How will the remake handle these Big Lipped Alligator Moments and the fact that the "Sephiroth" we see prior to disc 2...

How will the remake handle these Big Lipped Alligator Moments and the fact that the "Sephiroth" we see prior to disc 2 is actually Jenova?

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There's nothing weird about this part.
It's literally just The Thing.
You remember endgame Birkin in his last mutation in Remake 2?
It'll be like that, but with more mommy issues, and Sephiroth thrown in the mix.

>Big Lipped Alligator Moments
go back to tvtropes

>no you can't just use terminology I don't like

>fact that the "Sephiroth" we see prior to disc 2 is actually Jenova?
Jenova being controlled by Sephiroth from the crater.

Whya re you always obsessed about Yas Forums shit every thread?
This is why you don't have friends.

Wrong. Sephiroth is dead, Jenova took over his likeness, that's all.

Extremely cringe post. You're not even using the retarded tvtropes terminology correct. And Sephiroth is Sephiroth for all intents and purposes since he's using Jenova as a puppet.

Why can't you just wait two fucking weeks for the game to come out?

Retarded fanfic theory. Why would a space alien choose to larp as a random bishonen soldier for no reason?

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Never talk about Final Fantasy VII again.

Retards used to claim this back in the early 00s. They learned to shut up once the writers confirmed what everyone with a brain already knew, that Sephiroth was controlling Jenova. Somehow new little retards keep sprouting up from time to time though, like you.

Yeah you can't you fucking tranny. Go back, dilate, fuck yourself, kill yourself, leave my world you disgusting side character

because jenova wanted to manipulate cloud

zero proof of that

What they seem to be doing for the final boss of part one.
>Sephiroth talks to Cloud and party for a bit
>His body turns into it's true form of a Jenova piece.
>boss fight commences

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I wish this was true, the game would have been way more interesting with Jenova as the real villain. But sadly they make it pretty clear Sephiroth was the one in control of her.

>that last image
>Aerith saying "I hate the sky."

Oh ffs why couldn't they keep that Crisis Core garbage out of the remake.

There are a million ways of doing that. Why not shape shift into zack?

In fact how would jenova even know about the relationship between cloud and sephiroth?

Not that I agree with that guy, but Jenova's standard operating procedure is to imitate and infiltrate populations to eradicate everything living on a planet and then move on to the next.

The proof is literally in the Ultimania guidebook released by the developer you dumb fucking retard. Not to mention the game itself. Jenova doesn't "want" anything, it's a mindless virus with no consciousness of its own that simply instinctively mimics and corrupts surrounding life.

These are all facts that the game spell out, and which the developers, again, clarified so that retards like you would stop sperging out about it. And yet here you are, making a fool of yourself.

Yeah, so why it didn't do that? Why didn't it shapeshift into the shinra president after it killed him? Why it didn't shapeshift into anyone more useful than a random soldier that was supposed to be dead? What does it gain by shapeshifting specifically and exclusively into Sephiroth?

Either Jenova is really stupid or (the actual canon explanation) is that Sephiroth was the one doing all this.

Unironically this

>and the fact that the "Sephiroth" we see prior to disc 2 is actually Jenova?
The devs have spent years insisting that Sephiroth is in full control the entire time. Jenova is the puppet in their eyes.

>zero proof of that
Jenova literally calls Sephiroth her master
Hojo says Sephiroth manipulated the clones and drew them to the crater, even making the point that he expected them all to come to Jenova's body, but instead Jenova itself got up and moved to where Sephiroth was
Cloud confirms Hojo's statement and says that Sephiroth was summoning him
The entire MO of Sephiroth/Jenova/the clones throughout the game is all in line with satisfying Sephiroth's ego, and not Jenova's viral instincts. If Jenova was the one calling the shots, they'd be infiltrating local societies and spreading the virus to as many people as possible, not going after obscure long-term goals, eliminating potential threats ahead of time, or fucking with people that Sephiroth has a grudge against
Jenova literally throws itself at you to stop you from reaching Sephiroth, and Sephiroth's real body in the planet's core is the final boss after Jenova's completed form has already been destroyed
Cloud's final battle is against Sephiroth's influence inside his mind
And lastly, Holy is released when Sephiroth is destroyed, not Jenova, because it was Sephiroth's will restraining it, which the characters explicitly state multiple times

This is all from the original game, without even taking into consideration anything that the devs said after the fact

Now find literally one piece of evidence suggesting that the relationship is the other way around

They don't like sephiroth because he's pretty and desperately try to invalidate his role in the story to cope

Jenova and Sephiroth are the same person.

What'll happen is you'll fight him in his ""human"" form for a bit then he'll drop a piece of him that grows into Jenova BIRTH.

