What did VEGA mean by this?
What did VEGA mean by this?
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He meant he's The Father (aka the next villain of the franchise).
Who screamed NOOOO when you killed queen bee?
The Father
Why would Vega not shut the portal down if he was the father?
While doing this he was on an episode with Who's The Father
one of the maykrs stole the father AI or whatever and somehow hayden got it and made VEGA
Hayden is the Maykr that put Slayer into the machine
one of the maykrs
>It was Hayden, or called at that time Samur Maykr
He hadn't fully assimilated into Father yet
>S. Hayden
Doom Eternal? More like Dumb Eternal. Plot make no damn sense.
Satan is Prometheus and in in the Hermetic mysteries and Neolithian shamanism was the archetype of virility, will, and power. He is the defender and spear of mankind that is destined to take over the Godthrone, just as the nu-Gods did over the Older Gods/Titans. This is the cycle as it is written across the world in many mythologies. That's why Abrahamic Yahweists fear him.
Fuck you too, Arch-vile.
the game literally stated that Samuel/Samur was the deceiver.
It has always been true, even if for now Hayden is considered a Maykr
Remember in DOOM 2016, at some point they speak about a threat bigger than both Doomguy and Hell or something like that
So what is his goal? I feel like Slayer is being used.
I thought it was a reference to Samhain
Should Doom Forever After have usable mechs and bigger enemies with bigger guts to rip and tear out with a mech?Like titanfall where you can call in a mech
Heck yes!
im going to clear things up, the hologram girl was the one who declared him as a deceiver
Fuck off tripfag
double marauder in master levels when?
Hayden is obviously the real villain.
>stole vega (the father) and caused chaos in Urdak
>Urdak built the hell machines because of his actions
I do feel like they are building up to Slayer being used this whole time and the final game will be pure rage
It definitely looks that way. But it makes even less sense that he'd be fucking around with hell energy in Doom 2016, he should have known better.
Regain his true body or something like that maybe, but I’m this one out of my ass
Anyway he always used the Doomguy, he’s playing 4D chess at least
was Hayden the father of the Icon of Sin?
No, that was the betrayer who we meet early on.
The icon of sin is the betrayer's son. The guy you meet with all the turrets.
The hell machines were built before he stole the Father. The reason Samur rebels in the first place was because of the unholy union.
No that was the asian guy you meet.
No, the Betrayer is the Icon’s father
No, you meet that guy in one of the first missions, he's just called the Betrayer. It's a bit weird how he's just a super-forgettable NPC.
What game?
Coom Eternal
Oh right but the father being gone from Urdak left that bitch in charge for too long.
Gonna be fun to see what shit hayden is up to next game.
who is he?
mystery niggas
Did Hayden give HIS divinity or the Father's divinity to doomguy?
Lets discuss, will this be covered in the DLC or in 2025 when DOOM Forever comes out?
We dont know but he was confirmed dead. In those lore pages you find
Terribly writing honestly. Game was rushed and it shows.
It's Samuel.
Hayden is Satan confirmed
There’s no he would have known about the ancient Martian City otherwise
it's hayden
He's one of the angels if you look at his feet and we can see on Urdak that they have the same tentacle feet without their angel armor.
Im assuming his, because in the penultimate level when you enter the funny chamber the AI voice says welcome seraphim, which you are very not.
He’s the same species as makyr. Look at the tentacles under his robe, and look at the giant dead alien you find in the pool in kahn makyr’s realm
Hayden. Hayden did some shit to become or appear human
His body maybe, but his consciousness isnt. Hayden as a man died from cancer and put his mind into this machine body. Now what if he wasn't actually human and it's the same thing when you think about it. The body died but his mind didn't
Yeah basically with Father being gone the Makyrs cannot replace the Khan (because The Father was involved in that process somehow). Which means the Makyrs are fucked.
How do you start a newgame+ with a new difficulty. I really dont wanna restart with 10 fucking shotgun bullets
Hayden isn't a maykr though and we can see he has the same tentacle feet they do.
Thats because its hayden.
Hayden was once one of them.
It sprinkles the clues through his time on the ship. The ship was myker tech, the humans couldnt understand his alien design, his body is almost exactly like the ship, the story of how the father was removed from Urdak by someone named Sameal, how he knows so much, etc.
You do mission select when choosing your file.
You go into your options and change difficulty there. Also you can only do Mission Select. You can't actually restart the campaign with all the Fortress of Doom cutscenes with all your unlocks. For that you'd need to start a new save slot (meaning you lose your unlocks).
