I have to ask. Why are users so fucking toxic?

I have to ask. Why are users so fucking toxic?

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What else are snoys gonna do?
Play death stranding? LMFAOO

What are they mad about now

Nice advertising "Ryan". You forgot your picture there. Now we all know what you look like

m-muh multiple islands!!

From what the article states, people are mad that they can only have one island per switch. That and the multiplayer functions are lacking.

I have to ask. Why are you so fucking queer?

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Because you can complain on the internet anonymously. I don't think it's "toxic" though, people should be allowed to whine about some corporation's products whenever they please, don't worry, it's not like a few hundred people spamming 0/10 on metashitic will hurt the dev's feelings when they're selling millions upon millions of copies.
Garbage thread.

Fuck off nintentard so y boy cuck.


What community (gaming or otherwise) isn't toxic?

Doesn't really count as """players""" when it's just reddit making sure that everyone knows they're NOT MISSING OUT ON ANYTHING just because they don't want to buy a second console.

Except it's Switch owners complaining
I'm glad PSChads live in your head rent free though

Fuck off shill,Nintendo is soulles garbage now.

No play persona 5,you simp.

I dont get the appeal of Animal Crossing games. I dont have anything against them, whybdo you guys enjoy them?


>I was only pretending to be a mustard pretending to be a snoy pretending to be a nintendie

snoyggers' games are so garbage that review bombing get more dopamine in their blood stream than their pathetic movies do

There's something unsettling about Animal Crossing graphics, I feel the same about Splatoon. Give me the creeps.

>saying that the negative reviews are fine and that the OP made a shit thread because Nintendo's a corporation who won't care about those reviews because their goal is profit
the fuck

fuck kiketendo

"Gamers" tend to be immature.

>coping this hard


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>still shitty multiplayer
>no cloud saving

nintolders only got them self to blame

splatoon is fine, animal crossing looks soulless as fuck though

>not an archive link
kill yourself


>own nintendo
>live nintendo
>breathe nintendo
>every fucking day it's switch or gamecube or some shit
>every game is childish kiddie no-challenge playful funtime
>your life is actually children's entertainment
>like most of your spare hobby time is typically meant for 12 year olds
>either become cynical or naive, but childish either way
>blah blah is TOXIC
This shouldn't be a surprise. It's just unfortunate.

>Buy game
>Game has something I don't like and I find unforgivable
>Give it a bad score

we're living in death stranding
you'd know that if you'd played it

I liked the one on the gamecube when I was like 9 years old and quickly grew out of it in less than a year. People who obsess with this game are pathetic manchildren.

>people not liking a game == review bombing
I wish we could dump all jornos in a hole and light them on fire.

ever since that "review bombing" meme started, have there been a single instance where horrible user ratings were acknowledged by game yurnos as sign of product that has issues serious enough to warrant such response?

>angry players
Please, it's sonyfriends still angry about the PS5 "reveal."

>review 0 with any actual reason, any at all
>review 0 because I bought a Playstation

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Fo76 I think is the only instance. Im curious if there were jornos who intially called the 76 outcry """review bombing""" before it was apparent how busted it was.

Pretty justified complaint. It's one island per console, no matter how many times you actually own the game and/or how many accounts you have on the Switch. The island is registered to the unique ID of your console and that's it.
You have 2+ kids who want to play it at home? Tough luck, buy more Switches.

So animal crossing fans will hold their series accountable but Pokémon can do the same lame shit for fucking decades and get a free pass?

How could this happen

So far neither issue has gotten a developer response. So ultimately both fans could potentially eat shit.

Not being able to have mutliple saves is still a shitty holdover of Nintendo game philosophy, but saying you need multiple switches to play together has to be false. I thought you just needed another pair of controllers that cost as much as a Switch.

Doom Eternal is getting review bombed too, right?

>Ever listening to user reviews on metacritic
Game journos are faggots, but at least they know more numbers than 10 and 0.

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That's how every animal crossing game has been though except for the gamecube one, but even then you needed multiple memory cards. For everything else you had to hack the console. That being said the console multiplayer is designed badly as well anyway. You can't really progress the game as a secondary user like the primary one can.


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>Game journos are faggots, but at least they know more numbers than 10 and 0.
I wish there was a way to look at these sites ratings from 1-9 and completely dismiss people who give anything a 0 or 10. All they want to do make it so their opinion weighs the score harder instead of giving an honest judgement.

Back to tumblr you go!

>10/9 for the paid AAA
>8/7 for the actually good and interesting games in unpopular genres and paid AA
>5/6 for the unpaid AAA
>1-4 for the unpaid AA and anything that offends the reviewer's fragile sensibilities.

>death stranding
more like watch

All the communities for stuff im not trying to defend online

If you played anything other than video games, you'd also know media talking about isolation is very commonplace.
most others. just nintendodrones, pctards and xbots to be fair.

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0/10 ratings are so meaningless. Like, does the game turn on, let you move your character around, and do things? Objectively that should be at least a 1/10: even if its an absolutely painful and boring to play, it is undeniably a functioning game. Unless a game constantly glitches and crashes to the point you physically are unable to play it, every game should get a minimum of 1/10.

At least the animal crossing fags have some diginity. Pokefags have been eating shit for years and get defensive when you dont pretend its filet mignon.

How come I feel that
>pic related
applies mostly to nintendo?

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You mean like how it was on the Wii
And on the gamecube
(And on the very rare sibling-shared de and 3ds)

Whatever happened to Game demos? I would rarely buy a game if I hadn't at least played the demo, how have we let Devs get away with this shit?

Every big game has review bombs 0 or 10/10 it's perfect. Always look at the moderate opinions.

Is Nintendo Life actually a decent website to check videogame news? sometimes I browse it but they seem to be a bit dumb, which is a good one? Apart from that in English I only visit Rpgsite

That actually is reasonable.

There's really no winning with online game reviews is there?

>Paid reviews done to get their quote on the cover of the box
>Retarded reviewers that don't seem able to tie their shoelaces in the morning but find time to push some shitty agenda where it doesn't belong
>10/10 user reviews that fail to mention even the most basic issues with the game or even give a reason as to why the game is good
>0/10 reviews from faggots that dislike one part of the game or haven't even played it but are just trying to lower the user score

Just listen to a bunch of opinions on the game anons, the truths are going to be in the parts you consistently find in each.

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City Folk on the Wii is the only previous Animal Crossing where you were required to buy a separate console if you wanted to have more than 1 town at the same time. With GC, you needed a new memory card, and with N64, DS, 3DS, you needed a new game cartridge.

You have clearly never played the GameCube version, at least with friends.

I'm glad Hideo Kojima (inventor of the camera) invented cameras so that somebody could take this picture.