Post your villagers

Post your villagers

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lets see some anime/cartoon references people!

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Why are villagers so much more fuckable in New Horizons?

Is that Ralf from KOF?

Hah, I'm dumb. Thought it was Ralf from the thumbnail.


still need those black sandals.....

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Sasuke Trannychia I wouldn't wanna be ya

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Fuck yeah a wharf roach!

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These puns are killing me

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I miss the days when people like this didn't exist.

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i just wanted to look smug god damnit.

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Smug is the chosen emotion of LGBTQ+ people anyway. So you're probably gay too.

Then why not lenny face?

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You're not actually going to let some rando on social media effect your fun are you?

He has a point though.

thats reddit but atleast not lgbtq

the difference is that you're using a dude
unlike tr*nnies who pick the girl

who cares, people should continue to use the mouth however they want just ignore them.

t. ranny

you are fine don't change it just ignore them. if you want the smug mouth keep it.

There's always this post when getting called out for the tranny mouth.
Shut the fuck up and stop ruining children's games, faggot.

no, i just have thick skin and don't let a few people ruin something for me.

if a few people say playing games is for gay people only are you going to honestly stop playing games?

i'm the only gay i know of in my friend group and i'm one of the only ones that didn't choose that mouth

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What's the proper way of time travelling? I just want to skip tomorrow and get the town hall


For the 3rd design just fill it in red and put a 1px wide column of black to the right of the center line so it matches the front of the hat. 2px wide ones look too weird

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What a cutie.

bro it takes like five seconds to make your own, it's not a complex design.

Proper way would be to set your clock back before you start the game so you can catch up to today when you're done cheating

Wheres the porn?

We need more mouths.

That's pretty good

QR codes were a mistake.

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I'm surprised I haven't seen Vegeta's badman shirt yet

Please be nice to my villager

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breeding is important user.

so just set it back 2 days?

anyone with a feminine-looking character is a confirmed tranny

99% of them are cringe

I'm on it, give me a minute I'm autistic. Spent literally an hour getting the Bulma hat right

people have used them to create pin ups, one dude put shadman into his house.

Putting the game down and playing tommorow works pretty well ive heard

Definitely more than that. I'm on day 3 and I don't have town hall.

What if they're a woman?

yeah i'd like to be bred if you know what i mean

i don't respect twitterfag's opinion on a lot of things. why am i going to listen to what they have to say about a cartoon mouth?

>smug mouth
>mask because hehe corona XD
god what a bunch of unoriginal faggots

You want to be bread?


Can you upload the QR code for the cheeks?

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good job

bonjour fellow villagers

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Are you not supposed to play as a cute girl even if you're a heterosexual male? What if I just like cute girls?

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Playing this game in the first place pretty much disqualifies you from being a hetrosexual male. You do you bud