It was one of those type of games where you either loved it, or you hated it...

It was one of those type of games where you either loved it, or you hated it. And if you ask me it didn't even start really getting bad until Final Fantasy X. But this one is where it all started going wrong. It seems like they wanted to change everything from the last Final Fantasy game. The characters, the look, the feel, the sound, even the focus. They decided to change the plot completely into one based more around a central love story than any kind of plot that centers around saving the world.

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The plot was actually a giant clusterfuck

yeah if you're dumb

The love story just kind of happens because Rinoa doesn't give a shit about the walls Squall throws up to avoid getting attached to people or having them see how he really is.
At the same time, the whole "save the world" plot also just kind of happens. Also aliens and every Laguna segment.
I loved this game, but I wish the writing was even a bit more focused.

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>Rinoa doesn't give a shit about the walls Squall throws up to avoid getting attached to people or having them see how he really is.

I wish girls in real life were like that.

best FF game

Yeah, but Rinoa is also an incompetent retard. And if the girl wasn't cute, you'd just be extremely annoyed.

Being smart or dumb doesn't make a plot less of a clusterfuck, user.

okay dumb dumb

It was, but for me the game was fun enough that I liked the game, even if the plot was a disappointment at the end.
Disc 1 and Laguna scenes are kino though.

The whole story is basically unedited and could have been rewritten with half the material to provide a much more cohesive plot.

You don't know anything about writing or plotting, breh.

>Remake FF7, a game which is perfectly fine on its own and has already been milked to death purely because retards who never actually played 7 keep saying it's the greatest JRPG ever made
>Decide to rewrite or expand on parts of the game and its plot to entertain new and returning audiences
>Make a slipshod HD-ish edition of FF8 with reused assets and cheap filters that looks worse than just applying a fan patch to the original
>When it's probably the one FF most in need of a complete story rewrite

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whatever you say dumb dumb

Yeah, but Evolutionary Theory is a real bitch, IRL. Girls and their offspring wouldn't have survived without being turbo bitches who lust after Chad. Only the Catholic Era allowed 80% of men to get with women. Before that, it was the top 20% (or less) getting all the tail. Real Life is a bitch and she bats 1,000.

>Remake FF7, a game which is perfectly fine on its own
It really wasn't. As much as I love turn based Jrpgs the FF ones aged like shit. And the visuals of FFVII aged worse than anything on the console. Desp havi amazing characters and art direction that will really be enhanced by the Remake.
>Decide to rewrite or expand on parts of the game and its plot to entertain new and returning audiences
source? I really hope they didn't rewrite much.
>Make a slipshod HD-ish edition of FF8 with reused assets and cheap filters that looks worse than just applying a fan patch to the original
I mean yeah but it's not as iconic and the aorld isn't as interesting. I think they should do this for all the PSX games though, like how REmake 2 jumped right into 3. 7/8/9 should all get the remake treatment.

Well, it's true. I'm sorry the umbilical cord strangled you in utero and fucked up your brain from oxygen deprivation, but thems the breaks. Shit clusterfuck plot/story.

>and art direction that will really be enhanced by the Remake.

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>umbilical cord

dude i love bloodborne

>source? I really hope they didn't rewrite much.
It's in that recent team interview where they explained the reason for Midgar taking up an entire game's release.
Shit like wanting to give people more time to get attached to Biggs, Wedge, Jessie, and Aeris. I doubt they'll rewrite very much of the game in the end.

All of the characters in my party are level 99, and I'm only on Disc 1.

How hard have I fucked myself?

>Levels in FFVIII
Are you terminally retarded?
Serious question, you supposedly grinded all the way up to L99 in disc one and you need to ask whether you're in trouble?

>you supposedly grinded all the way up to L99 in disc one and you need to ask whether you're in trouble?

Yeah, since enemies level up with you.

Nah. I didn't love it or hate it. I liked it, kinda. Fuck your post and fuck your thread.

But FFX is the best in the series. Another brainlet filtered, I guess

you're able to draw stronger magic from higher level enemies so it's whatever

Most of the characterization and world building seems to be in optional scenes

I didn't mind Rinoa, but replying the game is making me kinda dislike her. The forced romance is not good

Enemies stats scale faster than you when they 'level up' to match your average. You should have leveled up when you got the GF ability that provides bonus stats on level up, or farming for items to refine chain into stat boosters.

>You should have leveled up when you got the GF ability that provides bonus stats on level up

I got them, but I ignored them. :)

Don't grind for levels, grind for magic. Draw from Diablos as soon as you get the magic lamp, junction it and you'll steamroll most of the game hard enough that you won't even think about leveling up, you'll be looking for new magic to draw.

