Can video game actually be scary?

Can video game actually be scary?
How would you make them scary?

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Havn't been scared by a game since I was a kid but unsettling stuff in games is plentiful. No clue how to instill true fear into a game unless it is a multiplayer with stakes on the line.

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god I had nightmares about this fucker for days. his appearance in the game is so subtle, too. fuck.

A game that takes pictures of you without your permission and uploads it to websites

Name 8 games that do this.



Make a game about being stalked by grey aliens

No. Games where your only options are to run or hide get annoying and repetitive.

There was that one called hum or something like that.

I'm too scared to play a game right now. I'm a pussy tho so idk.

Imagine a Crash horror game where the "monster" is a boulder

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This was scary for me.

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>Take any horror game creature
>remove eyes and nose, only leave the mouth
>suddenly 1000x times scary

i cant exactly explain why

what is this thing even supposed to be

I think not having a gun or knowing that you can't fight back at all is actually a bad thing in horror games
imagine a horror game where you have a gun and only 2 bullets, and it doesn't seem like you're gonna get more ammo any time soon. you'd think twice before shooting at something, you'd think twice even when you are already aiming, what if you miss? what if i can't find more bullets later? what if the bullets are needed for something else later? what if i actually don't have to kill this thing? what if i shoot it and it doesn't die?
but in a game where you know you can't fight back there's no margin of error, you see a bad guy and you know you have to run away or hide and that's it

>horror game starts extremely strong by focusing on the player's fear of the unknown
>second half reveals some supernatural bullshit behind it all
>immersion/suspence of disbelief get immediately broken
>horror factor drops to 0

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I don't find this scary, it's pretty relatable actually. if you can't feel this way you're probably a normalfag.

Eyes show emotion and potential thoughts
Nose show thing is a land creature that needs to breathe and isn't some weird abomination
Mouth shows that it probably eats things...

>game is supernatural bullshit and fear of the unknown from start to finish
>keeps the immersion and suspence up all the way to the end

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Deep water is pretty fucking scary.

Atmosphere > Sounds > Enemy design

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Anatomy by Kitty Horrorshow had me on the edge of my seat, it was one of the more terrifying horror games in my opinion

I don't think you can separate atmosphere and sound from one another they go together. No horror game is good without proper sound design period.

I think they're scary just the first time you get through each section. If you die, it's not scary because you know what's coming up. The tension doesn't come from actual fear but knowing if you die you'll lose your progress.

not even memeing. If you're a MUH IMMERSION MUH ATMOSPHERE fag that stuff will wreck your soul.

Mr X was scary

Maybe I'm just a coward but
>play a game
>really scary
>get to a point i'm too scared to continue playing
>drop the game and pick it up year or two later with intent on getting through it
>even though I'm still going through the bit I played through previously I'm still scared
>even though I know how to make the game's loss of progress null I'm still scared of the game itself
I guess it's easier to "enjoy" horror games if you're actually a pussy

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even baby mode stuff in 2d becomes terrifying in VR, getting filtered hard by the fucking headcrabs in hl alyx atm

Nigga that's just the fuck my shit up face, that's not scary.

Still images with no sound are hardly ever as scary as they could be

I played through condemned criminal origins for the first time recently and found it genuinely spooky. A few jumpscares but theu worked. That last level was fuckin weird though. Burnt fags got under my skin. FUCK mannequins btw.

that's more tension than fear

Wow! Brendan Frasier looks like THAT?!

why should tension and fear not work together in a horror game?

they could, I was just saying

Play as the monster but you don't know your the monster

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Create a game based solely around "scary shit in non-horror games" threads, and PS1/N64 era graphical fuckups and creepypasta. Just sell it as any other genre.

this would be good but I can't ask what game without getting spoilered of the twist fuck

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Ah. I see you too played Darkwood.

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My friend told me that he considers Dark Souls horror.
That's when I realize that the definition of horror is loose as fuck.

The threat of your save being deleted upon failure. You can have any spooky character you want to fulfill the antagonist role. Hell plenty of games have it as a difficulty mode but can you imagine what kind of landscape gaming would look like if every spook game had that by default?

