How would you have rewritten the story to be less...well, shit?
How would you have rewritten the story to be less...well, shit?
Delivered a story about going after Samuel Hayden instead of this retarded alien faction war nonsense
this would've been the best course of action. Make it more personal
>making sense
lmao go fuck yourself incel
Cut out all the bizarre fantasy shit like NIGHT SENTINELS, KHAN MAYKR, EXULTIA, like nigger what the fuck are you talking about, it's fucking DOOM.
>make urdak a portion of heaven, so heaven can still have its flying ancient temples on clouds, rainbows, feather angels, eye rings and shit and jesus is referenced but not met in person
>hell in more independent in terms of background, specially for how demons are made
ok, now you propose a suitable alternative
>Doomperson arrives on Earth
>its crawling with homo demons
>he begins to shoot at them
>thats the extent of the story
>at some point players find a secret room with a corpse of Dr. Hayden, funkopops, and official video apology from the devs for introducing this retarded shit in the first place
>Game starts where you left off in the last game
>You've been knocked into stasis
>Hayden's attempt to use robots to stop hell has failed
>Earth is overrun with demons
>You kill them all or whatever
There you go. That'll be $20,000 or whatever writers get paid.
What if Doomguy was, well, a girl?
>Playing Doom for the story
Jesus Christ.
Replace the story with doomguy screeching at every demon he sees
Even when you find Hayden he barely says anything worthwhile, he just turns into an exposition dump robot.
No confrontation or mention of the betrayal at all, fucking disappointing.
Just take the premise of Doom 2 and fucking expand on it + Hayden. That's it. That was essentially what they did with 2016. I honestly have no idea what this Dungeons and Dragons shit is.
i'd prefer if they had separate digital book that comes with the game and you can read it.
can't really get into searching for codex entries and reading them randomly while i play
take out the retarded huge guts rip and tear bullshit, give hayden and betrayer larger roles. maybe do an even better job of ignoring d44m's story just to annoy the homos who actually liked that kusoge. other than that it's fine.
I wouldn't rewrite it because it's not my story or canon. I'm merely a consumer and I acknowledge this and would feel embarrassed to piggyback off other people's creativity and think I know better.
This is what I expected and what I wish we got.
Game is still amazing but holy shit this corny story needs to fuck off.
They put it in there, they said they want to build up a 'Doom Universe', it should be fair game to criticize it. This was a poor outing. It's earnest at least, it legitimately seems like something they wanted to take seriously, at the same time it reads like something a metalhead high school kid scribbled in his notebook back in the mid 80's.
and then mid-game Samuel Hayden turns himself into robot Satan as his name bit implies, you have to travel to Angel world and then beat shit out off them to get an artifact they don't want to give up so you can finish off Hayden in the final battle on his robot castle on earth or some shit, throw him into a lake of fire and bible some bible shit. The End.
>at the same time it reads like something a metalhead high school kid scribbled in his notebook back in the mid 80's.
You wrote this in another thread. The general consensus it was that, "Yes, that's what Doom literally is." Which IS true.
>Non cringe writing
>Story doesnt need to be complex but at least to give a fuck about
>Remove stupid flame thrower and other unnecessary bullshit
>Dont have so many fucking upgrade systems at once, just remove the suit upgrade system ffs you idiots
>Spent time making the last boss fight actually good.
>Just give more fucks about the game
>No cringe cutscenes
>Teach the player the systems without so many pop-up tutorials
>Keep Doomguy fully covered and never even show his face I like him as a mystery machine kinda like Master Halo
I did like this game but it needed aa little bit more love especially in the storytelling department
1.Demons attack.
2.He shoots demons.
>it reads like something a metalhead high school kid scribbled in his notebook back in the mid 80's.
This is literally their explicit approach to everything in these games.
>Doom Universe
I fucking hate Marvel for pushing this trend of every story needing some giant interconnected web of series and spinoffs
I can already see the next Quake game referencing events from Doom and basedboys creaming themselves BECAUSE IT IS ALL CONNECTED BRUH
that's what happened
Nothing, it's fine. Works well with the larger id setting which it's now clear they're going for.
Congratulations, nearly 30 years and you finally understood id's design philosophy.
Except it's all been connected since Quake 3 Arena, so this is just them continuing in the same vein.
So I love the idea of a modern fantasy FPS but im not sure why they felt the need to dilute DOOM with it. Like they mixed Hexen and Doom with this game and it makes the story turn out like shit. The gameplay itself is great but the whole story I was kind of just mindblown at how fucking dumb and out of fucking nowhere this was all coming from. Who the fuck are these people? What the fuck?
Get me back to the sci fi + demons shit that I know, this is fucking retarded. Put me back in hell fighting demons if you want to explore fantasy shit, don't send me to exultia and shit that looks like 40k and give me a space base that looks like a cathedral.
I really will never understand their thought process behind the story here. And the humanizing of the demons was about the absolute worst thing you could do if your idea was to continue to portray doomguy as an unhinged rage golem.
