okay so ever since 8 chan died i have not for the life of me been able to find this hot video of a cute girl who works at a veterinarian place letting a dog hump and fuck her
anyone remember the one
It’s a fact that white women have a natural urge to fornicate with the beasts, dogs, arabs, negroes and Irish are a favourite of white women
>he doesn't know
Why is that though? I know for a fact white girls love fucking dogs and suphumans
>white girls love fucking dogs and suphumans
I don't buy it, otherwise faggots like you wouldn't be incels
Look at America for example, once a beautiful Anglo country now everyone is mixed species, every American I’ve ever met has been part English and part Irish/German/Italian etc. Nobody is purely human
Jill is for Nemesis cock only OP, we all know that.
Seconding for interest
check your DMs ;)
I guess the english subhumans just have infiltrated the US genepool
recieved ;)
How could they have infiltrated when they were the first people to live in America?
use 'UK' or 'Anglo' as keywords in your search, that should help you find it
Because they prefer white men the most but white men are so problematic they have to look elsewhere.
>who are native americans
kek. that said, you've got a point. the US always was subhuman. First the indian subhumans, then the anglo subhumans. Same shit different day.
Reminds me of the copy pasta of a girl who worked at a zoo and would enter the wolf pen to let the alpha wolf knot her.
Has Umbrella ever turned a black man into a tyrant?
>Cucks your path
>He didnt play Outbreack
forbidden fruit
The native Americans are the Anglos who were the first humans to settle in North America
Today the Dominion of Canada is the last hold out of Anglo civilisation in the new world because America has been infiltrated by the Irish and the Italians and the Germans
WASPs do worse in nearly every metric vs Irish Americans. Income, education, you know, the little things. They still seethe.
Why was that scene so hot bros wtf
French were going deep into American back country way before English. Spanish had the south west on lock. You're historically retarded.
The site is back.
No one played Outbreak.
That’s unlikely to be true but in the few cases that it might be it would be because of affirmative action programmes giving aid to none whites, or the American census mistakenly records Ulsterman and Iberian Irish as the same race
This can't be true, they aren't having sex with you.
The Spanish aren’t humans, they’re mixed with Moorish blood and no the English landed in Newfoundland before the French even knew how to sail across the ocean
You don't have to believe me. It's as easy as looking at US census data. Playing little mind games to make yourself feel right won't change facts.
What was the purpose of that scene though? How did Sony let this go?
Yea but the beast boards seem to be gone.
Yeah and the anglos started shit villages and communities that fell to rot while French traders were conquering the wilderness and connecting with the native people. This is some shit boring rp. Practice more on pol.
I’m not with a white woman, I’m with a Japanese woman. I’m not white myself since I’m not an Anglo I’m Austro-Hungarian
I’m not playing games, I’m educating you. The Ulsterman are equal to the Anglo but are a completely different race from the Irish Iberian, the Iberian invaders of Ireland are commonly referred to today in America as just plain Irish because of the American anti Anglican, anti English, and anti Monarchy beliefs they reuse to recognize the Ulsterman as the original people of Ireland and recognize the Anglican Faith as the original church of Ireland before the Iberians brought their Roman paganism over
Cope harder Fag
The French accomplished nothing, Quebec is a backwater and Louisiana and Haiti are nigger shitholes. Ontario is the greatest civilization to exist in the entire Americas because we were founded and built by great Anglo minds, all the most intelligent people in the 13 Colonies left the backwards left wing republic the maniac George Washington set up to build a civilization that rivals any european continental state
>Ontario doesn't have a profiting video games industry
>Montreal is literally the silicon valley of video games in Canada
Get a load of this nigger
I just want more Jill gore like decaps and head smashes. That's all I care about anymore.
Montreal is that way because our Anglo government gives them billions of dollars to try and make them productive. Without our billions in foreign aid to Quebec they would be a shithole like every single other French colony to ever exist
Wait is this an actual cutscene or does it only happen if they catch you?
seconded. Now. DO it. Find it.
I remember one time, I was gym and Jill, and my dick was so sweaty from running from Nemesis.
Reminder Capcom can't into redesigns
Why don't they make a RE game set in Japan?
learn to google
archiveofourown org/works/12843243/chapters/29326515
Because the Japanese are too clean to allow a virus to spread, that’s why Europeans are dying by the boat load of this corona virus but almost no Japanese are sick
Damn, this looks good, but I think they wanted to go as far as possible from the original design.
top kek
>post says wolf
>this is a lion
ok retard. unless you're trying to sneakily shill your own shit. in which case that's fucking pathetic.
FUCK, that’s so good.
other chapters have the wolf, I just saved you the hassle of clicking the "I swear I'm 18" banner.
posted all the tags
enjoy the faping, retard
Needs a miniskirt. Then it'd be perfect.
You can't stop it once you're there, but because I haven't played I can't say for certain that you can't get it to fuck off with some scripted action.
Very noice