Octopath Traveler

This game isn't very good. Thoughts?

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is the story in the full game any good?

I liked it. One of the few times I actually played a JRPG for the gameplay over anything else.

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this. Other JRPGs this gen are generic in comparison.

Correct. It wants so to be a classic 16 bit jrpg so bad but it fails in every single area. The whole time i was thinking "man I wish i was playing FF6 instead."
It's bad. The characters and pacing are even worse.

I think it's a good game but the story is pretty basic and uninteresting making the game way too repetitive, every single chapter you do the exact same thing over and over again for every character
>start chapter
>talk to some people
>get in the dungeon/forest
>kill boss
>talk to some people
>repeat 32 times
When I got to the third chapter of everyone I was bored to death
The gameplay mechanics are fun though, I loved the combat and the class system

You are a faggot with shit taste

I just finished the last of the main stories earlier today. I'll probably do the true final boss eventually. I enjoyed the game overall, though I really wish the way that sidequests were designed was less absolutely fucking terrible.

That means you have some shit taste. FF6 is pathetically easy and broken as hell, it doesn't even have a working evasion stat. Octopath's jobs alone make it a lot better.

What level are you, and do you have the 4 secret jobs? Starseer I found fairly useless, and didn't use for the boss but the the 3 are must haves, especially runelord on Tressa due to transfer rune>sidestep

Tressa is cute

I've got the four advanced jobs, my levels are between 55-70ish. I've found that Starseer is really good if you also have a dancer in the party (but make them separate characters, i.e. don't make Prim a Starseer). The dancer's divine skill that turns single-target moves into party-wide moves is absolutely busted on Starseer. Being able to put BP boost, the multi-stat buff, and the counterattack stance on the whole team at once feels absurdly strong to me. It completely trivialized pretty much every boss fight after I figured it out, including the Job shrine bosses. An extra cool thing I discovered is that the move that can either prevent enemies from getting buffs or prevent allies from getting debuffs targets both the party and the enemies when the dancer's divine skill is on, so you get both benefits at the same time. I haven't found much use for runelord but I'll try putting it on Tressa

not the other guy, but your levels are fine if you're not stupid. Here's a protip
the most awful thing the final boss does is wiping your buffs, like that one wolf - so much for your sidestep, divine buffs etc.
I put all my eggs in the "straight damage, only the permanent buff which can't be erased" basket and it worked so well for me, I killed the fucker on my first try.
Good luck.

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If this game is average, a 6 out of 10, mediocre, with bad pacing and unexplained stuff, with no interactions among the party, etc, why did it sell 2 million? is it because it was a Switch exclusive or what? I'm genuinely curious about it

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are you implying that sales is correlated to a game's quality?
this might shock you but the reason people buy a game is because they've never played it, which means they don't know if it's good or not.

Dropped it after 29 hours, i still have it installed, it became a chore since they make you use underleved shitters you don't even like to play their story, shitting up all the gameplay, never finished any character story except for h'anta.
OST is godlike tho.

Glad to know i can call DS trash now

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You're wrong OP.

I stopped playing when after meeting the second character, all it took for this person to join my party was a "Yes/no" prompt and they just joined my party without any context or conversation. Incredibly jarring for an RPG that's trying to sell itself as an rpg with lots of story.

It's not like having coherent rpg stories with multiple possible origin stories that still makes sense as the characters meet up throughout the story hasn't been done before, like Seiken densetsu 3.

Runelord is good on Tressa because she can sidestep the whole party, then the other big benefit is transfer rune, because if you have say sorc. Ophilia then you get far more damage by using elemental break because of the X pursuit afterwards then you would from any of the spells.

what it lacks in immersion for your complaint they make up for in free open world where you get to decide who to recruit.
Your path is completely open and you can progress the story however you like and recruit who you like in whichever order you wish.
Not many RPGs will give you that flexibility in this regard, so it has its pros and cons.

I liked it. Game was really fun to break, had a few kino chapters too.

agreed completely, the game has almost zero redeeming qualities other than the music and no one that likes it has ever been able to articulate to me why they like it
the combat system sucks btw, it's good for boss fights at the expense of the other 95% of the game

honestly one of the worst jrpgs i have ever played
fuck you faggots for hyping it up so much

Is this worth pirating?

if you've never played a jrpg in your life you MIGHT like it

But that freedom doesn't really matter when it's still scaled to you. Complete all the chapter 1s, then all the chapter 2s etc.

I found it fun. Unique gameplay in battles, glorified dialogue options outside battle should've been a given not a gimmick unto itself, decent writing though the whole "do it in whatever order you want" thing sabotaged what could have been good interactions, generally really good for an obvious B-team trying to make an original idea. Sequel had better be way more fleshed out though.