I can't refund the pre-order coz I spent too many hours in Doom 64 ffs. Eternal just never clicked with me, wanted to play a shooter, not a first person God of War with glory kills.
They took everything weak from 2016 and based the game around it; if the next Doom game's in 3rd person there'd be no surprises.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Doomguy doesn't speak at all
>Less Rip and Tear in the dialog, it should stay something of a joke
>He doesn't rise through the ranks of Argent N'Dur Sentinels, rather they figure they have a crazy lunatic on their planet who happen to be really enthusastic about killing "demons", so when weird creatures start invading they give him a sword and sic him on the horde
>The Makyr are not aliens, they are more magical in nature, like the demons
>Doomguy wasn't made immortal by Makyr technology, it's just something they assume happened
>Some bro moment between Doomguy and Vega
Really the story isn't bad, I just think it gives away too much of the backstory of the MC compared to the mute demigod he was in 2016
>at the same time it reads like something a metalhead high school kid scribbled in his notebook back in the mid 80's
So... something like the original DOOM team would have come up with?
>first game ends on a cliffhanger that hes the villain
>second game ignores this entirely
Why would you go after Hayden? He did nothing wrong.
>first game ends on a cliffhanger that hes the villain
It doesn't. He very clearly say he's only doing what he does because the alternative is much worse, which is what he has been saying since the beginning of the game. He doesn't even try to lock you up and just send you away. People are now saying he's also the villain of Eternal despite the fact that all he does is organize human resistance and provide you with useful information.
he took your shiny sword what do you mean he did nothing wrong you fuck
Fucking boring.
>non cringe this non cringe that
Ok, now try not being vague.
>a literal premise with no details
>one that continues directly where the previous game left off
Are you retarded?
>streamline everything and remove features
Todd Howard is that you? You already ruined Fallout and Elder Scrolls, stay away from DOOM.
Revenge plot 101 is definitely more boring than what we got.
too late
>going after Samuel Hayden makes the game a revenge plot
Are you retarded?
I don't know if Doomguy would have the self-control to work with Hayden.
Some features add depth, some add breadth. Learn the difference, it could save your life.
Haven't been able to play it yet since I doubt get paid until the 5th b-b-but from what I've heard the lore behind the demons and aliens actually sounds pretty cool. Could have been worse anyway. See pic related
This. If you want to go all out fantasy then draw from the Bible and the occult and not whatever Korean MMO shit they were obsessed with. Such a weird direction to take this series
Maybe it takes place immediately after 2016? Why leave the game on a cliffhanger and then just start up in what seems like a reboot
>it reads like something a metalhead high school kid scribbled in his notebook back in the mid 80's.
You never owned any original copy and read the instruction books they came with did you?
holy fucking shit this
this new story shit and lore is fucking retarded
Why not ? Despite literally going to hell, and spearheading the development of hell-based energy, Hayden seems completely indifferent to anything the demons might offer. He obviously fucked up, but tried to stop the invasion anyway, and back on earth he tried to develop artificial argent energy using the Crucible and organised the resistance when the demons attacked. When you meet him in the second game he's in pieces, probably because he was at the frontline of a fight. You save him and immediatly after that he tells you all you need to know to stop the Makyr and the Icon of Sin.
He's shady and hides things from you, but he's also the one that made you immortal. HE'll probably betray you when it turns out he's been playing the very long con but so far it'll be foolish to not work with him because he tried to save his planet.
>Start on second hardest difficulty
>Pop-up immediately tells me how to kill every demon before I encounter them
Eternal s story was fine. Continue seething peasants.
The excuse-plot is serviceable, don't know what the problem is
It honestly smacks far more of Quake than Doom at this point. Which I'm okay with since we won't be getting a new Quake anytime soon after Champions bellyflopped.
Go into your options and turn off tutorials and hints
>Pop up tutorials
Holy shit this. I know it's not a huge deal because overall it took just a few minutes total, but it's like the game thinks we're fucking morons. I think I grasp the concept of throwing grenades.
Go into Yas Forums's Options and turn off your tripcode, faggot.
Forget this dumb argent/maykr/sentinel nonsense.
At least make UAC more than just a complete gag "Haha, sacrifices are funny" corporation that makes Umbrella look competent. I mean Bertruger wasn't great but he was better than Olivia.
Doomguy has no lines.
>introduce an entirely new realm of creation with the maykr's homeworld
>it's completely empty
>you immediately kill off the bitch running it with no issues after being warned all game not to mess with them
>the realm is invaded by demons, corrupted and abandoned after literally one level
>they weren't even angels anyway
well there goes a lot of potential down the drain all to push the 'wow doomguy's so strong what a power fantasy' junk
the UAC were fine, they just had the slight problem of being pitted against fucking Hell
The story is no big deal at the end of the day but the opening could have been way better. It felt like I missed a tie-in comic book or some shit, it's so bad.