Why does this game get good reviews?

Attached: Eye-Divine-Cybermancy-Free-Download.png (541x640, 473.14K)

why not

Because there has to be a reason why they do?

Probably because the game is good

Game is fun and was made with passion

This weird thread again...

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how is it weird?

It is true that I made this thread, and yet I am not its creator.

Respawning enemies with shit AI: the game

did you ask the same question?

cause people liked what it has to offer

what does it have to offer?

it's fun

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Don't reply to this thready, OP is a fucking jian.

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no you

>not the bugged webm

dense atmosphere, innovative gameplay, unparalleled creativity, replayability, RPG elements, a universe rich with lore, weapons that are a thrill to use, not to mention spells and choices that don't matter

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Because no one wants to make waves.


It's unique

meant to be a response to

i got filtered about 30 seconds in. i had no idea wtf was going on

whos hosting a server?
jians > cutlers
jians have the better looking armor and lore

Leg health.


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escaping cycles of guilt


cheap and fun yet very pointless little timesink with cool visuals


Attached: [Gains Brouzouf eternally].webm (700x626, 425.6K)

>58 hours in this jankfest game
>16 hours in doom 2016

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this is now a Jian thread
we actually do our job and kill demons instead of bribing cops & looters

Your a moron if you like Eye and think Death stranding is shit.

Nobody does - its made by some drunken french modders trying to do english. Naturally they made the perfect developers for the Deathwing game which i'm told is breddy gud.

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>better looking armor
Federation > REST

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I shall wear your stupid face as a moron party mask if you think Death Stranding is good.

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Yes, it's a good game.

> lore, weapons that are a thrill to use
The fluff for the bear killer is absolutely fantastic for being so....odd.

My friend managed to get a Syndicate Black Ops server up for a bit and after playing it I still couldn't make sense of anything. The weird thing was it's so similar to E.Y.E. with the only main difference being on the GoldSrc engine. Those weapon menu icons are gold though.

guys one of my friends has a rather low end pc
is he going to be able to play this?

It's a game from 2011 operating on the source engine.
I'd be more surprised if he wasn't able to run it.

How big is his screen? The text was written for ants.

define low end
I have a 8 year old laptop with a 765 and it runs smooth

Yes. It will run on a deep fried potato.

Alright thanks for Reassurance

its normal sized but it's a 4:3 monitor

it's a source engine mod. it runs on anything

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Because the gunplay is fantastic, the setting is cool and the lore is batfuck insane

The genius of E.Y.E summarized
>Offers a fuckton of retarded abusive powers that never stop being old to dick around with
>If you have small brain and can't follow, most of the guns are available from the start, and are ALL powerful and feel great to use

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Will we ever get a sequel made in source 2?

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Don't forget the insanity that is hacking. Why yes, my kitchen door did just hack my brain because I dun goofed.

Serb when

I beat this game and still have no idea how I did or what the story is or anything. My most vivid memory is that weird tunnel you can go in near the elevator at the start of the game that goes on for fucking EVER and it never goes anywhere, I think it might be like some infinite loop or something.


>can never decide what gun to use because they're all so meaty and fun
I think the dezperador is one of the most satisfying shotguns I've seen in a game

it eventually leads to the end and lets you beat the first area without going through any enemies or anything. a really pointless addition as i'm pretty sure it's guaranteed to take longer too. very much a product of EYE's wackass design

You have to beat the game multiple times to get the true ending and also read the texts in the archives to even begin to understand the plot

I did get the reset ending and I still don't get it, but I don't think you're supposed to really. It's all a huge fever dream.

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It's best if you just enjoy the ride.

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>32 mag shotgun with the effective range of a sniper rifle
Can't make this shit up
>4 bullet revolver that destroys helicopters and cyberdemons

For me it's the TRK A.D. Easily my favourite sniper rifle of all time.

I don't know how EYE does it but having hordes of inter-dimensional genestealers not seem out of place takes some effort.

Tech trees
Decent pistals
Creativity in builds and gameplay
Weird as fuck plot
More Brouzouf

>using fuller auto for the first time

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Strange game.
The only way to win is not to play.

Esoteric storytelling that causes metapsychosis in the player. Insane psi magic, JRPG battle system hacking, and fun guns and swords all of which you can use on the same character if you're smart and go Grey Master, easily the most powerful build because you can literally do everything instead of chasing diminishing returns.

There truly is no way to describe it other than fuller auto. it is the best version of more dakka i've seen for a while.

what makes it good?

There you are, extracted from the earth as a geyser freed from its earthly mantle.

You can backstab cyberdemons

You can kill a good and caring daddy.

You can backstab helicopters.