If this spic flirts with Jill again I'm going to cave his fucking head in
If this spic flirts with Jill again I'm going to cave his fucking head in
She's gonna get beaned
Yeah i really doubt you can do that
Am I crazy?
Why is nobody acknowledging how ridiculous his new hairstyle is?
The volume and the texture make him look like a Japanese model from the 2010s, not a south american mercenary from the 1990s
Long messy hair cause uh he's a rugged mercenary and ugh.... Yeah idk either
ridiculous hair for a ridiculous franchise
Never doubt the power of a man in love with a 2D woman
He's gonna make him a create a character in soul calibur and then struggle to beat him on easy, chris chan style.
>Ada's model in RE2 was a Japanese/BR
>Carlos seems to be one too
What did Capcom mean by this?
I totally dig it. He looks like a man of culture. If I had to guess, he was probably inspired by Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. He probably watches Toonami on the reg. Carlos is a bro.
Why do some Latinos look like r3make Carlos and others are hideous little pygmy's? The gap in attractiveness with Latinos is so jarring
Even in the original she didn't even care, why do you care?
I agree, he should flirt with me instead.
If you're too stupid to know, why do you wanna know. Just enjoy insulting them and jerking off.
>I dont know either, but I want to sound smart the post.
Since you never learned world history I’ll explain it as simple as possible for your zoomer brain. Europeans go to new lands in west. Both America and Latin America are new lands. In new lands live a lot of different indigenous people, some are short and brown and very ugly. When the Europeans arrive they colonize Latin America, usually done by Spain or Portugal (white). Over time the low class laborers breed with the ugly natives and then nigger slaves which create the goblins that inhabit most of Latin America. There are still peole who keep their pure European blood but they are a minority and are usually the elite of their countries. This is why the immigrants you see are all goblins, the attractive ones have no reason to leave their country.
Why do most whites look like this instead of like chris redfield?
Not white
>tfw my hair looks exactly like Carlos's if I grow it out but my face isn't nearly as chad
Spic? I always thought he was a hue.
I'm the opposite user. Face looks like that, but the best I can do hair wise is a low low fade cuz my hairline is starting to go.
The "average" person in any race isn't a hot mega chad, user.
>this is your brain on Yas Forums
I'm from Latin America and he's 100% right
idk it looks fine to me it looks really gunked up and gross
Olive colored, whatever. Nobody's claiming they're fucking Scandinavian or some shit.
Those are brits in spain
>Why is nobody acknowledging how ridiculous his new hairstyle is?
it really looks retarded and people were complaining since reveal
Get fucked OP.
post body
Latino? spic? beaner? He's brazilian
>why are some people good looking and some really ugly
The dumb retarded shit I read here lol
>leon not S
>claire D
*sniff sniff* smells like a incel here
>picatinny rail
>in 1998
I'll be pissed if he ISN'T flirting with her. It was a fun part of their relationship that helped ease tension.
what's up with his hair?
his hair looks so fucking dumb
no you won't
you'll watch and like it like the weak man you are
He is talking about race realism.
Same thing
>this is your brain on brown Yas Forums
>MGL in 1998
When people say Claire is a mutt they mean exactly that, mutt is basically "mestizo", which in some countries means mongrel, mudblood, mixed.
The idea that a pure race person will be better looking than a mixed one is absolutely retarded.
It's all a lottery with your genes.
sherry looks like chris-chan lmao
who are u quoting?
Maybe he was Argentinian all along!
He's right
Nicholai looks like Jordan Peterson
>pure race person
This is a completely retarded idea in the first place.
Carlos and Jill are really cute together desu, im glad she's not a complete bitch like the trailers hinted at.
Someone make a third row with Muttizo and fill it with le 56% faces. Can't do it right now.
Miguel's hair has always looked kind of off. I usually customize it away
God her face is dumb looking.
That guy is a British tourist, you fucking mongoloid.
>tfw my name is Carlos
>tfw look like him without the ridiculous hair
Why would you want him to look like a south american??? He'd be like 5ft tall.
This game is set in 96, right? Did they really have that style of AR back in the day? I mostly remember seeing the ones with the fixed carry handles.
nah, he's probably cuban or something similar. He was part of a communist government's special forces group before umbrella
The US is the only country with zero white people
anglos aren't human
Calm down incel
He doesn't look white.