Oh nono no

Oh nono no

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Well, modders are already working on it.

It's not fair!!! I payed $1000 buckerinos to play the next instalment in the Half Life series just to be told that people will be able to pirate it and play it for free with m&k?!

>"lol u do it"
Fuck V*lve

Whats the point.


where? is the SDK even out?

It's like those orbiters who really want a certain girl but they can't get her so they buy a strand of her hair to lick. Close enough, right?

I see valve is going with the bethesda strategy of let modders fix it

It would be pretty boring with a keyboard and a mouse since its built around vr


That would expose the game for the gimmicky piece of shit it is.

That means it IS boring. VR is a gimmick. Game is shit.

I would pay 200 dollars to play half life alyx as a normal FPS without the VR shit, and 300 more dollars for half life 3 to be a normal FPS. "Poorfag" is not an argument it's that VR is gay and not worth the "benefits" it provides.

Well it's designed with VR first and foremost so I guess that would be the "definitive experience".
Also it works kinda like a timed console exclusive.

All those vr fags yesterday saying it'll never happen.

Valve says otherwise topkek

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>he thinks modders need an sdk


Well I imagine it would make the process go smoother. Where are these modders you guys keep talking about?

Modding is a large part of why the original Half-Life game was so successful. They're very well aware of the community functions.

some guys will either make a source or source 2 mod that follows the same maps and shit, but removes all the interactivity and replaces it with default stuff

Of course. Why not? I just hope Valve doesn't try in vain to prevent this. It'll get modded whether Valve like sit or not, and if they get butthurt about it, they'll just end up looking like shitheads. The pictured headline implies they've just accepted it, which is good.

VR users should be using VR because they like VR, not because a game is exclusive to VR. No one who genuinely enjoys VR should be upset.

Maybe. I suspect it would just be easy as fuck with traditional controls. But modders, then, could just increase the difficulty.

Too late, i don't want it
Not going to pay for your game after you spit in my face you fat bitch

No one is stopping you from playing a flatscreen version.
idk why you would want to do that though.

>modding the most graphically intensive and beautiful game ever made for people who can't afford vr
>implying they don't have toasters

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Thanks for beta testing VRcucks.

ok zoomer

Once you can play it without VR people will see how shit the game is without its gimmick.

These posts are some of the most pathetic posts I've seen on Yas Forums

>It's like those orbiters who really want a certain girl but they can't get her so they buy a cheap hooker that looks like her. Close enough, right?

VRfags are zoomers, zoomer

>people who don't like my gimmick are PATHETIC!

Cope more incel.

I still wish i had vr

like a zoomer is the most likely candidate to have both a powerful pc as well as a vr headset, my zoomzoom friend

try vr chat.

vr is a gimmick for gaming, but for online interaction it's different. there are so much more you can express while talking with others (especially if you're using index knuckles and full body tracking) in vr than in any other form of online communication.

so many unconcious forms of non-verbal communication, with the additional benefit of being able to leave/join another gang whenever you feel like it.

try it. it's the reason vr is made for.

oh and try space engine in VR if you haven't yet + rick n morty. those are also fun but only for a short while.

but vrchat makes vr be worthwhile on its own.

>t. i also got mad bored of half life alyx after about 40 minutes unsure if i can fire it up again, it shows nothing new after boneworks and even boneworks was boring af.


>I didn't fell for the expensive meme
thank god. Enjoy 1 decent vr game per 2 years cucks AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

based and consoomerpilled

>Maybe. I suspect it would just be easy as fuck with traditional controls. But modders, then, could just increase the difficulty.
You guys really don't get it.
It's not about "increasing the difficulty."
When you're making a valve game with any competency, you're gonna make changes/concessions to fit VR.
The point being that once you're playing VR, those "concessions" simply become good design decisions, and vice versa for playing flat screen.

it's cringier 2nd life but not even vr, most players are just on desktop

there's dozens of better vr games

you didn't understand my post at all.

And this is why VR isn't going to become standard for a long time, the technology isn't good enough yet to make games that are good in their own right without relying on the novelty of it. Too much shit needs to be ironed out.

There are 2 types of modders. The who do it for recognition, and those who do it for love of the craft. The ones doing it for recognition are all on patreon now, the ones doing it for love of the craft, the ones doing it without an SDK, they work in the shadows and on obscure forums.

read the article niggers
t. poorfag vrlet


It's like people on a smartphone trying to emulate console games and then complaining about how shit it is

Bad analogy. A hooker is still a girl. That's a 1:1 experience. A VR game without the VR may as well be a youtube video.

>so much more you can express while talking with others

you're just a normie, fuck off and interact with real people

do people really think like this?

>Implying valve won't just release a non-VR for 60$ in a year or so
They'd be stupid not to.

No, I really do get it. Of course the changes/concessions to fit VR are good ideas for VR. If the game were modded to work with keyboard and mouse, though, it would probably end up being too easy. Part of the reason it would be too easy is that a lot of VR-specific challenges like manual reloading would be cut from the game by necessity. Other aspects of the game would then have to be adjusted in order to give it a balanced level of difficulty again.


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you head clickers are pathetic, go play some zoom eternal and click on weakpoints

People that spent $1000 on an Index do.

>the most graphically intensive
VRfaggots are really this delusional?

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There are plenty of mobile ports that are playable and don't require an entire rework of the game to play.

If I went to play GTA SA on mobile it is still a good game with a different control scheme. If I went to play Boneworks without VR it becomes unplayable shit that wouldn't even pass for a unity tech demo.

yeah i like interacting irl, but i get bored of people fast and need to swtich. it's a million times easier in VR, everyone is much more open and trusting as well, you can easily attach to a random group of people if they seem fun, then leave if they turn out boring and find another group and make friends along the way.

doesn't work like this in real life.

and there are so many unconscious forms of communication that come through VR, but don't come through any other way. well, except irl, but come on, don't tell me you don't get stuck in boring situations irl, it happens all the time. in vr, you don't get stuck.


>wait years and years for next hl
>valve cucks you making it vr only
>well i waited so long for this, i guess i'll cough up $1000, this is based valve after all
>day after release valve says modders will make it work without vr

So after all these tears of VRcucks. You guys will wait until it's modded to play or just gonna watch it on youtube before playing it?

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>p-please give clicks to Ben Kuchera
Nope! How about you explain what specific information in the article is not immediately evident given the headline?

Why would you want to play this with M+K?

It would be like asking for Time Crisis on PC

Use an archive link then if you're that much of a pussy

VR has made me a spectator so what do you fucking think

I guess I just don't see the point in being angry about it
so it's on a different format, big deal

> most graphically intensive
> 2016 graphics

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>do our work for us goyim

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Time Crisis also lets you aim with a cursor in it's home versions. That's all people are asking for here, they're not arguing that it's the best way to play or anything.

>volvo is too lazy to make a real pc version themself
Come on dude. Even the boneworks prequel and 5n@f vr got real versions by their devs.

it's more fun than any other half life or portal game was playing m&kb because you're actually fully engaged into the game
just too expensive for poorfags I guess even though they'll gloat about switch being the best console when that shit is $300 for a slightly larger phone to play phone games like animal crossing

I'll just wait until I buy VR for it
I don't watch people play single player games

Just like modders made this game playable without a gun

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bro you literally post crying about vr, you are the only one in tears coping because your mom bought you a ps3 instead of an index for christmas last year

DAMN feels good not being tricked into buying a useless piece of hardware for one (1) game

>Fully immersive
>No melee

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Anybody with a Mcjob can afford a $300 VR headset, you're not special retard.

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>still hasn't explained why I should read the article

game and levels where designed for VR what's the point


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