Why does this make people seethe so much it looks pretty dope

Why does this make people seethe so much it looks pretty dope

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because I don't want to spend $1000 on a VR headset. Unless Trump sends me that $1000 check soon.

The index isnt the only option though
Wmrs are like 200 bucks

so the game is clearly not for you

it doesn't have a 3 in the title

Buy a Rift S for 400, it has inside-out tracking and GPU requirement is a 1050ti, a budget card from four years ago.

Now have a gander at the game's minimum specs.

Yas Forums is never happy.

>Why does this make people seethe

This past weekend has been full of that question.

Too much financial investment for a video game

>people wait 12 years for a game most people couldn't even play
How are you this dense?

It unironically is poor people


Game related question: what does difficulty change? The sponginess of enemies? Cause putting an entire pistol clip into a venomcrab is not fun with how sparse these are

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theres clips everywhere u just have to look around a bit, difficulty changes enemy hp and dmg

This is your first trick, showing you fell for the obvious bait.
When you tell them, "theres cheaper alternatives"
they go
Thinking that the VR headset itself is for some ungodly reason the thing running the entire game itself.

Other common bait arguments to this are:
>Shit tracking
>Don't want to support facebook/microsoft
>"veearr lmao"
>Cheaply made for the price
>Shit controllers
>Bad resolution
>Screen door effect
>Bad comfort

When in reality, as someone who's used 4 different headsets, they are all effectively the same and you won't notice jack shit when playing unless your the same hyper autist who can notice when the FOV is 89 instead of 90.

So how do you stop this menace? You don't, you just ignore "1000 dollars" posters until they go away to another bait thread.

I mean, sure there's plenty of it usually before and after combat, but I quite often find myself to only have 2-3 spare clips after a section, which is pretty anxious cause I try to be very sparse with my shots.

It doesn't make me angry, it looks good for a VR game and I don't even care about Half-Life. But, Valve clearly thinks that the future of gaming is VR, they're pushing that idea. If people support this, it'll be the revolutionary thing and all games are slowly transform into VR games. Even the idea of that makes me anxious because VR games are completely different than traditional vidya and I don't want the things I love to change.
That being said, the people who shitpost about it, call it a bad game and a flop in every thread are mentally ill

>Thinking that the VR headset itself is for some ungodly reason the thing running the entire game itself.
How the fuck does me pointing out the game's minimum specs mean anything other than the complete opposite of that? If you're going to start acting as if you've heard it all before then at least address the point that you need more than just a headset to run this thing.

People still play traditional pen and paper games. Just because there's a new medium doesn't mean it dissapears. When VR does become dominant, traditional flat video games will still exist and be made.

Fuck off false flagger, OP too. Stop pretending anyone cares about your shit game, people are just laughing because the game is shit, the plot is shit, vr is shit and because valve drones are having a meltdown realising the game is a mediocre disappointment. Stop trying so hard to twist it any other way. Cope.

>twenty twenty
>doesnt have a decent rig
Enjoy your consoles fag

>>theres clips everywhere u just have to look around a bit,
Ammo only actually spawns when you're low on it. I had 20 spare shotgun shells for most of the game, because I rarely used it and so the game never spawned any more ammo for it.

It's adaptive difficulty cancer. Play good, and you get punished. Play bad, get rewarded.

Enemies already felt like bullet sponges on normal most of the time, probably to make up for the fact they could only throw 3 of them at you at once.

Wait is this true? I've been hoarding shotgun shells because I thought they were rare as fuck.

You seem awfully mad about a game you think is shit. Try coping

Flat games won't go away, even in the worst case scenario you would see something like the adoption curve for 3D

>everyone goes crazy over it and every game has to be 3D
>some franchises (looking at you Sonic) fail and destroy themselves trying to fit the new paradigm
>everyone calms down and both 2d and 3d games get released just fine
>people prefer old 2d games because the games in the transition phase didn't age well

I doubt it will even reach that level though, it'll just be a slowly expanding niche. I don't mind because I got my headset for porn anyway and all this shit is a bonus desu

Past half life games worked the same way.

you fucking said that in response to headset prices you faggot.
Don't fucking strawman me into your shitty argument.

Because, it's exposing all the neets to the reality of the fact that they can't afford anything and when they can't pirate something they seethe


I dream of a world where I can play a flat game or a VR game depending on what I feel like at the time. Oh wait, that's now. Life is good.