So you're actually terminally retarded, not a surprise given you play these games but I hoped for something better in 2020.
Levels don't matter in FFVIII because all enemies have a level ceiling (not like that matters either since nothing in the game is designed to pose a threat) so even by levelling all the way up to 99 they won't reach level 99 on their end.
Moreover, you can still cap every single stat and resitance up to 255 (Which doesn't matter either since 150 is already enough to destroy the game), you have several ways to keep all your party members in a literal invincible state where you don't take any damage at all, you can just spam limit breaks on haste while anything in the game struggles to even get a turn before dying etc.
Seriously, you wasted hours grinding to level 99 in the first disc and not only you didn't take you time to actually observe what you were doing, you lack the basic common sense to even be aware of it, there's is no difference whether you play at level 99 or level 10, nothing in the game changes at any level outside of enemies having a slightly bigger HP pool which ultimately doesn't matter outside of making you spam one or two renzokuken more than you would at lower levels, the game is fundamentally broken on all possible mechanical aspects.

>this one is where it all started going wrong
No, that's where your post started getting retarded.

Please don't hate me.

Enemies gets new moves at certain levels.

FF IX and X are my top two favorite games, and my favorite game all time is FFx and VII. So explain that idiot

>FF IX and X are my top two favorite games
>my favorite game all time is FFx and VII
Explain your butchery of the English langauge

I haven't played past X tho


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the rest all suck.
how did it get worse?

>gamefaqs posts here

I stopped reading when I saw XV, but also glimpsed XIII right after it as I looked away in pure disgust, so I'm here to tell you that you very nearly got me. You devil.

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In my opinion Final Fantasy VIII needed another six months to a year of extra development. The mechanics in the game just aren't intuitive or fun to use. All players wind up doing is summoning GF's over and over. There also just aren't as many interesting abilities or spells to use like there were in FFVII. Of-course, in FF8 you are discouraged from casting spells anyway.The story problems could be resolved with a couple rewrites, but all that is secondary to the mechanics.

Honestly the most fun I ever had in FFVIII was the last time I played it but I played it a certain way with my own rules. Basically, I never switched spell inventories between characters and I assigned each GF to one character only. This meant each party member felt unique. This didn't totally fix the dis-incentive to cast spells, but it did help. Made the game harder too since each character was weaker since they only had one or two GF's.

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I am being 100% sincere. FFs turn based systems were way to simple/generic and people who criticize the modern games for this have such insane levels of nostalgia clouded vision to not understand the irony.
FFXV delivered on what makes FF good. A great cast of characters, and a really cool world and art direction. Whilst the road trip with the boys and camping system was comfy as hell. The combat was not amazing but it was serviceable and moderately satisfying. especially the ridiculously long Hunts and the any hunt you are grossly underleveled for but do anyway. XIII is not right after XII has it beat by a metric mile.

I think the writing is fine until the orphanage bit. Really, I don't see why it even needed to be part of the plot. What does the orphanage revelation really add to the characters and their relationship?

that was XII right after not XIII

It's there because they foreshadowed amnesia being a factor right at the start of the game if you read the info terminals in class. And also so they can write Quistis out of being a love interest for Squall.
That's more or less it.

>if you read the info terminals in class.

Oh, so bad storytelling. Gotcha.
I sat there and listened to this shit for like 30 minutes

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>it's not as iconic and the world isn't as interesting.
Personally I found the world of 8 to be way more interesting than 7.

The fact that you keep replying seriously to him proves you're fucking retarded.

As I said, IX and X are my favorite games, and my favorite game of all time is FFX and VII. So again, go ahead and explain that one.... idiot

>It's there because they foreshadowed amnesia being a factor right at the start of the game
That is only technically true. Most people totally overlook it for a good reason: it's barely mentioned and most of that is in side content that most players never bother to look at. Rest is off-hand throw-away dialog. It is very poorly communicated. They should have worked it more into the plot or scrapped the idea entirely.

Seriously, the setting is interesting but total fucking nonsense. The game would benefit immensely from a proper remake, both combat and story.

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>The love story just kind of happens because Rinoa doesn't give a shit about the walls Squall throws up to avoid getting attached to people or having them see how he really is.
The way she goes about it makes her come off as an obnoxious bitch though, especially when Squall wasn't even interested in her shit for the most part until fucking disck 3

Squall is a shockingly well written character for the era. His motivations, introspection, struggling with inner emotional conflict, its all pretty well done.
I just wish we got more Garden missions like that first one. Everything about that was awesome. Easily one of my most remembered moments in gaming.

You don't need to convince me. Rinoa's probably my least liked part of 8 overall.

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Let me try
>IX X = favorite games
>FFX VII = favorite games of all time
The only way to decipher this is to assume that FFX is a different game than plain X, correct?

It's a very comfortable setting, that's for sure. I'm not sure how interesting I find it. I mean it is all fairly straightforward. I suppose though that I'd love to know more about the historical sorceresses and more about Ultimecia's backstory and own period.

why would your favourite ff games and favourite games be different?

Please explain the difference between your favourite games, and your favourite game (of all time).
Typically when something is your favourite, it is singular and chief among things you like. If you can't settle on one thing, you have multiple favourites depending on how you feel.
You can't have both multiple favourites and two singular favourite games of all time.

Jesus, it's Ben and Gabriel all over again

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