RPGs haven't really changed, perhaps you've just outgrown the genre?

probably not since I absolutely loved Dragon Quest XI

the freedom to go collect your party of 8 in your order and craft a party of 4 for every new chapter of the story the way you want.
This is the strong point of Octopath and it's quite charming if you just embrace it for what it is.

Why are Bravely games so good and Octopath is just average?

>bravely second
>not average

the graphics were interesting, but boy did it drop the bomb on the gameplay. Having 32 chapters with the exact same formula was an astronomic mistake. Why did they think that was a good idea? I get that they wanted 4 chapters for 8 characters but that didn't mean that they all had to have the exact same kind of pacing where you hang out in a town then do a boring dungeon and then fight a damage sponge boss. I wanted to like the game but i got bored by chapter 4s and put it down. The stories weren't engaging enough to justify how much it followed its own formula.

I loved it, but fuck whoever designed the epilogue.

>Have to do a very specific, easily missed sidequest or three
>Hey, now you made it to the final area *now* we will reveal that all the plots were actually cleverly intertwined instead of ever even remotely suggesting as much during the course of the game
>Surprise! We never let you form 2 dedicated teams before but now you have to to fight the final boss! Hope everyone is equally levelled and classed out!

Someday I'll replay and grind my way to beating the secret boss. Until then, that epilogue can fuck right off the edge of my dick

Yes. Octopath is truly fucking garbage. The way everything just scales in difficulty depending on how much you've done is terrible. The character stories are all generic and boring. All the environments look nice, but they have no level design. Every single path is route/dungeon is basically a straight line with a few short diverging paths that all lead to a single chest. The biggest shit topping on the cake is the characters don't interact with each other at all. Anyone who actually likes this game has insanely shit taste.

>it's charming because it has no direction
how do I know that minecraft was your first video game

>the strong point of the game is that you can create a custom party

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>too casual for a jrpg


I found Bravely Second charming

>The way everything just scales in difficulty depending on how much you've done is terrible.

Only chapter 1's do this

why do you presume that that individual has actually played the game he's complaining about? we don't have that as a requirement here

>hurr it's charming
can you please attempt to construct a discussion or have a point

i'm 30 and I have never played Minecraft, I do know that Octopath Traveler's niche is that you can pick and play and just straight up enjoy a chapter or two at your leisure.
It doesn't try to be an over the top super fantasy FF game or something, if you want a grand adventure you can go ahead and just play DQ or FF or whatever else you feel like.
Out of the all the FFs and Bravely Default and games of that kind, I've been thoroughly enjoying the job system of Octopath and how you juggle your first protagonist and the chapter's protag and jobs together.
It's a bit different from the usual formula, as well as the 8 character juggling is different from other games with a similar format like Bravely Default.
I think it has the perfect amount of nostalgia for SNES JRPGS while still making the combat unique with a fun break mechanic.

>it gets good after 15 hours

Yeah, the tendies lied through their teeth about that one. I gave it a pirate when it hit PC and what the fuck where those clowns talking about?

Bravely Default first half is great. These devs are on the cusp of making a great jrpg but they keep making some terrible decision that ruins it if they stuck to the basics and kept things simple they could make a great one. I really hope Bravely Default 2 is good.

the class system is also good here and some of the new classes are cool, like the cook, the yokai or the hawkeye, despite the censorship

The plot was not bad, there were parts of the story that I liked

Some of the new aread or towns were nice

And I liked the love story between Yew and Magnolia, and how Edea remembers Ringabel

the break mechanic is only good for bosses and trivializes open field encounters i.e. 90% of the game

I find that classic JRPGS's weak point is the field encounters.
The only other mechanic i liked while grinding was Brave and Default which has the same feeling of saving up and unleashing hell which felt good even while grinding.

see how hard was that
never even played that game btw just wanted you to use your fucking brain and communicate like a human being instead of using some crutch vernacular

calm down, autismo.

get rid of random encounters

>he actually did ONLY Chapter 1s at first
>he didn't start doing Chapter 2s as soon as he had a party of 4 and then start doing chapters in whatever the fuck order making the scaling an absolute rollercoaster clusterfuck
It's retarded, but I kind of love it for that. I really hope a sequel doesn't take this away.

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Potential ruined by the repetitive structure and splintered party interactions

>repetitive structure
welcome to JRPGs

even the most traditional jRPG ever, dragon quest, manages to have varied scenarios and structures to go through. octopath has no excuse.

Just wait for Bravely Default 2 then. It has a battle system similar to Octopath's, but BP is used to perform multiple actions in a single turn instead of just basic attacks or increasing the intensity of a spell.

Octopath Traveler with a little more linearity and banter/party interaction would be a huge improvement. The devs behind this and the Bravely games generally aren't very impressive at designing intricate dungeons so any improvement in that regard would be appreciated. More jobs, better pacing, and sone minor nitpicking with the plot would make a fantastic game.

will be delayed