When did Yas Forums start pretending to hate Dark Souls 2?

When did Yas Forums start pretending to hate Dark Souls 2?

Attached: Dark_Souls_II_cover.jpg (256x369, 39.65K)

why do you pretend your parents ever loved you

I think the hate is everywhere
My 10yo brother loved the shit out of the souls, except 2.
When I asked him why he said the stuff I've heard already in youtube.

shit thread for fags

When it came out
Some people stopped when DS3 came out though because it gave them some perspective on how DS2 could've been a whole lot worse

The better question is when did Yas Forums pretend to like it? It was viewed as an off-brand garbage copy in development hell not long after first impressions wore off, and it turned out to be that. When did the tide change?

Stop pretending to hate DS3 just because it's the newest one.



Sekiro is the newest one to me and I love it though
I also liked DS1 more than DeS

easy bait thread, good job OP. DS2 is the best dark souls.

Hallway Souls 3

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>> pretending
I have some bad news...



Your game is shit, accept it and go back to r/

In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

Attached: ds3 is shit 4.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

This is a bit disingenuous, Dark Souls 1 and 2 both have their DLC areas listed alongside the base game in that image, whereas Dark Souls 3 does not. If you included the Ashes of Ariandel and Ringed City areas it would look at least a little more fleshed out by comparison.

>ds3 is shit 4
post the first 3

I think both Ds3 and Ds2 are mediocre games for different reasons but I'd rather play replay Ds2.
Everything in Ds3 is just so, shallow I guess. That's the best way I can describe how it feels to play.

happened around the same time this site got full of sheep

over half of these things are shit


Had fum but now the servers are always offline.

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>servers are always offline
Always works for me. There's like 2,000 to 3,000 people online at any given time every day.

DS2 is VASTLY inferior to DS3 and if you disagree it's only because you're being a contrarian faggot. DS2 is objectively trash

>Dark Souls 3
>shortest game
>bonfires out the ass
>filled to the brim with shitty references
>massive amounts of on-disc cut content that will be sold as DLC
>rehashed areas in an already short game
>A third of the game is a swamp
>the game punishes invaders and encourages ganking
>no arena
>Heavy armor sucks
>Armor variety is less than DS2 BASE game, despite copypasting a 3rd of the armors from previous games
>Magic needs 2-3 ring slots just to dish out melee level damage
>Magic itself does reduced damage for PvP
>removes a shit ton of spells from the previous game
>awful scaling balance
>FP is the most awful casting management system introduced yet (worse than DeS mana, which had better regen options and more efficient)
>FP horribly ineffiecent with damage, ends up causing everyone to use 1 or 2 FP efficient spell like Great Heavy Soul Arrow
>Miracles awful, best and most viable one locked behind the final boss
>bland NG+
>awful covenants
>no blue eye orb
>blue sentinels and darkmoons the exact same
>left hand weapons no longer have full movesets
>dual wield weapons are gimmicks
>boss weapons can’t be infused
>Straight Swords and Curved Sword are as fast as daggers
>Great Weapons are slower than previous games, and costs more stamina, while barely doing more damage
>1-2 Weapons ALWAYS the best in class, no redeeming qualitys for special weapons resulting in less weapon variety than BB
>very little moveset variation
>WA are mostly shit or copypasted powerstance moves
>No backstep i-frame
>rolls have too much i-frames and cost too little stamina
>bloodborne enemies catered to R1 spam from ss and cs
>hexes gone and dark magic is shit
>shittiest dragon form
>no dragon covenant
>refined/hollow completely dominates
>DLC has so far been shit
>19 bosses, a good chunk being gimmicks
>linear level design, less branching options than DeS, DS2, and even BB
>b-but the DLC will save it!
>b-but other games have faults!

Attached: ds3 is shit 8.webm (960x540, 1.6M)

I heard that Ds3 has even less armor sets than Ds1.

>A four year old transwoman who never grew up

quick question lads,are the servers gone for sexbox one? VG is complete dog shit & full of trannies.

no it’s genuine

When their favorite youtuber started shitting on it.

Wait, people are pretending DS2 is better than DS3? Yikes.

