What games are you playing during Quarantine?
What games are you playing during Quarantine?
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I hope corona-chan kills lots of boomers!
I'm at work :)
>Mortal Kombat shooter
Would be kino
Nothing because my PC fucking died.
>falling for the quarantine jew
Nah, fuck that. I've still been going out with friends since I don't fear a cold. On the plus side the whole town is deserted and it's been fun as fuck
quake live
Nothing because I’m an essential job per an addendum by the secretary of the treasury. I have full hours.
Things will be worse after the virus has run its course if small and medium sized companies can’t afford to operate
I am playing animal crossing 1-3 hours a day though
Animal Crossing
Far Cry 2
What is this picture even implying? You're legitimately supposed to stay home to slow the spread down on covid19. I don't get what the issue is.
Like, what, should he sit in the corner and stare at the wall? What are you even mad at?
>staying home and spending less money is the work of the jew
It's another one of those boomer "STOP KILLING FICTIONAL PEOPLE IN VIDEO GAMES" comics.
>not making mad cash by manufacturing face covers
dont have time for video games
You are an idiot who lacks a basic understanding of how viruses spread. Sadly other people are the ones who will suffer for your stupidity but that's always the way.
God forbid any of you zoomer retards pick up a fucking book.
Animal Crossing, DOOM Eternal, and the rest of my fucking backlog
Yeah baby spread the boomer remover
I listen to Audible books while I'm gaming. There's also a lot of free books on YouTube.
inb4 that's not reading
I'm good with my games, keep seething and being mad for no fucking reason
>Pixel lives matter!
OHHHH, I get it now. The author must've thought they were real clever with this one.
>He talks about saving lives while he kills people in a video game! The hypocrisy!
Some people read, some people pkay video games, some people are just browsing Facebook. Doesn't matter as long as you're slowing the infection down.
Man, people really do hate each other. There's a fucking global crisis going on and people still nitpick about how someone is spending time indoors. Christ.
hydro thunder of course
I tried making a gunslinger in Underrail and the rat dogs are wrecking me. What am I doing wrong?
>Nooo you have to read books, even if it's shitty generic fiction or romance or whatever, just because it's a book it makes you smarter
Ok nigger
I know this is bait but I have a degree in English and 90% of books are disposable trash, m8.
Going to buy Granblue VS and get good. See you at evo 2021!
I read lore in my vidya tho.
Playan doom eternal on nightmare. Certain arenas kick my ass at times but the challenge is welcome. Also it's way faster than 2016 which is nice.
>90% of books are disposable trash
the same could be said of any sort of media
Yup, it's a universal truth.
so why does anyone here give a fuck
our lives are 90% meaningless trash
Building my new maze in minecraft. I was building old maze for like half a year, but my comuter died. Now im building a new one. I only have one screenshot of old one, but it was like 3 times bigger.
Have to deliver pizzas tonight. I hate every single one of you fucking lazy faggots who orders and would rather be home with my family while the world burns. I hope you die of corona
why does she have a cigarette coming out of her nose?
serious question
So spread it you absolute seething retard.
Infect yourself like those aids monkeys and share the welath.
Which fucking book asshole?`There's billions of them and you boombooms would piss shit and cum yourselves if the kids started reading how to kill a mockingbird.
>47 years since minecraft launched.
>still no mod that makes it an actual game.
Be glad you still have a job, retard
Tfw I'd rather pickup
>not smoking with your nostrils
Fucking amateur hour.
Zoomers read more than boomers by a wide margin.
>be happy they let you shovel shit!
Fuck off
Same, but Idgaf, everyone's been tipping me so well and treating me like a damn hero lol, it's actually pretty great.
You're a massive fucking idiot if you think this virus is any more deadly than a common flu, which no one gives a shit about. Kill yourself
Like your degree
AYY uptop boys
I'm busy not having a shit immune system and not dying by 30 old man *dabs* *flosses*
hey hey, just say what game youre playing. no one cares about whatever youre talking about
>but I have a degree in English
I bet you believe in universal education too
Only old people, genetic dead ends, and fags with aids
And you're too stupid to realize a virus that only affects old people with compromised immune systems
>Thinks killing pixels is real life
>Thinks Mortal Kombat is Doom
>Thinks Zoomers are Gen X
>"This Qeer-antine is just a dumbocrap plot to hurt Trump!"
>"These kids today don't want jobs!"
Oh holy horseman of Plague and Pestilence, please burn out the boomer filth. Amen
I'm still going into work like normal.
Big pharma stops for no one.
Why is it that zoomers want to live in the dark ages?
so sorry you still have a job and can pay your bills while me and everyone I know are unemployed and draining our savings. you fucking faggot. if you dont want to fucking work then quit and free up your job for someone who needs to.
Ah yes, because young people learning a basic trade instead of listening to some professor lecture about literal gay shit is truly the sign of a modern society
>using outdated technology
might as well read hieroglyphs off a rock while i'm at it
This is exactly how I knew this entire thing was a hoax.
>overhype a virus that is nothing new or special
>shut down businesses
And now with everyone income fucked up, Democrats are blocking any sort of stimulus unless their policies get passed. They literally have people by the balls at this point
Looks like a maze you could really get loss in
I've mostly been making models whilst fishing in OSRS.
Tried out the RE3 demo too yesterday.
>PC died in November
>still making payments on my budget replacement
It is literally more deadly than the common flu.
Go work at fucking mcdonalds then you little bitch. I guarentee you that you could walk in there and shovel shit for minimum wage TONIGHT
You can't have a republic without an educated population who understands how the government works. You're literally pointing the way back to dark age barbarism with a smile on your face.
>gay shit
Well enjoy your chad "licking the shit off your kings boots " fool.
It's boomers that want that.
And it's politically motivated.
Made by the MK team. Arcade only and not emulatable yet though
Yeah god forbid that we have politicians that don't support billions or trillions of dollars in no-strings-attached corporate welfare.
Cruise liners need a bailout! The public? Fuck them!
One thing a minor living in today's modern age must learn is that there is no win condition- you could cure cancer and the corona virus, create artificial organs and give the process away for free, end world hunger and make war a distant memory, and people would still demonize you the moment you took time to rest.
I just went for a walk and people were playing pickup basketball, the playground was full of kids playing together, and the parents were all standing around with them. People are quarantining shit.
Nah if you did all that they'd call you a communist.
DOOM Eternal
Animal Crossing
Yugioh Duel Links (phone)
Yugioh Nightmare Troubadour
It literally isn't.
turn on english subs.
>DUDE if you aren't showing symptoms and aren't that sick, just stay at home!
>only test really sick people!
>only people dying are old people with compromised immune systems
Fucking idiot
it literally isn't, it uses completely different parts of your brain
Getting blamed for other people's mistakes in World of Tanks.
Takes me back
>it's a conspiracy that every country in the world is in against Trump
Don't worry boomer. You'll be back at work in no time.
My friend and I been obsessed with outward