ITT games that had potential but fucked it up

ITT games that had potential but fucked it up

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Two decades ago it would have had potential.

the game is great and is being constantly updated dude

this game is so barebones it feels like a nintendo game

this game is awesome to play with friends, though
so it's understandable that you don't like it

actually its better now than it ever has been. if anything the launch was fucked up. the game has a main story line, dynamic ship destruction, new factions, pvp arena, new islands, and more.

>New content is nothing but reskinned chests that sale for slightly more than the last reskin chests
>Quest updates are just a combination of the delivery quests given a shitty narrative
>Barely any new enemies added aside from sharks and its reskins and AI ships that are brian dead easy to fight
The only good update this game has had was the ship damage update.

Insider here, they're retooling voyages so that if you're a goody 2shanks alliance server faggot you'll be able to find others more easily, they're called Emissaries I think, while the Reapers are getting their own PvP trading company (Reapers Bones)
They're also adding teammate revives.

Honestly as an Alpha tester I agree with all of this, the gameplay loop is mindless tedium and hitting Pirate Legend status is meme, but I always find myself coming back when I think about all the douchebags I've sank or outrun just soloing, winning in this game's PVP encounters is so damn satisfying

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Ghost Ship Encounter – Seek out the large Ship Cloud in the sky and head towards your encounter with the haunted fleet. On arriving at the cursed island you’ll encounter a fleet of Ghost Ships haunting the island – take them down!

Engaging with the Ghost Ships – These Ghost Ships will fire a barrage of ghostly spectres at your crew, so position yourselves carefully to avoid them. While you can sail straight through these haunted apparitions, prepare for your ship to take some damage!

Expanding Trading Company Ranks – The Trading Companies have expanded their ranks to defend against the Reaper’s Threat. The Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls and Merchant Alliance now allow players to progress to Rank 75 while Athena’s Fortune now allow players to progress to Rank 20. Along with new ranks, each company has a range of new Commendations and will unlock each Trading Companies ship cosmetics to truly represent your allegiance.

Trading Company Emissaries

Emissary Voting Tables – The Outpost Voting Tables have now been dressed for each Trading Company. Completing a vote to become an Emissary will now confirm your Emissary status with UI Banners.

Visualising Emissaries on the Seas – When approaching an Outpost Voting Table, crews can now see how many other Emissary crews are representing that Trading Company. Check the table before making your choice and ally against the Reapers!

Emissary Grade 5 – Reaching Emissary Grade 5 with Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls, Merchant Alliance or Athena’s Fortune will unlock a crew’s access to a repeatable high reward Voyage from their Trading Company Representative at their Outpost. Once a Reaper’s Bones crew reaches Emissary Grade 5 however, they will unlock the ability to spot any Emissary Ship no matter their Emissary Grade on their own Ship’s Map!

from the new build

>Insider here, they're retooling voyages so that if you're a goody 2shanks alliance server faggot you'll be able to find others more easily, they're called Emissaries I think,
What is this supposed to mean ? Being a faggot carebear will be easier ? Just fuck my shit up

there are now two factions
the reapers (pvp focused)
and emmisaries (treasure hunters) (made up of all the other factions)

See above
>Once a Reaper’s Bones crew reaches Emissary Grade 5 however, they will unlock the ability to spot any Emissary Ship no matter their Emissary Grade on their own Ship’s Map!

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Sounds cool. Too much faggots carebear in this game.

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There's definitely a good game in there, especially in the PVP aspect that keeps me coming back. But I only come back every now and then, like once every 2-3 months. There just isn't enough to do in the game and most of the people I run into are alliance faggots who don't want to engage in any fights. The PVP arena isn't as fun since there's no real tension of losing everything you collected or robbing someone else of their loot.
The PvE aspect of the game is honestly its worst feature. Islands are all mostly featureless. There's nothing on them making them worth exploring outside of the stupid fetch quests. A majority of them are tiny as fuck, and there are no enemy encounters or wild life to interact with unless you really truly believe that yet another skeleton variant with brain dead A.I is peak enemy design.
This game needs some more time in the fucking oven. Their content updates just aren't cutting it because they all seem like bandaid fixes and cosmetic dumps rather than honest beefy expansions.

None of this sounds exciting. The first two just sounds like repurposing the current A.I ship encounters and making it sound like some "grand event", when it's just the same damn encounter.
Ranks are meaningless. Who the fuck cares.
More gay ass coddling to PvE. What a lame ass update.

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I keep saying they need pull do what they did with the Megalodon; take a model and make it big and mean.
Pigs could be boars, pet birds could be Rocs or phoenixes, giant snakes, etc.
Also I want cyclopes, this game is clearly inspired by Harryhausen monsters


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>it's a skull

pretty kino art nonetheless, game looks boring though too bad

You want variety? Here's a skeleton with a new hat! This one can only be defeated by music!

being real, Sea of Thieves was just a shitty Blackwake clone but with open world lazily slapped on.

>The Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls and Merchant Alliance now allow players to progress to Rank 75 while Athena’s Fortune now allow players to progress to Rank 20

I have zero intention to go back and grind that utterly boring shit. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

Came to post this.

They build up cool races and different societies and then do fuck all with it. Horribly misguided. Pacing is dogshit, story is not fuckin there, combat is good (better than terraria imo) but you're never rewarded for fighting anything other than bosses. Holy shit they drop gold? Fucking useless.