>Haters of DS3 never even played it
You could have just stopped right there.


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Demon's Souls was a cool next step for Froms ps2 rpgs

Dark Souls took that and added my favorite shit from past games like better world design and lore from Evergrace and Kings Field

Giant's Souls was a good combination of the past two and the extra Kings Field vibes only made it better

Blood Souls was a good step for their next gen titles, really felt fresh and still more Kings Field lore which I cant help but love

Dark Souls 2 wasnt really needed imo, like why make a sequel when doing separate plots was so much more interesting? The lack of world design drags it down.

Dragon's Souls was a relly enjoyable single player game that somehow managed to still keep all the lore aspects from I enjoy Kings Fields onward intact while also keeping references to a minimum. That combat is top notch though I would have liked outfits.

King's Souls should goes back to the Kings Field vibes after all this, its what I'm hoping for since its made their best titles so far.

Nigger the entire Xbox went off.

Game servers are taking a break because an excessive amount of people are at home chugging the internet.

>>shortest game
>>bonfires out the ass
not bad things, short and good (ds3) > long and bad (ds2)
>filled to the brim with shitty references
this is literally ds2 lol. Pursuer, the health degradation on death, the numerous healing available healing items, pate, literally ornstein, literally bell gargoyles, etc.
>massive amounts of on-disc cut content that will be sold as DLC
literally DS2 again. AGS confirmed this years ago.
>rehashed areas in an already short game
do you mean Anor Londo, or are there actually areas?
>the game punishes invaders and encourages ganking
if you're trash, invaders have every enemy on their side.
>no arena
outright wrong
im not going to do this for the rest, you haven't been right about a single thing. ds2fags are so fucking stupid.

I love DS3

Funfact. If you play Dark Souls 2 in first person, it pretty much turns into King's Field V.

i don't know what you mean,man.
can you grug it down for me if you don't mind?

I like how every Souls thread now is solely shit taste zoomer secondaries fighting over which is shittier, das2 or 3. Demons - Dark - Bloodborne are the holy triumvirate of modern classics and both DaS sequels are lazy cash grabs and total shit for different reasons.

Attached: new_londo_ruins.jpg (422x575, 25.51K)

lol wtf

Attached: bonfires.png (1920x1080, 3.95M)

Over half of your brain is shit

Services are down on the console, it's because of the mandatory quarentine due to the corona virus.

>the most linear of all the games, even compared to DeS and BB
>nostalgiafag reference pandering out the ass
>rehashed characters
>Lowest Boss count after DeS
>Half the bosses are gimmicks
>Boss weapons shit as usual, despite having 4 games to draw experience from
>weapons in general are 90% quality based
>these quality weapons are also usually the best weapons in their class
>some weapons have retarded stat requirements where they don't even scale with said stats, which also happens to be quality
>armor system a horrible imbalanced mess
>the heaviest armors are the heaviest they have ever been in the series, while offering basically no additional defense over medium/light sets
>poise implemented in such a stupid way that only Greatswords and Maces get the most bang for the buck
>Some UGSs, GAs, and Hammers weigh more than entire armor sets
>Equip load is now done by VIT, which for some reason gives LESS per level than fucking dark souls 2
>Souls required to level up not adjusted for splitting stats into two
>a majority of the small weapons sped up to bloodborne speed, but some of the larger weapons have been made SLOWER and consume MORE STAMINA
>rolls cost next to nothing with extremely fast recovery and many iframes
>magic is garbage
>faith is garbage
>FP system is weird
>Too many useless fucking stats
>WAs are mostly just special r2s or powerstance moves copypasted with an explosion or two at the end
>MLGS is the worst its ever been
>awful covenants
>covenants are stickers which can be changed on the go
>shitty rewards
>Dragon form the worst its ever been in both aesthetic and practical sense
>community now filled with normies who hold hands with their SL 800 Friends to get through the game
>invaders have the most disadvantage compared to all other games in the series
>First DLC was a 1.5 hour long disappointment with a rehashed arena
>Second DLC had no end despite being the very last dark souls thing we'll get for the forseeable future

Attached: ds3 is shit 9.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Offbrand garbage yet nearly all journos and critics have it being the best Souls game right there second to BB.

