One Way Heroics

Is this you, Yas Forums?

>look through steam library to play something new while in quarantine
>One Way Heroics has never been touched despite buying it in a steam sale 3 years ago because someone said it was a hidden gem and cost less than a dollar

Don't let this be you. Let's have a One Way Heroics thread.

Attached: OWH on the backlog.png (930x500, 231.34K)

Thoughts on a seed? I'm thinking of "BACKLOG".

Roll for class, if you can't decide.

Attached: OWH Roll.png (465x214, 7.45K)

Backlog is good.

Mix of cases, or all uppercase?

Jokes on you, I've already done the tourist tour book thing. albeit with saving

Guess I'll go with BACKLOG in all caps.

Rolling for class.

Oh boy, incoming instant death from back attacks.

BACKLOG starts in ruins.

I hope there aren't a lot of fucking tigers in this world.

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There's a large amount of good stuff laying all over the place. Seems like it'll be a good run.

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Thread might die though, board is moving pretty fast without anyone else to bump it.

Prairies is the next zone. Looks like not starving to death is on today's menu.

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>setting up door facing a mountain
Everytime. Hope I can find some allies quickly. Walking around with my back exposed like this is making me nervous.

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>firebreathing dog boss
Not fighting that with shit equipment.

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Guess I'm not going to loot that shop.

Bump the thread.

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Found an Albert. At least he can take some hits.

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I have played the original but not this one.

Attached: OWH.png (546x302, 167.59K)

MCOWH is okay, and actually has more content with a lot more classes and items. But I still prefer the original.


Thanks for the fruit. Not even rotted.

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Looks like there's a queen up there, but no way I can reach her in time with the Demon Lord on my ass.

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Wait what is this?
I'm getting Elona vibes.

One Way Heroics, roguelike with a gimmick where the screen is constantly getting eaten up from left to right. Kill the Demon Lord to stop the Darkness before it consumes the entire world, is the basic premise.

Made by the Wolf RPG engine dev, which you might know as the other engine for hentai games that isn't RPGMaker.

Also has an online feed that displays the progress of other people playing in the same seed.

You can see it on the left.

Attached: start.png (640x480, 341.37K)

And when they die, an NPC ghost can spawn in your instance that drops an item from their inventory on death.


Got some wooden arrows, or a fruit.

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Got the Queen showing up again. In hindsight, it was a great thing that the door was opened without troubles, because goddamn Albert could have shot her in the face.

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>fluffy animal boss

Attached: start.png (640x480, 480.43K)

mystery dungeon devs fucked it with their fetish to put invisible traps that can completely fuck you over everywhere

Found ANOTHER Queen Frieda dungeon. Minus Queen Frieda, of course.

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I'm gonna join in. I played this for like 10 hours years ago.
What difficulty do you guys play on?

I'm playing on Hard, but generally people are just playing on whatever they feel like. The only thing that's really kept consistent is the same Seed.

>zenura weave
>character strips completely
was this a bad idea

I bought a pack with both OWH original and mystery chronicles and started by MC so I never played original. Played like 250 hours of MC without ever understanding how to unlock the true ending, decided to spoil myself and the solution was so bullshit I never touched the game again

Just don't get hit.

How's it go for MC? It's pretty straightforward in the original, depending on what you call the true ending anyway.

Ah fuck, tiger time.

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I said true ending but the problem is that it's the normal ending and I don't know how someone was supposed to figure the wall thing by himself. Maybe some item descriptions were hinting it but it's too bullshit to not have a npc clearly state that you have to hit the left corner of the screen because it has an hp bar.

Oh thank god, it isn't a tiger squad.

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If you mean you have to fight the advancing wall consuming the world, it's pretty obvious in the base game.

If you ever get yourself killed by it, or just stupidly walk into it, you'll quickly find out the advancing wall in the base game is actually a giant dragon hidden in the shadows. If you get an ending by advancing 2000km without killing the Demon Lord, the epilogue for that ending will show that you need to throw a Holy Weapon at the Darkness to trigger the battle.

Is fighting the advancing wall in MCOWH what you're talking about?

Finally found an appraiser for the armor. Had to jerryrig it to keep using it though.

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Thanks for a 2WT shield.

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Story elements and what happens in game is way too confusing. In MC the demon lord is replaced by a girl that happens to be protected by a barrier that nullifies the first 20 hits she takes. Holy weapons are also described as barrier breaking. And what happens when you fight her with an holy weapon is that she will take damage without having to break that barrier. For me the usefullness of holy weapons stopped there. I did finish the 2000km ending only once then all my runs were 10000km

Fortress terrain.

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I think he meant that you need a holy weapon so you can throw it into the darkness and start the fight against the dragon for one of the endings.

Used up one of my 2 free Hero brainwashings for this guy. Should be good.

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Finally found a merchant to offload some of my loot. Wish I could find some people to teach me force powers now. Or a third ally.

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Neat, Albert decided to give me a high ranked rifle for once.

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I only got it because better graphics and was cheap in a sale

I wouldn't say it's a bad game, just not as enjoyable as the original for me. And to be honest, I haven't really played it as much as the original.

Found a Holy Shrine at 915km. Hope you got a key. Or the Queen, who I just remembered can open the doors after I wasted this scroll.

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Only one chest in here, might have been useful if I actually learned any force spells.

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Found a Demon Lord Shrine.

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Rollan gimmie a goodie

Found another shrine. Too stupid to tell what axe I found.

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Yet another shrine.

Attached: start.png (640x480, 374.94K)

Guess I'll join. Here we go.

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Hm, maybe I should have kept her, she had masochist.

Attached: start.png (640x480, 614.42K)

Going to Fantasy India. Where's all the merchants?

Attached: start.png (640x480, 589.35K)

Damn, that looks really good. is that from actual game or some Art-station shit ?

I don't actually remember. I think it was from some Korean or possibly Chinese mobage.
The only thing I remember was that it was incredibly disappointing. Which is a shame because it does look good doesn't it?

Been a while since someone died.


Thanks for a 4WT sword.

Attached: start.png (640x480, 607.24K)

Google suggests she's from King's Raid. Further google searches seems to support that.

I was too cocky and used the training bracelet too much
Gonna try again, this time with Hunter instead of Ninja since I never have the guts to use Ninja skills that take my Max ST anyway

Make sure the enemy isn't right next to you when you drop a landmine unless you want to die.

Almost lost my brainwashed knight to one of these stupid teleport traps.

Attached: start.png (640x480, 551.86K)

>I think it was from some Korean or possibly Chinese mobage.
yea google search bring me to some Asian mobage shit called King's Raid.
disappointing like you() said because it looks soo good.

Going to Furry Land.

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I have the shitty unoptimized one with the pretty art. It's alright.


Thanks for another sword, it was worth 172 silvers.

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You could play that too in this thread, some other people have it and might join in your world.