a bad game.

Lurking just in case this fagot again decides to leak some gameplay videos.


Attached: TM2.gif (470x304, 1.76M)

couldn't have said it better myself, randy is too busy fucking around at home with his hambeast of a wife and retard son to take any sort of legal action right now, this would indeed be the best time to leak anything,

Attached: 84.jpg (740x555, 78.12K)

When we getting a download link for it?

Attached: 10.jpg (1024x768, 712.88K)

Fred will leak it but it'll be a censored version

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They're all bullshots. There never was a game


Just play Duke Nukem Advance

Attached: Duke_Nukem_Advance_-_2002_-_Take_2_Interactive.jpg (1440x1437, 235.48K)

Yeah I've seen it. It's one buggy demo stage with no content. This isn't a game


WRONGG fuckstick

how did you see it? who showed you it? and what did you see?

Leak it please.

yeah there's definitely nothing here asshole lol

Attached: fakevegas.webm (954x498, 1.74M)

The video that you just posted which clearly shows an unfinished buggy demo level with no content
What does this prove? Where's the game?


right... fucking.. here? keep your bait to yourself you fucking retard.

Attached: 1577414928421.webm (950x496, 687.87K)

I shouldn't have to explain to you what a test map is.
I mean god damn look at the placeholder hud. Why are you being stupid right now'?

If DNF 2001 was anywhere near good or finished they would probably have released it

How do you know that's a placeholder hud? are you suggesting you have the game or seen it for yourself?

Didn't Randy say that he could release it but doesn't want to because it's immoral?
Let's not forget, this guy drank the cool-aid.

how do you know this is also a test map? that's clearly the EDF base

You'd be surprised how common this is

Attached: starcraft_ghost_1.jpg (768x432, 34.94K)

it was

>anywhere near good
Yeah, ghost leaked and it fucking sucks. It's very apparent why it wasn't released

Yeah cause it's a game noone's fucking heard of or even remembers, there's a reason it tanked, not to mention all the horseshit eye candy to make up for a lack of gameplay.

Have you seen a finished game before? Have you seen what a finished HUD looks like? Because this leaked footage doesn't depict either.

welp, if you're right, show me.

You must've seen or heard of something, so what is it?

I'll tell you what I haven't seen: anything that indicates there was even remotely a finished game. Why do you believe there is?

post the link then I want to play it

alright well you're speaking jargin because you can't pronounce anything what you just fucking said lmao, and i'm not about to decode your fucked up mindset, did you see anything or not cocksucker?



Thats a video, not a videogame. Its easy to get them confused in 2020 I know. Has the actual game leaked? As in a playable game?

From what I heard the reason why none of them have had the balls to leak it is because Randy has a list of who has any of the original DNF files and will shit on all of them if the game ever sees the light of day.

let's not lose the target here

Attached: 1577416879634.webm (910x534, 1.12M)

Yes, that is what they are playing. Go find it

the fuck hes gonna do? Post squirting videos?

that's bullshit, people have it that aren't listed nor do they have any sort of watermarked bullshit on the builds they have either, not everyone is on randy's bad christmas list.

>go find it
Thanks for nothing, retard.

Good ole ' fuckchan, don't you love this place? unreliable as fuck.

Attached: shottydotty.png (904x764, 495.77K)

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Attached: DNF_Nov99_GhostTown.jpg (1024x768, 601.67K)

The "90%" is questionable, but fuck even 75% finished would be better than the HL2 leak, and autists are still poking through that after 15 years

lol no kidding, it's the same retards that're flaunting their assets at one another and not working together to finish the damn thing, but fuck HL2 beta

Attached: Image2.jpg (688x487, 38.18K)

I wonder if Randy has this on a USB stick somewhere.

Oh shit, I've got a copy of this

You do? do you have discord?

I have lig

prove it, show a file from the directory


>SC ghost
Didn't inside leaks reveal this was Bliz's first real attempt at outsourcing its way through development?

Attached: 86174475.jpg (740x554, 29.73K)

show some gameplay of it

where did you get it senpai

post a screenshot of ingame gameplay