Rank the Animal Crossings

NH has been out for a while, how does it stack up?

NL > NH > GCN > WW > CF >>>> spinoffs

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But it's been years since I played the OG so take it as you will

>4 days

This game has no content wtf

NH > NL > GC > WW > CF

Never played the spinoffs. Only played the GameCube one a little, but it definitely has the best music/atmosphere. Didn't play much Wild World, but was overall decent and introduced cool stuff. Spent some time on City Folk and it was okay. Spent a lot of time on New Leaf and really enjoyed it. New Horizons is good so far, and I love the hugely improved customization, but it's kind of a slow start.

NH = NL >> WW > GCN >>>>> CF

This is a literal 100% irrefutably perfect list.

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I agree with you, but I feel like once all the NH content rolls out in the next year, it will be able to pass up NL

swap WW and CF and it's perfect

That post has no content wtf

4 days in quarantine is like 4 weeks mate

Your ranking seems good

If you're a normie

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lol no

NL > GC > WW > NH >CF
People pretending NH is good are still in their honeymoon period.
The crafting system is terrible
Material gathering is RNG
Furniture options are terrible and most have been cut
Everyone is banking that we're going to get steady content updates that haven't been confirmed at all.

NL > GC > NH > WW > CF
If they fix being able to craft multiple items at once, add in the cut NPC’s and the horrendous online waiting NH could be second place

Is it only going to be seasonal updates? I haven't been paying much attention to future details

NH > WW > GCN > NL > CF

Haven't played N64/GCN since it was new. What did they take away in WW to make it worse?

What's with people ranking WW highly? It's objectively worse than CF in every measure.

The crafting and RNG gives me more to do and more small goals . Furniture are way better now even if the selection is smaller since 90% of the shit in previous games felt out of place and terrible. Nintendo has also been adding DLC to pretty much everyone of their latest games and Animal crossing is literally the perfect game for it considering its real time. I can see how you personally might not like some of the changes but your complaints are not objective in any way

>Worst QoL on a lot of things
>missing a lot of content
>best customization, graphics
>still comfy as fuck
People forget about some annoyances like how much easier it is to change hairstyles over having to answer questions and look up what you want, but the game has some really strange design choices that just seem like oversight. It's best understood when reading interviews where they put in crafting literally to be a timesink more than anything else. Honestly, the only thing I am really lacking right now besides QoL shit like crafting multiple things is a proper catalog checklist. The game itself should have put a mark or something next to an item you already have. A shame.

Also, does anyone know if you lose your daily ATM streak when Nook is upgrading?

It sold alot more so people rank what they actually played higher. Also handhelds are top comfy for AC

Wait, can you use custom artwork for wallpaper/flooring in your house?

CF is just wild world rehashed and with dry grass mechanics. WE deserved credit for coming first and being first portable AC

I didn't even think about the portability so I was wrong, it's not better in EVERY measure, but to me CF felt like such a strict upgrade I can't imagine liking WW more if you actually played a substantial amount of both of them.

Even the atmosphere in WW I hate. It feels like you're playing in some kind of fucking wasteland because of how much of the town is just nasty, shitty-looking dirt.


For some games, not for AC.

NL > NH > GCN > CF > WW > PC

Not played NH yet but for me its



CF is pretty much just a buffed up Wild World. It's pretty much Dōbutsu no Mori+ for Wild World. I get that it was disappointing as a follow-up to WW, but taken on its own, it's strictly better.

I'm happy with the furniture available because most of them can be customized, giving better options for actually mixing and matching furniture sets and more variety with a single furniture set.
I'm happy with the game as it is.

QoL seems better in NH for pretty much everything except for tools breaking and the multiplayer cutscenes. But that's just me, what are your grievances?

Not him but inventory is by far my biggest issue with the game. Needing spots for tools (multiple for each if you don’t want to spend time crafting), crafting resources, fish, bugs all get your 30 spot inventory full very quickly

All of these things were there in the previous games aswell. Animal crossing doesnt have the greatest UX if you are used to the snappy menus of of other modern games

I fucking love everything about NH except for breakable tools, which are so annoying that they're already killing my motivation to play. I miss bug hunting and fishing for hours without worrying about my shit breaking.

>all these people ranking NL first

This desu

Not him, but I don't care about snappiness. I just want a tool belt or something separate from my inventory.

Most likely their first AC

there's another inv upgrade later on bringing it to 4 rows

Why the fuck does everyone keep ranking GCN so highly?

Because they were 12 when it came out in 2012.

Attached: twelve.png (550x731, 118.63K)

best atmosphere in a series where comfiness is half the draw

The golden tools seem like garbage in this one. At the very least they shouldnt break, but from what Ive heard they just kinda last a little bit longer.

SOUL vs SOULLES cashgrab

Me too but you always had to waste inv slots for tools, no? Alot more stuff also stack in this game, and the inventory is bigger once upgraded

NL = GCN > WW > CF
Although they're all pretty close.

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Animal Personalities, NES Games, Tiled Maps

I'm pretty happy to hear that. Thanks, user.

No, but really, a lot of what it did was new and exciting for the time, it had a bit more variety and atmosphere with villager conversations, some villagers were downright bitchy.
I don't think it's the best in the series, but I do agree it's probably the most comfy and charming one, and a lot of what it did was something that no other game had done before, really.

>Claiming NL had soul
zoom zoom

Yes. It's not worse than the other games, it's just annoying in the same way.
Switching tools is way better now with the tool ring, though, and I wasn't aware of a second inventory upgrade.

I don't see how anyone can consider NL to be a good game when Blathers doesn't have any commentary for your donations.

The game has no soul.

WW or GCN are the best, even if they're more limited in gameplay.

Loving NH, never really got into NL. I am disappointed at the removal of basic AC staples though, like why aren't there fucking bananas in the game set on an island. Also gyroids, I hope they add stuff down the line.

GC > NH > WW > NL >>>>>>>>> CF

blathers has commentary in NH but if you are donating a bunch of stuff it's a pain to read them all, and to make matters worse there are no facts in the displays or the critterpedia. It's a step forward and two steps back.

I wouldn't be surprised if they bring back bananas and other fruits in future updates.

WW and CF and practically the same game they re not that far apart

>strictly better
Maybe if you're going for a desert/wasteland theme for your town LOL

Wild World has no grass degradation and had the excuse of being handheld for a lack of content.
CF had no such excuse.

New Leaf is the most overrated shit.
>soulless city hub
>no house sign mean villagers destroy your town

And he doesn't talk about how he'd cook the fish anymore :(