I can't wait to coom at Sephiroth in my party during the flashback. They're gonna give him the sickest fucking fighting style ever.

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Jenova's consciousness died 1000 years ago. Sephiroth becomes Jenova, they act as one organism with Sephioth in the North Crater acting as it's head.

There is a particular scene after Sephiroth kills Aerith where he starts a sentence as Sephiroth, part of him transforms to Jenova Life and finishes the sentence as Jenova. They are indistinguishable.

Can someone explain geostigma for me? Is it possible for Sephiroth to keep coming back by causing the disease and other Reunions?

Pretty sure I prefaced my post by saying I don't agree with that guy, just pointing out that controlling and pretending to be other organisms is Jenova's MO, it's literally a space virus. It makes sense that Sephiroth imposed his will onto Jenova for marketing purposes, but feasibly it makes more sense the other way around.

If it's not in the OG then who honestly gives a shit

Wonder if he'll be playable, and if so what his unique ability is.

dummy perfect

Attached: Inside FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE – Episode 2_ Story and Characters (Closed Captions).webm (900x506, 2.17M)

There's a frame in one of the more recent trailers where Seph's face kind of explodes into a gas to reveal Jenova

Sephiroth was born with that instinct because he was made from Jenova cells from birth and because he was the same type of creature as Jenova he was able to control all of the existing cells as if they were his own.

Jenova's MO was to devour all life on the planet and move on to the next one. Sephiroth's MO was to devour all life on the planet and move on to the next one.

>making sephiroth playable
Please no, let them do at least this right and keep him unplayable, one-shotting enemies with quadruple digit damage while the player is doing double digit damage.

How does he carry that sword around? Like if goes inside a building does he leave outside or something?

Remake is going to be full of Compilation nonsense so everyone is going to be giving a shit when the game refuses to stop making references to it all

>Please no, let them do at least this right and keep him unplayable, one-shotting enemies with quadruple digit damage while the player is doing double digit damage.
Fuck that this is a remake. It would be a complete waste not to get to play as him especially when they're definitely going to be expanding/extending this part.

ok but why not controlling him AND do quadruple digit damage

No they should keep it like the original where the dragon kills Cloud and Sephiroth casts Life 2 on him three times in a row before finally one shotting it while leaving Cloud's corpse on the floor


The flashback would've been a much better ending point than just the end of Midgar. It's right afterwards anyway, and has a way better "to be continued" air to it. It's also a form of closure (however unreliable) to a lot of dramatic questions introduced in the game, which... I don't see how FFVIIR Part 1 will even function as a story unto itself. From the sounds of how they're doing it, it's going to just end, after forcing a climax with a Jenova fight earlier than it used to be. I can see them ditching the consolidated flashback altogether and giving it to you piecemeal throughout the first part.

For the same reason you couldn't control him the first time around.
Making him uncontrollable makes him unapproachable. Putting him in control of the player makes them feel like they could one day be on the same level as Sephiroth, because he's just another character. And that defeats the whole point of the flashback, which is to establish that (in Cloud's opinion) there is no way anyone could ever be on Sephiroth's level.

I don't think a lot of people at Square understand the surreal literal modern fantasy that they were going for with FF7.

get out newfag

>huuur duur

No. The game makes it pretty obvious it's Jenova, not sephiroth.

Don't care about the remake but listening to the remake tracks is nice. They nailed it

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You think they'll use XIV's model of Unknown?
Oh man, I need to watch Fritz the Cat sometime soon

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>Putting him in control of the player makes them feel like they could one day be on the same level as Sephiroth, because he's just another character. And that defeats the whole point of the flashback
But you can and did become like him in the original.There was was nothing Sephiroth did in the flashback that the player couldn't do later in the game so your argument doesn't work.

Maybe don't be a faggot

Correct. If you use terminology that no one likes then people won't respect you. TV Tropes is dogshit and I disregard people who read them.

>One month before Spoony is officially kicked out on the street to die from the Chink Flu

Oh shit I remember seeing that documentary on him months ago. What's that unfortunate lad up to?

Clock is ticking your suicide.

>this part
>characters grunting and saying the names of attacks
If this fight isn't just the music it will suck I really am wondering how they will handle moments like this there's a certain amount of atmosphere given by just having the music and no dialogue or anything.

And? That doesnt change what he said. That's not Sephiroth, its a Jenova piece.

The one who stabs Aerith is the "real one" retard.

fuck off

Wait, do I remember wrong? I was prety sure you do play him in the OG, I remember spamming ice 3 with him.

isn't it just something only Nostalgia Critic uses?

>There's a frame in one of the more recent trailers where Seph's face kind of explodes into a gas to reveal Jenova

Girlfriend left him and took the dog because she was tired of him being a deadbeat. He's now broke and his house gets foreclosed on in May.