In the end I couldn't tell if he liked Breath of the WIld or not.
In the end I couldn't tell if he liked Breath of the WIld or not
Other urls found in this thread:
He clearly liked it
>it's not inarguably great but it sometimes reaches moments of perfection when its systems align
summed it up
doom eternal video when?
It was pretty fucking easy to tell he liked it.
why would anyone want to review that painfully dull shit? there's nothing interesting in it. it's the most design by comittee fps press-F-to-awesome in a very long time
his microvideo on doom vs doom was one of the best ways to say why "doom isn't doom", without shitting on nudoom or overpraising it
though i wished he talked about more details like the armor system
Don't listen to the people responding, I know what you mean and this is exactly what I hate about these critical analysis video essays. Without a big X/10 number at the end of a review don't know what the reviewer thought. I like just scrolling to the ends of the review for the bullet points and the score. Why make me read between the lines and parse all that information when you can just give me the summary?
>3 streams within a week
Is he back?
Oh no I dont know what to think. Please someone else tell me what to think.
He liked BOTW a lot though.
I know you're baiting but my question was more "to what degree" he liked it (as in, where would he rank it? does he think it's the best zelda game? one of the best games ever? just an average game? a good game ruined by baffling design decisions, aka wasted potential?)
he didn't get it due to bethesda launcher
he likes Kula World so he is based and has great taste.
Literally the only e-celeb to ever mention my childhood GOAT.
Oh yeah? Retard.
Because that already exists elsewhere? Personally I hate scored reviews because people just focus on the score instead the things the reviewer actually said.
Uhhh, niggers?
So is it a painting?
It's clearly a photograph
In Matthewmatosis' case, the review doesn't exist to inform consumers. He usually tells people not to watch his videos before they play the game, so a score would be pointless in his case anyways. His reviews are long-form discussions of design elements. It goes against industry convention, but not the definition of the word "review".
Where is this from?
But look at the perspective here
But what if it's from another pie
everyone wants to hear about sekiro, mgs5, bayonetta, dmc5, bloodborne, dark souls 3 and this guy vanishes for months on end then comes back with some shinobi streams
>everyone wants to hear about [a bunch of games I don't want to hear about]
Who made you everyone?
Everyone just wants the SMT and Nioh reviews
>sekiro, bloodborne, dark souls 3
already talked about those tho
>vanishes for months on end then comes back with some shinobi streams
>implied on twitter he doesn't like sekiro
>probably didn't like mgs5
>likes bayo
>probably likes dmc5 to a certain extent
>likes BB
>doesn't like DaS3
He doesn't like DMC5 because it's not DMC1
Phimosis is pretty cool because he likes mastering games instead of shitting out a review after a single playthrough, like his no-hit runs of DMC1 and VJ.
He's talked about more than half of those. But he's not making reviews to validate peoples' tastes one way or the other.
>already talked about those tho
I have to wade through hours of streams just to find when he talks about certain games. Why not make videos about them? They don't even have to be his usual long analysis videos, just some quick videos on his thoughts about the game and then he can follow up with a full analysis if he wants to delve deeper.
Why do you care? He's stated many times he deliberately tries to not make the videos about him. He was trying to raise points about where the focus on "freedom" succeeded and failed, and if there might've been points in which restricting it might've improved the game. You're supposed to think about these things, agree or disagree with them or whatever. Why does how much he liked the game even matter?
I would say it's because of coronachan but I never got the impression he left the house much.
He likes DMC3 though
There is no other single player FPS that plays like it. Blood is the only thing that comes close but Blood gets significantly worse as it goes on whereas Eternal only gets significantly better.
>Why not make videos about them?
Because Matt's autistic (in a good way
Dude honestly takes the quality of his writing and content so personally and his channel won't ever get that big. He wants to say things that haven't been said, which has gotten a lot harder since he himself caused an explosion in this type of analytical breakdown of games. I'm sure he's got that thing where the more people spam him about doing something, the less he wants to do it. I'd say the best we could ever hope for is a commentary on bloodborne, but he seems intent on doing all the Kamiya games first, which I find entertaining, but I feel like he's putting way, way more effort into those than his Demon/Dark souls one, which were more relaxed.
I mean, the part of his Demons Souls playthrough where he's like shitfaced drunk and makes the run through the giant balista in Latria is fucking gold.
which one is it, the first microvideos or the 2nd one
What? Can't you just get it on Steam?
second one, between dmc2 and bayonetta
He was completely right, but that doesn't preclude eternal from being a game he could talk about since its great in its own right, though I don't think he will since he seems to prefer classic style doom considerably.
Theres literally no point in trying to make a sequel to doom 1 and 2's mechanics since the mapping community is so prolific that doom can played endlessly and at a greater quality than the original wads.
wtf is this thread?
you niggers are discussing someone elses opinion of a video game?
everyone above me self immolate
>Theres literally no point in trying to make a sequel to doom 1 and 2's mechanics since the mapping community is so prolific that doom can played endlessly and at a greater quality than the original wads.
it's also a case of the current technology since nudoom relies on enemies spawning in arenas and disappearing corpses
for the existence of a perfect doom, you need a perfect engine
Give it a shot?
Sounds based to me.
I much prefer when he talks about stuff like Dustforce, devil daggers or rain world because I actually learn about games that maybe I could have missed out on. He said he has nothing noteworthy to say about bloodborne and dark souls 3 by the way.
laura palmer of the matthewmatosis mythos
when is he gonna review exapunks and molek-syntez?
Eventually he'll have to review Matthew
Did he died?
What's the story here?
Yes, of crippling boneitis
Has Matthew ever talked about P5?
The only eceleb that improved with patreon.
good. Genesis = goat.
He said on stream that his expectations for the story were too high, that he regrets ignoring the internet while waiting for the English release, and that he doesn't give a shit about the new version.
were you in the chat
That'd be an interesting discussion. I fucking hated Persona 5, it'd be interesting to hear someone articulate break it down rather than screaming at Makotofags on Yas Forums.
Do you know which stream?
who are you
He doesnt like to dwell on things and follow trends. One of things i like about him. He only makes videos if he wants to. Everything he wanted to say about Souls has already been said in 4 different videos. And he has stated his opinion on DS3, Sekiro and BB. Finds Sekiro and DS3 to be mediocre because they focus on action too much but thinks BB is a great game but has still the same shortcomings
1 of the last 3
>He only makes videos if he wants to.
And most of the time he doesn't want to, it seems. Why take Patreon money then?
He said he didn't care for Sekiro
fuck makotofags though
E-beggar board when? These fucking fags will never stop shilling their shitty videos.
I know that's lame af but he is still the best vidya essay guy
I hope he does the Travis Strikes Again video at some point or a Suda one in general. That Killer is Dead stream was a lot of fun and the past few this week were a good listen.
2:39: 10 to 2:40:10, then watch 2:42:30
Why do people insinuate because he actually said nice things about DMC1 he dislikes the other games. Even as a big Devil May Cry fan that's a dumb assumption to make.