Fuck Valve
Fuck critics
Fuck video games
Fuck humanity
I hope this virus wipes us all out.
Fuck Valve
Other urls found in this thread:
>valve has no marketing
they have paid shills everywhere, even on Yas Forums
why anyone would give half a shit about journos and their ratings? they are biased as fuck, there is no chance their opinion could be objective
>it's a VR game, it will never be good
>VR experiences are awkard
>Good reviews? They're just paid shills ecksdee mainstream gaming media is dead! sub to yongyea
>No one's enjoying the game, they're all just paid shills! SHILLS! SHIIIIIIIIIIILLLLL!!
Your chicken tendies will arrive shortly.
Imagine getting upset because people like a video game.
imagine not getting upset because people like a bideogame
grow a spine you pussy
Valve hired (((psychologists))) to help them make more money. You really think they aren't paying these reviewers to give them good scores? You really think they don't have paid shills everywhere?
The problem is there will never be another colossal failure on the scale of tortanic. Not a single of these games did the opening bell of the new york stock exchange. This is just nu-Yas Forums thinking that the more contrarian you are the more you fit in here
Lmao seething poorfag nigger
Suck my Cock PoorFags
I had to wait a decade before I could criticize HL2 without being drowned by Valve drones. Why should it be any different this time?
>any negative response to a well reviewed popular game on Yas Forums is brushed aside as epic Tortanic meme xD
It's retardation like this that makes people look back at game like Bioshock Infinite in a few years and go "wow that was actually garbage, how did I fall for that?"
That being said, HLA seems like a good game.
Valve doesn't pay shills, only Epic does and it's blatant. Stay mad hipster poorfag.
rent free valve drone
lmao I told you. They are pushing a VR agenda. There's something up with why they all keep pour millions of dollars into a burning hole, while flatout ignoring guaranteed money from established franchises. They hesitate like fuck to do simple shit that's easy money, then dump tons of money into this VR shit even though it keeps flopping.
>No Half Life 3,
>No Ape Escape 4.
>No Ratchet and Clank sequel (only one game this entire gen).
>No Sly Cooper.
>No Colony Wars.
>No Jak and Daxter.
>Microsoft spending millions on it to the deteriment of exclusives for their console.
>Ubisoft saying Prince of Persia for 100+ users is too risky.
>Ubisoft millions on a Star Trek licence, then making a niche VR game and no regular game (more guaranteed money).
So all these million-dollar selling games people have been begging for are "too risky", but blowing millions on VR no one has, isn't. You cannot tell me they're not trying to force it.
Whoa he guessed right? Either that was super lucky or your stink is unmistakable.
Because as soon as one generation starts to see through IGN, et al, another stupid generation are coming up, ready to believe them.
take your pills
Re4 literally had 172 reviews and still had a 96, why is this supposed to be an achievement?
So Yas Forums is wrong again. What else is new?
so what does this game do in VR that hasn't been done before?
>unironically caring about what cum-guzzling """journalists""" have to say
Lol I feel bad for you people. Just because you can't get a VR headset, you have to hate on a game. I don't own VR and I'll likely never play HL Alyx, but I was still excited as fuck over it. I'm pretty content with just getting a new half life game. Go get on a treadmill or something you fucking pathetic loser
>devs shouldnt be doing what they want
>they should be making cash grabs instead
You should seriously fuck off, literally EA executive tier thinking
>I want everyone to die because I don't have a rift s
>wake up to a garbage can
>open the lid
>it's full of trash
Nobody is arguing with you because you're entirely correct. Yas Forums is filled with contrarian virgins who just want to hate on things that are good because they can't have them. Literal children
>Noooooooo stop trying something new just give us the same tired old games constantly, just keep making sequels with limited innovation!
God you faggots are so pathetically dense, of course they're trying to encourage people to buy their oversized goggles that they made what the fuck do you think they're doing.
it IS you
the fuck?
Do you even hear yourself? You're advocating for devs to become sellouts.
Wait a second... This is bait. Lmao nice one. You had me there for a second
kys faggot all those games suck. Thank god Ape Escape and Jak and Daxter are dead.
It's amazing isn't. I love seeing all the salt over a genuinely good game. I have yet to see a good argument from any of the lunatics in this board who hate it so much. I swear it's just jealousy
>Thank god Ape Escape and Jak and Daxter
the fuck
Keep seething poorfag you niggers literally can't deal with any different opinions
Yeah why the fuck it's not another generic Soul? like seriously
Slit all valvebrony throats
that's the Yas Forums spirit
Man, all these games deserve to get fucking trashed.
Pathetic cope levels that shouldn't even be possible right here.
you forgot
>Fuck objectively good gameplay
>People are shitting on this game because they dont have a headset
>These people are the same who have never liked the vr in the first place
>Now they are all seething because they can't play one of the best games valve has created.
>They resort to calling people shills and idiots because of not having a vr headset.
I pity you all, really I do.
I hope one day you'll all get vr headsets and play this amazing game once you all get a job and come out of your basement.
*slits your throat*
*steals your vr*
thanks, bro
I hope one day you take off your sweaty nigger goggles and finally interact with the real world too, user
Boneworks is a better game in almost every way.
I actually do want to play it. Looks like a lot of fun, but I sincerely would never use the headset again. Maybe to mess around with other bullshit, but eh.
lmao nope
t. finished boneworks
Do realize it's not rated on the same scale as a normal game -- rather rated rated on the scale of a VR game. Kinda like winning the Paralympics.
What are you? 12?
Wanting people to die over petty things is a sign that you are mature and have dignity.
You go first, retard. Get a fucking job. Oh wait, you can't because of
>this virus
Why should he get a job when he can blow your valvecuck brain off and steal your shit? LOL
>Turned into an angry incel
It was in top 10 mmo earnings list for like 10 years my dude.
re3 isn't really a blockbuster title like the other 5
Fuck you
Uh no, it really isn't. Box puzzles and basic Unity geometry don't make for a good game. The first location of HLA is better polished than that entire game.
>has millions to sink into a bomba (and it did indeed bomb)
>surprised it has millions to sink into reviews
>implying it needs it, given it's full of valveshitters who think liking valveshit is sign of elite tastes
This is the guy that gave that turd a 10
Get over your hormones, kid. Get a summer job or something.