Are we actually really okay with the next Half Life game being VR only...

Are we actually really okay with the next Half Life game being VR only? Why can't we have a game that makes both mouse and keyboard and VR optional control schemes? Why do we have to restrict it to one interface?

This shit is seriously bumming me out, fuck Valve.

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Valve has been coasting off the good will of the masses since like 2013. Just be grateful for the experiences and memories you made and move on.

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I don't mind, by the time HL3 releases headsets are probably going to be much better and much cheaper, more widespread.

Yes, deal with it kiddo. You're gonna have to get a real job sooner or later anyway. Mommy and daddy can't support you forever.

Are we actually really okay with the next Mario game being N64 only? Why can't we have a game that makes both 2D and 3D optional schemes? Why do we have to restrict it to one style?

This shit is seriously bumming me out, fuck Nintendo.

Attached: Super_Mario_64_box_cover.jpg (379x263, 178.22K)

>Why can't we have a game that makes both mouse and keyboard and VR optional control schemes?
VR is the way forward. If anything, it would be VR with a keyboard/mouse port.


This shit is just like the Wii.

dunno about you but I wouldn't want anything less after playing Alyx.

Just nab a CV1 from ebay or something. The price probably went up a bit because of Alyx but they were going for really cheap a couple months back (~$130). Every bit as good as the Rift S and blows that stupid Quest nonsense out of the water.

>Are we actually really okay
I don't know, are you? what the fuck do you think this is, your group of friends?

If you care so much about Half Gabe after the first game just fucking go and buy it like woow how bad taste can you have

No and thank fuck people are voting with their wallets
This is a financial disaster for valve and we need to make sure they get the message that this bullshit isnt welcome in the industry

>financial disaster
They've got infinite funds pretty much.

people were saying the same thing about Stadia

Literally not comparable. Are you retarded?

Nice strawman you dumb faggot, yours doesn't even make sense to what OP is asking.

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Show me a single example of someone who isn't a Google employee who actually said that.

I don't care and I have VR. They retcon 13 years old cliffhangers now, who gives a shit.


Valve uses Half Life as a vehicle of innovation, the fans care way more about it than Valve actually does. I wouldn't be surprised if a new Half Life game doesn't even happen after Alyx because they suddenly think "maybe we can do better, or something different" and we all wait another 10+ years again.

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You clearly haven't played Alyx if you think you can make it use KB+M without making the controls complete garbage

Apparently Gaben is dedicated to making VR viable medium, and uses HL franchise as a leverage to force fanboys to eat it up.
Why do you even care about campo santo half-life anyway? It's in same position as disney star wars for all intents and purposes.

After they retconned the ending to Episode 2 I really don't give a shit anymore. Valve will do whatever the fuck they want, they don't owe anyone anything and prefer it that way.

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There were hundreds of falseflaggers like you saying the exact same things about it

>being a stadia apologist
>being a fucking google cocksucker

>dude graphics and gimmicks are the same thing

Stadia is literally going to change gaming, idiot. Done with your trolling, you can't convince idiots after all

keep being poor

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imagine being so salty and poor you spoil yourself out of an experience to shit on a franchise you had interest in

this but unironically. mario 64 is boring as hell

months of sold out indexes says otherwise mate

>months of sold out
Yeah it says a LOT
>0.0 fucking 7 percent

Attached: VR is fucking dead.jpg (996x379, 82.77K)

They made at least $150M on selling the Index alone.

Well this is only of people who have theirs plugged in. We'll get better information by the time the march one rolls out.
No need to have an index plugged in if you aren't playing a game with it.

But yes, it's not going to be a massive amount either way. But when you are selling 1k hardware you don't need much. I don't doubt valve sees this as a loss-leader for the future.

>zero point zero seven percent


fuck off, shills

If rumors of Valve having more in store than HL:A are true, then I don't care.

We're at least ten years away from release, so we have time to save money.

feels good to be the top .26% of people with taste, grovel at my feet poorfag

Steam has a bunch of Chinks and Brazillians playing CS:GO and DOTA 2. That's why their hardware stats are straight up toaster tier.

When Half-Life 3 happens in 2030 VR will be a common device.

Glad you found a new job in the form of shilling for Valve

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they never cared about their idiot fans and never will.

"Why Episodes Have Stopped": Because leftists always fail at everything.

they fucking gave a reason as to why they are doing vr you stupid fuck. half life has always been about pushing boundaries. and no they cant make it more mouse and keyboard because that just wouldnt work gameplay wise.

as Valve has stated, a VR game has to be build from the ground-up for the medium.

Cosmical cope right here

The real reason Half-Life 2 was made, was to get PC gamers to install Steam, and it worked. And now that everyone is using Steam, there is no real incentive for Valve to make HL3.

What fucking boundries did Alyx push? Virtual Reality is nothing new

"HL games are meant to push tech forward"

Valve have spent the last 15 years releasing no new engine despite the enormous leaps in tech. Its very clear the industry moved on without them.

To see how many retards will pay $1000 for a video game

They just released the first AAA VR video game.

True, but everyone was so young back they you didn't notice it.

Thank fuck only 20000 people were retarded enough to do it.
Remember folks
Tell greedy companies to eat shit and fuck off out of the industry by not buying their games

That's like saying making Half Life 3 the first AAA mobile game would be revolutionary.


Oh god you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.

Valve always sucked nigger dick. That's how gabe got so big

>reddit spacing
Not even worth it

it's a spin-off game, who cares

This user gets it.

Looking back HL2 feels more like a prolonged tech demo than an actual game. Unlike HL1 it has not aged well.

Muh kuntrul skeem iz perfekt an never shud changeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

the cope is still going holy shit

It doesn't matter. Video games are now commodities to be consumed rather then artistic expressions to be enjoyed.

You either buy the game and validate that the franchise must move to VR, or ignore the game which indicates that Half-Life has no future and should be discontinued.

Because for a vr game to be good it has to be built for vr from the ground up. Trying to accommodate both play styles results in a game that sucks in both vr and regular fps.

It'd be really hard to balance and would likely suffer in terms of level design, enemy AI, and gameplay for both users. Designing for VR users would likely get priority in regards to those and leave mouse and keyboard players with a more shallow experience.

no they didn't
there's been plenty of AAA VR titles before, what the fuck are you talking about?

No because you can't make a AAA mobile game because the medium itself is so limiting. Virtual Reality Headsets have been out for a few years now, but this is the first game that replicates the true experience of a full length video game in VR.

>Are we actually really okay with the next Half Life game being VR only?
Yes, because by 2030 VR will be mainstream and affordable and you will be bitching about boomer zoomers only having keyboard and mouse controls.

>No because you can't make a AAA mobile game because the medium itself is so limiting

Tell me, what did this game offer that any other single player wouldn't?
And what did it offer that any other VR game wouldn't besides "it's longer"?

Because they're trying to force VR so they're intentionally holding the IP hostage. How many times has a dev said they're not releasing a sequel to X game because they don't know if there's a demand. Yet there's a huge demand for Half-Life 3 on PC and modern consoles, and they go and make one for VR, which almost no one has. It's the VR agenda.

ur baiting but just saying 20,000 people buying a $1000 game (its not but ill humor it) would be equivalent in revenue to ~350,000 people buying a $60 game, and the game came out only yesterday and people cant buy more headsets because of the kung flu

not that is matters valve has billions in passive steam income so they dont give a fuck and are just gonna make what they think is cool anyway even it sells zero

The only real way I could see VR go mainstream is if Sony force bundles them with PS5/PS6
