How's your homm game going?
Heroes of might and magic
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>playing overwatch
>be a gamer god
>noob joins my team
>we lose
every fucking time xD
Bretty gud.
Was replaying the campaign in 5 but then I remembered how much I hated one of the scenarios. So now I'm taking a break.
Going fast
5 easily has the worst campaigns
even 7 campaigns aren't that terrible
Standard 5 or ToTE? I liked most of Arantir and Gotai's campaigns. Got stuck on one of the later orc ones way back when, so I was trying to replay them. Tried playing the campaigns in 5 (the non ToTE version) once and they were a buggy, awful mess.
>finally check out succ wars
>pick witch because fortress is best
>frogs from a christmas ornament in a tree that's called a pond
>bugs from the gorgon cave, now cocoon, must be inside?
>fucking treants from the basilisk pit renamed thicket, trees in pit i guess
it's an adjustment
>succfags unironically think this is good
if it was just a graphical mod, 3 in the style of 2, which is what i originally thought, i'd think it was great. factions changes dunno, reserving judgement for now.
I think it's a good looking faction.
unit sprites are nice, but the town screen looks budget
>constipated niggers
>a fucking FROG
I don't care what anyone says, Succ and HotA devs are just as bad with the whole BUT MUH LORE as Ubisoft is. These are facts
t. toad
Heroes 2 doesnt have a combat wait command wtf
agree, don't like hota. cove is boring shit and cowboy steampunk halflings is laughable. some other shit in succ is curious, like knight's new unit being another archer. will see how it plays.
Finally someone posts the good Homm not that overrated 3
This looks absolutely soulful.
I must play it right now.
lizardmen are cute
>dedicated passionate based slavs who make a mod of base game's quality for FREE and actively refuse donations
>Yas Forums still shits on it for stupid, minute reasons like "I don't like frogs"
Do you fucking faggots enjoy anything
Go play your shitty fucking shadow of death with blurry 3d models instead of sprites, retard nigger
>loved HOMM3 to death
>played the SHIT out of itwith myRussian friend he usually beat me, fuck them and their HOMM3 autism
>never really bothered with the story because I'm an ESL.
should I reinstall it? Is the story worth it or should I just play a random match like I always do?
I love the colorful art style of HoMM2.
based homm2 dabbing on waitfags
Name a better isolation theme than HOMM snow
>make something bad
>but it's free!
I can appreciate the mechanical refinements they've introduced and criticize dumb fan factions. Cope.
Play 2
or 4
or 6 or 5
Anything but 3
It's the dictionary definition of overrated
It's the popular kid that somehow overshadows the rest of the franchise despite being the blandest
Ruskies just get carried by nostalgia, myself included so I would know
I associate 3 with the bestest childhood memories, yet objectively I can assess that it's not that good
Waiting for that new faction for HoTA.
The story is passable.
Sadly the homm series wasn't allowed to build on their settings properly, the first m&m game that took place on Enroth disregarded 99% of verything that happened in homm1+2.
The main campaigns in homm3 are fine, Deyja as an entity is kinda interesting.
>the blandest
How the fuck are they bad? You literally just say "frogs" as if it's self-explainatory. It's not. If you're criticizing, then actually write something meaningful. If not, then stay silent.
>Name a better isolation theme than HOMM snow
>I associate 3 with the bestest childhood memories, yet objectively I can assess that it's not that good
It's OBJECTIVELY the best one. It's the most polished, has the most content, the best AI and RMG, it literally has the most things going for it. 2, 4, 5 and 6 have individual elements that are good but the overall package is the best in 3. Stop being such a contrarian.
>How the fuck are they bad?
Imagine an army of literal oversized toads and wasps and try not to die from laughter.
>uses music as the best argument
So by that logic 4 is the soulfullest of them all, right?
Wrong, it's actually price of loyalty
>It's the most polished
>has the most content
>the best AI
>not playing on premade maps
>Stop being such a contrarian
A contrarian is someone who opposes the lot just for the sake of standing out, and finds delight in it. I hate it. I just care about the truth.
>Imagine an army of literal oversized toads and wasps and try not to die from laughter.
That would be horrifying
4 music was actually great even tho much of it was stock music
>PoL music
An army of wasps alone is terrifying as fuck. Or even mosquitoes.
How is that any different from vanilla's oversized dragonflies and angry cows? Homm3 creatures were always more cartoony than epic anyway.
Also, frogs are scary and they have no soul. Anything that isn't a mammal looks mad uncanny to humans, especially reptiles (amphibians) and insects. I would shit my soul out if I saw an insect the size of a dog.
You're really reaching there bro.
Also never mentioned the pirate and the steampunk factions, which are both 12/10 in design.
>the most polished
Massive economy and balance issues say hello. Do you even understand what polish is?
>has the most content
Even SoD blows 5 out of the water in terms of artifacts, distinct creatures, adventure map objects, overall options, and HotA just adds onto that. Yes, 5 bloats its creature count with altgrades and it has far better skill system for heroes and creatures, but that's not content.
>the best AI
Oh my god you can't be fucking serious
There's the contrarian you were looking for.
Virgin blind vs chad implosion
no kidding. its as if user never played edf
When do you start using trees of knowledge?
My usual strategy is to wait and then forget about them.
Can HoMM 2 do this?
>hota adds on top of that
Homm3 isn't good because of mods
It has mods in the first place because it's CONSIDERED good by nostalgia-driven ruskis. Don't put the horse in front of the carriage.
>adventure map objects and artifacts are content
>skill system is not content
Literally what?
>Do you even understand what polish is
Anything that isn't balance issues? Like graphics, music, design, style, flair, atmosphere?
Do you understand that by definition polish is something that is applied to the game LAST. Balance would be fundamental, its built into the base, it's the central thing for factions and gameplay.
So no, 2 is far more polished. It has actual talented spritework instead of soulless prerendered 3d shit, for one.
I don't think that's the contrarian opinion considering the PoL version has 3000 views since 2014 and the og version has 190000 views since 2012
>soulless prerendered 3d shit
Yeah, because 3D animation took no skill or effort in 1998, right? At least try to pretend you're being objective.
>because it's CONSIDERED good by nostalgia-driven ruskis
You still haven't shown why it's considered good wrongly. I'll concede, there's individual things other entries do better, but 3 overall is the best package. There's no point to try and improve on 6 for example because its base design is so wretched, just like there's no point to add new factions to 2 because its design is shallow and restrictive.
Currenlty 20+ hours in HOMM5 campaign mode and it's pretty fun, but hot fucking damn I hate the cheating AI.
>cheating AI
Can you elaborate? I don't remember last time I played 5.
Homm 2.. home..
Wtf, black dragons are better?
>we wuz black dragons, we built bracada n sheeit
Anything you can do I can do better
I can do anything better than you
It really was a different time.