Here's your mount rushmore of gaming Yas Forums

Here's your mount rushmore of gaming Yas Forums

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excuse me?

Why did they turn Samus into a white woman?

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Metroid isn't a shooter

She was the protagonist of 1-2, Nightmare took over in 3-4, Sophitia was the MC in SoulCalibur 5. Kilik took over in SoulCalibur VI


What the fuck?


There was no "protagonist" in 2 or 3, dipshit.

> Metroid Prime
> Daishi Odashima says he considers Xianghua to be the series' main character and, tellingly, she's canonically the chosen one destined to wield the SoulCalibur & defeats Nightmare.
> Xianghua is the series' protagonist and the one who was responsible for Nightmare's defeat in the original SC.

I thought the director said he considered Xianghua the MC of Sc1? She's the only one with a special cutscene before she fights Inferno.

Where's Mario?

He explicitly said she was the protagonist of the first two games, Yas Forums fags just can't comprehend a women being the protagonist

>Prime 97
>Prime 2 92
>Prime 3 90


>Halo CE 97
>Halo 2 95
>Halo 3 94

no so fast primies

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Metroid has the top Platformer & FPS
Zelda has the top Puzzle, Open World, Action-Adventure

5/10 got me to reply

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It's going to be Cloud or Sephiroth instead, Terra doesn't even hit top 10 in most popularity polls for FF characters anymore.

Saying Metroid Prime is a shooter is like saying Morrowind is one

But Ocarina of Time is an RPG...

Halo literally doesn't even have a 97, it has a fucking 95

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-24 Halo Combat Evolved - Article Listings - Game Rankings.png (826x5207, 1.06M)

is this a shittier version of the tubes meme

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Why did the rebel guy start shooting when 343 was literally just going to explain this to him?

he knew the arbiter is a holy weapon of the prophets and would have just told 343 he was full of shit.

She's better as a white woman.

Nobody is better as a white woman

Cry more doom tranny

FFVI doesn't technically have a main protagonist outside of the first 10%-20% of the game.

Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I thought Sophitia was the one who killed Nightmare. I also assumed that was a reason why they went with her kids as the protagonists of 5.

It deserves 100. More so than fucking OoT

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Xianghua killed Nightmare in SoulCalibur 1, Xianghua killed Inferno in SoulCalibur II, Seigfried is the MC of 3-4, Sophitia's children are the protagonist of 5, Xianghua & Kilik split roles in SoulCalibur VI

Wrong, Square Enix themselves said Terra is the protagonist. World of Ruin was created solely because the developer wanted to make his favorite character (Celes) the protagonist for the 2nd half of the game

Halo isn't even the best of its genre, let alone a perfect game.

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My mistake. I'm thinking of Sophitia in Soul Edge.

In what universe is FFVI the top-rated RPG? Even just within its own series, its neither the best selling nor the most critically acclaimed. Let alone all the RPGs that are better than any FF. Also calling Metroid a "shooter" is mongoloid territory

> Only got a 89
How pathetic, what a garbage game. The 2nd highest rated FPS is Perfect Dark, followed by Half-Life 2, GoldenEye & Half-Life

I literally don't even remember who Xianghua is
I know pretty much every other character including meme ones like Rock

COPE more FF7 Tranny, nobody ever cared about your shit game

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Her name is Tina

metroid prime isn't a shooter

Keep telling yourself that tranny

How is Terra the most popular? I like her and her game but shouldn't it be Cloud, or Cecil?

Read the fucking title of the thread

God, why can't this artstyle make a comeback

>if I scream tranny that will make Metroid Prime a shooter

I actually prefer Tina but you know what kind of crying is going to go on if you bring it up

Who’s Terra? You mean Tina?

Idk where you got your list from but you're wrong. I know being stuck inside because of corona puts a burden on your mind but stop making shit tier threads.

she isn't the main character of final fantasy 6. even the devs said so

I think you're the one that needs to cope, retard. BASED FFIX absolutely mogs your shitty le funny clownman game. Even an absolute embarrassment like X shits on VI LMAO

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the thread doesn't have a title you double faggot

Neither is Doom
I don't know what high horse you're riding

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kek it's not even the original version
OP on suicide watch

Underage pls leave.

who was the protagonist of Soul Edge?

Should be Sophitia since Soul Edge came first.

Steve from minecraft
GTA guy
Duck Hunt

If you want to go by sales with genre

>action genre
that's every game that isn't puzzle, VN or strategy
nice job retard, and OoT isn't even a pure action game

Metroid is my favorite franchise of all time. It is not a shooter. They are all action adventure games

>She was the protagonist of 1-2,
no she wasnt
siegfried was the mc of SC1. Killik was the mc of 2, his dumb friend was the mc of 3

OP thoroughly btfo itt

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based soulcalibur
xiangua a thot tho, fuck you bitch get off the ground STOP CRYING AAAA

Maxi wasn't the MC of 3 you paint sniffer, and I'd hardly call Kilik the main character of 2, Nightmare is a far better candidate

redpill me on this controversy

Where does this gif come from?

the taller one is a real guy but the short fat one is a character from scooby doo who was cgi'd in

>Maxi wasn't the MC of 3
not this dumb friend
the one with the polearm

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Carl Wheezer is from Jimmy Neutron

I miss it too and I was never a big old school fan. I just really hate the new style choices and all the god damn crying