Have you played games like this? Which ones?
Have you played games like this? Which ones?
hitler XDDD
people act like he was a pompous idiot for not listening to the folk tales but maybe even if they were true it doesn't make the shitty backwater traditions worth preserving since all they do is provide maximum cope whilst festering in a desolate plague ridden shithole anyways
>japanese people have become so pathalogically complacent that their derranged levels of apathy have matrerialised into a literal god in a different realm who's going to merge his world with yours and destroy the entire world
>doing anything to turn the country around is bad though
Filtered tripfag
kys you worthless mongoloid
non-native speaker, what the fuck is that
I get the gist of it because of context, but what the fuck
Real life
Yes. Homeworld 2.
Hiigarans are Jewfaggots who were forced into hiding for a good reason.
Vaygr are the good guys bringing order to the Galaxy and rightfully trying to genocide Hiigarans.
Wish Sierra didn't fuck everything up for Relic so Relic could finish the 1/3rd of the game Homeworld 2 finished being so i could play the Vaygr campaign.
They're on the same side retard
Burgers are a plague
Just finished
It's just nigger speak
Don't mind it
Do Americans really talk like this?
Marche confirmed evilest vidya villain ever
I remember a version of this with even more intense ghettospeak. Do you have it?
Judging from the pic you used, I’d expect him to say Big Smoke and Tenpenny from GTA: SA
Generic might is right speech plus some wacky showmanship
You are braindead
is that steve lacy? looks just like him
Every WW2 shooter
>current year
LMFAO and into the filter you go.
woo my first fpbp
Edit: Thanks for the gild, everyone!
Edit 2: Wow this really blew up, uh I don't have a snapchat link so here's something else instead
You all are throwing a fit over "low-key" when Yas Forums has been known for some of the cringiest additions to the internet lexicon.
>Yas Forums
go back
but user don't you wanna make america great again
Le funny black man face!!!
i guess the closest synonym would be "subtle"
t. non-native as well
>contrarian user goes so hard he ends up agreeing with people who write articles about "digital blackface"
you're not wrong
came here to post this.
Delta did nothing wrong
Freedom you traitor fuck
Not so much anymore. It was more popular to say about 4 years ago
Fuck off with this meme shit
How can he go back to a place he already is on? This is the Video "Game" board, where movies dressed up as games are posted instead of video games.
tripfag filtered
no they're not, everyone with a palace had broken out of the prison of regression
Borderlands 2, Handsome Jack.
Marche is now more popular and successful at a younger age than most people dream of.
Mewt has a life with parents and FUCKING LEGS.
The universe will stay this way FOREVER if you let it.
That is the opposite of video game escapism, shitty metaphor Marche, that's you being a faggot about nothing!
yo deadass b you don't know da fuck? Boy, it means subtle or some shit like that feel me my nigga on god
He did well stalling time for entirety of human race, everyone would be wiped otherwise
the worst one is "clapback" because it replaces a world that has exactly the same meaning but sounds effeminate and sassy
It's always interesting to think of a timeline where they decided to not completely fuck up the story cohesion and made it so that Joker could get Shido to help him.
Sure he's an godslaying omnicidal sociopath, but he does have a point
She was literally right and fuck all you incels that think she's evil.
Only the niggers do.
put a bullet in your brain
I do but it will be with welfare handouts
i am lowkey retarded
we suspected that for a long time
Based and tedpilled
Doned is the crippled one, Mewt and Doned are not the same person. Doned is also Marche's motherfucking brother, which makes it even more fucked up.
i love living up to people's expectations
Why they all from Florida?
is everything all right user?
Florida is a wonderful place. Like a criminal wonderland.