>It's adaptive difficulty cancer
Fucking lame.
I get it, so that way people can get through if they suck.

Too bad those people arent fucking playing the hardest difficulty.
If your on normal and easy sure let it exist, if I am seeking the hardest challenge the game can offer it shouldnt scale shit back or give me more shit because I was sloppy or good, it should punish me the entire way for wasting limited resources.
The fact that if I want to try a less optimal strategy or die to bad luck should not lower the difficulty, it should let me discover how to get around the hardest possible challenge in the game. Not fucking remove the challenge until I make it.

>doesn't have at least a GTX1060, a mid-range video card from 2016

the absolute state of Yas Forums poorfags. time to get a job and upgrade your 750Ti

It's literally only VR titles that's out of its range you idiot.


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>looks dope

this is a nigger free zone

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That explains why me having 8 clips pretty much stopped ammo from spawning until I started using my pistol again

I'm most certainly sure it's true. The ammo drops feel random.


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>$200 for a WMR that cannot play any games but Alyx supports out of pity.
It makes more sense to buy some Oculus in the least as it can play most of the VR games out there. WMR, not much.

What about the samsung odessey+
It cant be that bad right

Mup da do didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga

expect sales to skyrocket when they send out the stimulus checks

This is not vr. This is a raspberry pi hooked to a tiny display monitor with refurbished motion-capture gloves, all connected to a PC. It has worse movement and maneuvering than "vr" skyrim, which does exist, by the way.

>the minimum specs of the game isn't relevant in a discussion concerning the expense to play this game

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They are, or at least it seems like it to me. At max I have like 3 extra shells + the 7 in the gun. Often it's not even full and I just shove new shells into the gun directly. And that's despite the fact that I barely use it because I want it around as an oh-shit button, it really helped with the two lightning dogs in the basement

That means twelve years to upgrade your shit. At the very most, for the best experience, you need a $1000 PC and the $1000 Index set. In numbers of weeks, that's an estimated 576 weeks for 12 years. Rounded up, that's $3.48 USD you needed to make and save every week.

Among all of the expenses people have, you're telling me you couldn't give up a bacon cheeseburger a week to afford to play a new Half-Life game? NO SYMPATHY.

>two lightning dogs in the basement
Fuck this fight.

It's time to upgrade from that 750 Ti, user. The GTX 1060 came out in 2016, and it was a mid-range card even then. If you don't have a card that doesn't beat that, you've got a weak-ass PC.

It's a good headset, but options for WMR are limited, you need to have that in mind. Alyx supports it because Valve obviously wanted to reach as wide of audience they could, but it's not the norm.

So your argument is people should have been saving money for a game that for the longest time didn't seem like it was even going to be made?

Go ahead and picture the responses you would have gotten if you insisted a new half life game was going to be made back when epistle 3 dropped.

Wow this is a new one. You're still just making shit up but at least it's not the same.

>but it's not the norm
I thought there was third party solutions

>cope he says, after typing out the ultimate cope post
the game is a huge success and VR headsets are getting sold out because of it

>So your argument is people should have been saving money for a game that for the longest time didn't seem like it was even going to be made?
Holy fuck you're stupid, he's saying 2k is chump change
Get a job

it is pretty dope

You mean a game that people would have been able to play within that year, because they already had the available technology to run it? Are you trying to imply that Half-Life Alyx is somehow a bigger ordeal than getting a game much earlier and having to replace your current CPU and GPU for a next generation title? Get out of town.

There's Revive but there are some downsides. It's buggy in many games and some games outright won't work as intended. It's an acceptable solution, but requires some hassle. It's like playing games on Linux or something, you know.

SteamVR supports WMR quite well, even with the different controllers since the Vive wands had shit for buttons. At most, you'll have to fiddle with the controls a little for some games. WMR is fine for what it is: VR on the cheap. And most of them have better screens than 1st gen VR systems (Vive, OG Oculus).

I liked it, but I was just glad to finally get to a fight that felt dangerous. Just barely lived through it after barely needing heals for the game up to it.

>tfw the respawning poison headcrab basement
kek I wonder how much they had to nerf that concept before the playtesters could get through it without going catatonic, they even gave infinite grenades and a safe area

SteamVR has a support for WMR but it's very barebones, if game has some non-standard features it's not going to work.