Is 144hz gaming a scam?
Is 144hz gaming a scam?
Your uncreative, recurring threads are a time scam
Get new material faggot
Why do we have this thread everyday?
It is, I literally couldn't see the difference when I saw a video on my 60hz monitor
Much like every meme, you wouldn't understand unless you tried it. I would say it depends on the game. It helps with competitive games and makes singleplayer games look nice if you can run it at 144 fps. games play fine at 60
retarded bait image aside, no it isn't
the main issue with different refresh rates is that you can't actually see the difference until you buy a monitor with a higher refresh rate or just go to a store that has some 144hz demo on display (which is very unlikely since 4k is the hot shit right now)
it feels great moving and shooting shit at 144fps
too bad most games can't get to it either because of engine limitations or poor optimization
1080p 144hz > 4k 60 hz
What about 1440p 144hz vs 1080p 240hz? Looking to buy a pair for my 1080 144.
Problem with higher refresh rate monitors is that you need that better hardware to really get that difference in quality. No point in having it if you constantly dip below that
Tough call.
what the fuck is this image supposed to prove?
I still don't understand how this works. Does the system pick which 60 frames to show you? And having a 144 hz monitor, it now picks which 144 frames to show you? Does that mean hypothetically, there's an infinite amount of frames that can be displayed but we just don't see them?
exactly, now you're getting it
I see several differences. I would circle them but janny is a tranny
Soul vs. Soulless
The amount of frames is decided by your hardware, stupid. The end point and the start point are about the same and you have an even-ish distribution of inbetween frames
Yeah, but implied is that you are either upgrading to a 140hz monitor or a higher resolution monitor, so you need better hardware either way.
240hz is seems overkill, im certain diminishing returns start to happen after 144hz but i haven't seen a 240hz monitor in action so i could be entirely wrong
higher resolutions with 144hz is fine though, i personally just don't need more than 1080p
>1080p 144hz > 4k 60 hz
I'll take best of both thanks.
What is the point of this thread? It's not even good bait, it's just retarded.
>too bad most games can't get to it
Definitely not the case. Most of the games I've played the last couple of years have had high refresh rate support. Some not right out of the box (Sekiro is the most recent example I can think of) but it performs flawlessly when patched
They're gonna shit out 360hz monitors this year so diminishing returns or not that shit sells
Not trying to be a faggot I legitimately can't tell the difference. I have two monitors, one 144hz and one 60hz and I literally never notice anything better on the 144hz. Before you ask I have 144hz on in the Windows setting. I do see a difference with 4K but the increase in price just doesn't seem worth it.
So you have a 4K 144Hz monitor?
You've got to be special kind of retarded. The difference is like night and day, no memes and no jokes.
He said he has 2 monitors, so he probably has a 1080 or 1440p 144hz and a 4k 60hz
shut the fuck up. if you open this image in 144hz vs 60hz monitor you can clearly see the difference, you probably just have a 60hz monitor faggot.
There's no way, something must be wrong, either with your brain or the hardware. Even just moving the cursor is clearly different from 60 to 120
not him, but when i made the jump from 60 to 144, I did notice that at first but after a week it felt exactly the same. It's kinda nice but it adds absolutely nothing beyond that.
Humen eye can't see past 60 cause its more cinemetic and wholesoem
Doesn't matter here. If you dropped your refresh rate to 60 you'd definitely see it again. The idiot implies if he looks at his secondary monitor and then back at his main monitor he notices no difference in anything
ey same here bro.
except im just 1440p 120hz, but fuck its just fine for gaming.
60 Hurts ought to be enough for everyone.
Ok, I'll bite? What's the difference? I've been looking at it for 5 minutes. How is OP wrong?
Do you have 2x 2080ti's?
There's 84 more frames per second on average in the above image
I use my old 60hz monitor on the side and I don't really notice the difference when my mouse switches over unless I'm staring at the mouse pointer or moving the mouse slowly that it looks like a smooth movement, neither of which I ever do.
Yes. 90fps is the limit for how much of an improvment you can actually notice.
144hz panels offer lower pixel response times and less ghosting, so it's overall an improvement but you don't need to hit 144fps to get the benefits. You'll see them even at 60fps.
Good motion blur and gsync/freesync are much more important to the overall experience as they reduce judder quite significantly.
So what you're saying is static image looks no different on 144 hertz?
the mouse doesn't look any better in motion and the whole thing is just a novelty, which is counter to what said
diminishing returns start at 60 and end sometime around 90
No, just a single radeon VII. Thing is as i'm not "hurr durr all da sliderz to da right!!!1111one" I tune each game to give the experience I want. I'll play metro exodus at 60ish fps as it is a slow game, whereas I run doom eternal at 90fps as it needs the speed. radeon image sharpening combined with resolution scaling gives results that in a blind test you cannot tell apart from true 4k. Other titles just run at 120fps at 4k because they are not so demanding.
That is the magic of the PC - to be able to tune each game to get the experience you want.
Who the fuck plays with motion blur? Are you really this retarded?
You might wanna play some actual games but this is Yas Forums so hey
You don't understand what motion blur is.
Not him but I understand that it's just an additional eyesore and I always disable it. There's also a clear difference between 90 and 144 by the way, maybe look at it before you talk next time
Your IQ is room temperature.
Oh, projecting, typical
I litrally cannot see any difference between 20 fps and 144 fps
60hz should be made illegal in the current era. Same with 1080p
is it weird that I miss the default skins?
I wonder if there are people like that, I mean like you, out there and are just straight up confused when people request higher framerates? That said, I wonder if having a PS3/4 as your first gaming system can just literally ruin your eyes and brain.
The human eye can't see over 24 frames per second so this is all academic.
Imagine if your life was like stop motion and had countable frames
>tfw you framedrop when you go to McDonalds in America
No but it's the most expensive dragon to chase.
I got used to 144hz and getting every game to run that fast is a nightmare. I blow all my money on hardware whenever a game comes out that I want to play.
fucking based
You don't need 144fps.
You can't see 144fps.
Because this is hell, and hell is all about repetition
for games? yeah.
for general work on the computer? no.
definitely saw a huge difference between 60hz and 144hz
Yes you can.
Everything below 144fps is a slideshow.
Motion blur can be done well. It's a natural thing that should be emulated if games are trying to be realistic. But most games just blur the entire screen way too much with every slight motion
imagine beliving this. what you are seeing is phase misalignment of your framerate and refresh.
It's weird that you play this shit.
Life has no motion blur