>Hayden constantly laying exposition about places he should have never known about or visited
>Says “Magnificent isn’t it?” When you arrive at Urdak
>Samur says the same line Hayden says in 2016
Why did he betray his own people?
Okay, so Hayden gave you his divinity, then put his brain in a robot body and faked the whole human bit in order to circumvent the loss after stealing the father (VEGA) from Urdak to get back at the current Khan since he doesn't like her.
Did I get that all right?
New game plus the cheats that activate all runes and stuff like that?
I heard you can enable classic weapon sounds.
Where is it in options I cant find it
I'm actually like all the lore that was added with this release.
He used to live there and his armor has the same aesthetic as their city.
Holy shit
just play battlemode for double marauders user
They are obviously the same i don't think this even needs to be discussed
Which line?
Well you have people ITT that literally haven’t figured it out
>Doom ruins it's series with retcon time-travel bullshit
>Half-Life ruins it's series with retcon time-travel bullshit
Why does this keep happening?
He's had some beef with the Khan for some reason which he subtly mentions as 'bad leadership' implying he's distasteful of how she's been running things.
So why did Samuel fuck over his own people?
What's his end game?
All the events of Doom 1 2 and 64 happened though. Nothing was retconned.
destroy the Union
Urdak was so fucking creepy and cool at the same time.
Because you don't know what retcon means. Also your headcanon based off incorrect assumptions =/= real canon. Better luck next time.
same voice actor too lol
He wants to be the final boss of the sequel: DOOM Infernal
Considering Hayden was inside a sentinel-makyr spaceship, maybe he just read some notes or something?
This game has no right to having all this lore, now i want the single player dlcs asap
"This will help you on your journey" both when gifting you some Argent energy in 2016 and when putting you in the Divine machine in Eternal.
I offer you a gift. It will give you strength
literally nothing has been retconned. all of the previous games happened, retard
Honestly I don't understand the point behind this. Not every character and plot point has to go thirteen levels deep with twists and turns where the characters are actually thousands of years old demon/angels with a troubled past who are integral to the story and were secretly a part of a hidden cult organisation responsible for the Doomslayer's strength or whatever. Samuel Hayden was much much cooler as just a scientist guy who feared death and so uploaded his mind into a fucking huge robot. It's simple, but it's fucking leagues more appealing than the generic fucking sci-fi fantasy knights templar LARP that I'll immediately stop caring about. Same with the Doomguy, why does he have to be a dimensional time-traveller who was imbued with the powers of the Gods in order to fight for the mystical alien knight faction? Why can't he just be an angry guy who really hates demons?
Because it's not your story and it's fun to explore different ideas.
>Samuel Hayden
>Samur Maykr
>who was imbued with the powers of the Gods
He obviously had supernatural powers in the 2016 game
Of course you don't understand the point. Go drink gasoline.
Vega mentions that Hayden's body uses the same technology found in the fortress
What kind of faction will samuel lead? He obviously dislikes demons but loves argent
He wants to use humanity for something
Samuel won't be a villain. He's Satan so he wants man (Doomguy) to defeat God (The Father). We may see him get hacked by the father AI and become evil temporarily, but I doubt they will make the Samur Makyr character an evil character.
He wants to be the ruler. He mentions how “it didn’t have to be this way” when talking about the argent factory in hell
What was retconned. Because he is 100% confirmed Doom marine from the original dooms through 64
Nothing really explains how Hayden KNEW that VEGA was needed to make a teleporter in Urdak to get back to Earth eventually. Maybe it's just poor writing but a lot about what Hayden says is too much knowledge. He even knew that the makyr soul factory in Hell was built by Sentinel slaves without the Sentinels knowing.
Also during those games he was just a man. It was only after that he was given the powers. 2016 is post him being empowered
If they're going to explore new ideas they could have at least done something interesting. Templars but in space is just boring.
Yeah, true.
What's the point behind expanding the story and plot to include generic boring factions nobody will remember?
Д is D in Cyrillic you fucking retarded tripnigger
>Nothing really explains how Hayden KNEW that VEGA was needed to make a teleporter in Urdak to get back to Earth eventually. Maybe it's just poor writing but a lot about what Hayden says is too much knowledge. He even knew that the makyr soul factory in Hell was built by Sentinel slaves without the Sentinels knowing.
Wow almost like he’s a Maykr or something...
Does this mean he is morally just or malevolent? Just because he is a makyr doesn't make him bad. He wanted argent to benefit mankind not use mankind to make argent.