The first part of the game where you're stuck on one planet has a great feel of loneliness, exploration, and survival. Once you get off it falls apart. Fucking tragedy.

Why did they make it a bloom infested corridor shooter, surely they could have done the cities in 3D.

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Is sailing as engaging as Sea of Thieves? That's probably the most fun aspect off SoT.

I personally like how the black and gold version turns the ship and clouds into an eyepatch
>armored skeletons that are immune to Blunderbombs
>wet skeletons that can't be set on fire
>platinum skeletons that are literally just spongier gold skeletons

>Trailer looked hype as fuck
>Actual game is yet another open world survival game before you even get access to a fucking ship
>Sailing mechanics is all fucking menu based
>Everything is buried under fucking menus and giant crafting list, absolutely zero gameplay outside of weightless interactions

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Not him but this is why I still play, I just like sailing

how did they fuck it up?

this game worth playing on xbox one x?

>They finally made reaper flag what it should have been since the begining and reward PvP
A shame it's so late, my usual crew and myself gave up on this game a long time ago.

this game never had potential, it was clear from the start it would be shit when it was from a split-off of the ARK devs who have consistently made nothing but garbage

clearly you didn't play KI, if it wasn't an xbone exclusive on launch it would have been huge.

I still say Microsoft should buy the devs of this and have them work with Rare on SoT, if you took the sailing from SoT and combined it with the expansive world Atlas showed in the trailer you'd have the perfect pirate fantasy game

they were barely attached to that new game
but yes it was the only good fighting game to come out this gen

They don't even have to buy them out. Just literally steal the ideas from the trailer and get Rare to stop fucking around with new fucking hats to wear.

Planet Coaster

Yeah honestly I just kept saying "aw dammit why can't SoT do that?" the first time I saw the trailer
>cool monsters like hydras and cyclopes
>towns with actual populations
>ice breaking
Also didn't they show gambling or something in a tavern?

there is no such thing as sailing in blackwake. the captain drives the ship around like a car, sailing mechanics are not a thing, the game is entirely based on ship combat

Eh. That's a hard pass for me mate. Sailing is the only thing that makes SoT worth playing.

>being real, Sea of Thieves was just a shitty Blackwake clone but with open world lazily slapped on.
Now this is shitposting. Blackwake itself is wasted potential : the game. And it's dead as shit now.

This always looked like hot garbage though, and anyone who batted an eye at the so-quirky-omg developers who can't make something interesting even at gunpoint knew this was a lost cause.

Half Life Alyx

Rip Tree of Savior.

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agreed, sailing and everything around that is definitely SoT backbone

I've lost hope for Ragnarok successors ever since the original sprite-based version of Requiem was scrapped.

>No giant ship with 8 man crew
I also hate how uncustomizable a ship is. I know they don't allow it to give everyone an "even" playing field, but it's still so fucking lame. Let me mount my cannons wherever I want God damn it. Why do they all have to be on the deck?
And why can't I swing off ropes?

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as it stands the game is hitting memory limits thanks to ((((consoles))))
its such a fucking shame because the devs have expressed they had all these ideas 100 times but cant implement them without causing the default xbox to set on fire
i fucking hate it

Y'know what bugs me? Why put a brig on a 2man ship? You need a minimum 2:1 vote

Personally I don't care hugely for 8-man ships as cool as they'd be, but I'd love to see alternatives for the sloops, brigs, and galleons, or at least different body types.

I just want a dinghy with a sail, something I can take out for casual fishing

I'd be a fan of a one-man ship like the one Jack Sparrow had.

I also wanna see more ships per server, I had a blast messing with diapersails yesterday.

>tease pirate adventure with exploration, risks and rewards with amazing E3 presentation
>every unlockable is cosmetic, all rewards are related to cosmetics, exploration is nonexistent, literally the only risk is a bunch of skeletons, sharks and a bodiless kraken
>response to outrage is "don't worry we'll patch it"
Imagine if Star Citizen was a pirate game. All smoke and mirrors with little substance. For sixty fucking dollars.

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>reuse assets from ARK
>people act surprised it's shit

That's exactly what I meant, or Wesley's boat from The Princess Bride. No cannons, just a short mast/sail, a rudder and a rowboat storage chest.

I just want my new Banjo game... fuck fuck FUCK AAAARGHH FUCK YOU RARE FUCK SHIT PISS MOTHERFUCK

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Bce игpы «Nintendo», тaм ecть хopoшиe тaйтлы, нo oни, cyкa, ypeзaнныe и дopoгиe

I remember it more for the massive amount of porn it generated than for the game itself.

This game is genuinely good but not for everyone, especially not the scrubs on this board who don't understand it.

No game will ever squander as much potential as Mass Effect 3

"миcтep нocoк", блять, ты чe, eбнyтый?
хoть бы yвaжaeмый никнeйм ceбe взял, ecли внимaниeблядcтвoвaть хoчeшь

>blackwake fag is still shilling this turd of a game

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The ark devs break their game every update. They are that incompetent

>core gameplay loop is still just fetch quests without any sort of interesting narrative while consisting of fighting the same enemies with a mediocre fight system
>just to get different cosmetics in a game that purposefully makes you look bad with randomly generated character selection
>ship fights just go to the more coordinated crew (that doesn't just let their ship sink because one unlucky bastard is on permanent leak duty). or to noone because if a ship decides to leave (because they ran out of supplies in a fight), there is almost nothing you can do about it
gonna be a no from me dawg