Jrpg of the decade is coming out in just a few days. Are you ready?

Jrpg of the decade is coming out in just a few days. Are you ready?

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Never on switch LOL

>Buying the same game again
lol, no thanks.
Just emulate the original and leave it at that.

I'm that faggot who's debating on getting a PS4 for this. Should I?

thank fuck, enjoy your 60 dollar DLC snoyboy

And nincels say sony doesn’t care about persona


Keep seething faggot you are jealous nintentards will NEVER play this masterpiece

96 nigger. 96

95 now because of one bad review by a person that couldn't even decide on their gender.

Still much higher than tranny crossing

I can't wait for Kasumi's game!

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Desperate shill thread

>For some reason my friend got his copy delivered to him yesterday
>I pre-ordered the digital version so I have to wait

I hate this.

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How am I supposed to get my physical?

I want to get physical with Kasumi!

I pre orderd my special edition when can I get it?

He pre-ordered the physical PT edition, I would've too but I'm living in a foreign country right now and don't speak the native language. Found out from him that the game doesn't let you change the text language so I wouldn't understand shit anyways if I got it physical.

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Same game for 90% of the time you're replaying something you played years ago
Redhead party member only playable in the final month
Nothing from the new content is referenced in Persona 5 Scramble (the sequel)
Persona 3 and 4 protagonist boss battles are DLC and Joker's 3rd tier Ultimate Persona is DLC
California SJW censorship
No changes to Haru and Akechi's lack of screen time and proper development
Makoto and Futaba still run the entire gang, plot, and Makoto ruins all group interactions

Not buying it. Fuck off.

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Why are they charge the full price for a old game plus a DLC. instead selling the DLC itself.

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>they didnt let us skip the rat maze with the grappling hook

>they didnt let us skip the airlock puzzle with the grappling hook

what the fuck was the point?

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dont you mean cooming out in just a few days?

If you want to play it then why not

This. Fuck replaying P5.

Scramble is more a filler chapter than a sequel tho. And it’s written by koei-tecmo eugh

I'm not ready to eat shit

Sorry, personybro, you've posted the wrong picture. I've corrected your mistake, and by the way there's no need to wait because jrpg of the decade is already out. Persona doesn't count cuz it's from 2016.

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You have money to blow?
Go for it

>"Dude tits lol"
Not every coomer is a weeb
But every weeb is a coomer

it already came out.

>96 even with sony penalty
Shit mang

*sony bonus

what's the fucking difference between this game and P5?


More mediocre JRPG that came out 4 years ago

*atlus bonus

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Kill yourself

If this is the JRPG of the decade then JRPGs are dead. No, I won't be buying it.

User score is irrelevant because some autist bombed ALL of the SMT games, no matter on which platform they are

I always hear Atlusfags saying that Nocturne is the best SMT there is, how come the user score is that low, then?

Persona/SMT are anti JRPGs actually. I fucking hate most JRPGs but love these games.

see this


It won't arrive on my country yet because of Corona virus

Fuck my life.

SMTfags are like FEfags. They hate their own franchise and the company that makes them but are at the same time adamant that it's better than other franchises in it's genre.


Gonna buy this 20 Euro DLC when it costs 20 Euro.

SMT is because it cuts out all the bullshit. SMT games have a lot of flaws but their pacing is flawless which is ultimately the most important part of a JRPG. Persona falls for all the same things that ruin most JRPGs.

Or maybe Atlus just makes shitty shovelware games? Ever think about that?

>europoor is poor

The problem with atlus isn't the games but how they censor literally very game they release.

I always badly review all of their games regardless of how good they are.

>so you're saying that you don't want to pay $60 for the same game, for some pathetic 15 hours of new content? You must be poor.
The state of this board

My roommate is playing this and the soundtrack is the most annoying shit ive ever heard, the same 3-4 tracks over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

idiot and newfag

How's that been working out for ya, champ? Seems to be really effective so far, I'm sure if you keep posting bad reviews Atlus will continue to ignore you.

>Kasumi's game

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Just wait for the PS5’s, persona will 100% be on it.
That being said I got 250+ hours in on the base game, it’s really fun and addictive especially if you’re new to the series.

but Automata's been out for years now user

Persona is a friend simulator game. People on Yas Forums it's a jrpg but it really just is a friend simulator for fucking incels

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It came out months ago

Holy shit SaGa Scarlet Grace is releasing again?