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Just make it a lil unsettling instead of trying to make a Hollywood production

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Jumps scares, sure
Actually scary, no

Niggers, maybe some tentacles. Just add lots of niggers.

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I don't know if I'm blessed or cursed but I don't give a shit about loss of progress I can easily get scared in a horror game even knowing I would only lose a minute or two game time

Real life will always be more frightening than anything we can imagine

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>Good sound design
>Good monster design (assuming you want monsters)
>Don't explain too much/show your hand
The Silent Hill osts scare the hell out of me every time I hear one of the more experimental tracks. The visual imagery the "music" provides on its own is enough to upset me. Darkness combined with good sound direction can cause the imagination to run wild.
I guess all of that still depends on the person playing it though. I personally like to self insert into horror games and immerse myself as much as possible, meanwhile some players seem to constantly remind themselves that they're just playing a video game and keep that mindset through the entire experience. I prefer my way since that's the way I believe these games are meant to be played. Using common sense just makes it like any other game.

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Real life allows me to get the fuck out before going balls deep in scary shit though

it becomes fear when you put the player in a spooky setting

Poor Bo.

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This was neat until leddit caught wind of it and fagged it up

Just apply it to an already scary game. Boom 10 times scarier. 20 hours in could all be lost in an instant. Certainly gets the heart pounding imo

pretty sure that game has no "win condition" though which is imo an essential in a horror game. sure odds can be as stacked against the player as possible but there has to be a "way out" too or else in the end the player will just feel they wasted their time. you might be stuck in a haunted house with whatever plot-relevant things blocking you from breaking out but in the end the player HAS to get out and escape back to the "real world"

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thing is the game I'm playing has a permadeath mode but I'm already scared as is while playing the "casual" mode with little to no punishment for getting killed. maybe permadeath helps people with balls but I get scared/immersed to the game without threat of progress loss

Didn't play RE2 or the remake, but Jack in RE7 was kinda scary.
Also, this It's a crime Akira Yamaoka doesn't get to make more horror OSTs. He is a fucking genius.

VR games are scary, purely because you lose a lot of your senses. I hate the feeling of not having full and total control of my body, and VR’s limited control set does that to me.
PLUS, wearing a headset and not being able to see your actual surroundings is terrifying

>I'm still getting recommended lore expansions of this fucking thing
Fucking normalfags just move on already you've ruined it.

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To be fair it was already really stupid.

Fatal frame was nice. Imagine a 2020 remake

>Can video game actually be scary?

>How would you make them scary?
I’d try to go the psychological horror route because games as a medium are limited in the sense that you are literally in control. In order to make it scary you’d have to make it out of the player’s control. Like fuck with the UI, make it seem like something is happening when it is not and vice versa.

heres an example

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I dont know but a game based on the Killswitch creepypasta where the game deletes itself after completion would be awesome

Or ditch the self deletion, i really like the atmosphere from the Killswitch creepypasta

Honestly thought from the eye it was Ainsley Harriott

I would add some blood around the mouth to make it clearer it has eaten and will eat if it keep walking

>1 earthquake could wreck your shit
spelunking has to be the stupidest activity

wtf where'd you get this picture of me after bingedrinking


Post good creepypastas, haven't found anything good recently. All time fav is Rabbits in the Creek

What game??

Amnesia kinda.

Or worse: overconfidence

>last level involves shutting all the lights off to make finding clues easier but removing your sense of security on the process

The game dragged a little bit but that whole section has always stuck with me - removing that mental safety net not because I want to but because I just have to.

Headless zombies always a good one

>oh no im so used to them dying after their head is blown off oh god what do i do now

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Its a terrifying and simple concept on its own because it uses familiar things that we wouldn't like, and presents it in such a way that we can easily imagine it.

Ruining it because they're beating the horse to death aside, its a really neat idea.
It combines being trapped, being forced somewhere with no return beyond your control, suspense, a feeling of danger, discomfort all in one image and a paragraph