And I agree it is the best souls game

It's already been 6 years and you're still seething

I unironically LOVE 2 the most for PVP. Best builds, wide variety, BLUE ORBS, less gank fests, etc.

Is good also. Anyone getting mad about these things is a shitter,

The view doesnt determine if the games more or less like KF to me.
The overall tone and lore/world design do.
Thats why DeS , DaS1 and DaS2 are so good.
Even BB and Sekiro keep aspects intact.

Das3 is just funsouls to me.
Hop on do an area, some pvp hop off.
I cant get invested into its world or characters.

I will never not be mad at 3 for removing powerstancing and bonfire ascetic.

How does that make it a better game? That shit couldn't matter any less. According yo your diagram, Skyrim > DS2

Chinaman Souls 2

Bro, i wanted dark souls 2 to be good, i really fucking wanted it to be amazing so much that when we got footage after the downgrade i convinced myself that it didn't matter because the gameplay would be incredible, it wasn't. The game is absolute shit, it feels like a bootleg DaS game and i will not go into detail why because it's been said millions of times already, it's literally souless.

This reads like sad cope from someone suffering from Stockholm syndrome.


But that one is the closest bonfire to the twin princes. You can't get invaded there, it's a safe zone.

The other one is the first bonfire in the archives, and you can be invaded there.

They're close, but fundamentally different.

>Make a unique, interesting world.
>Never utilize the same world design again.
Was Ds1 a fluke?

The series is known for having plenty of options after the tutorial zone for progression to acquire all sort of different gear for a variety of builds
The fact that das3 removed that in order to "balance" the games progression is actually retarded.

You are a massive faggot if non-linear progression is what makes the game for you. I always found that argument so fucking weak

The first half of it was. Dark Souls' world is only good until you get to Anor Londo.

Why does this even matter if all of those areas are boring as shit in DaSII?

What a load of horseshit.

In fact I would say that's a case of the developers writing themselves in a corner.

Removing one of those would either remove the safe/no fun allowed bonfire, or the not safe/invade at will bonfire. So they opted for both.

Higher quality for you to


Attached: hallway souls 3.jpg (3072x1333, 641.34K)

many thanks

>hurrr muh souls is a perfect series
>actually all these titles have serious flaws are are jap jank at best
Face it, From has always made jank and thats what gives their games character.

DaS3 isnt just boring because it has missing features its boring its all the mechanics and progression is laid out in the most basic fashion possible directly in front of the player.
There is no mystery to solve in 3's gameplay or exploration because they realized people would buy that shit anyways.
At least it has decent side quests and shiny graffix

My 7 old year nephew thinks DS3 is shit too.

Attached: f81.png (680x717, 161.86K)

Dark Souls нeнaвидят зa тo, чтo oнa тяжeлaя? Чтo зa бpeд? Oни eбaнyтыe.

Dangerously based

Sekiro is Weeb Souls

>no argument
Typical drone.
I can break it down but not if you wont actually engage in dialogue.
Even patches talks more than that.

Code Vein is Weeb Souls.

>complaining about how magic sucks
i have never cast a SINGLE spell in a dark souls game. who gives a shit about magic? it has always felt like an afterthought in every single game.

Do all DS2 autists go to the same youtuber for this shit? It's like they have marching orders.

This is one of the flaws of DS3 I legitimately don't give two shits about, but that at the same time would have been so easy to fix

Horseshit doesn't deserve arguments.
The series id

Yes I’d love to discuss the shit that’s been talked about to death for the past 6 years.

You realize people were talking about "progression" since DeS and DaS1 because it offers so much variety in how you can progress right?
Of course not because you werent around.

Backtracking was fun the first time around but got boring very quickly. Especially because of how cheesable the entire thing is.

Kill yourself low IQ ESL

>gating certain zones for literally no reason other than muh balance is a good thing
Defend the Grand Archives key.
you cant

Basing the graphs on named areas says nothing.

ain't nothing wrong eith dark souls 2, he has 4 poses

He's undeniably fucking right tho.
Ds1 is sucked off to death for how its world design consistently offers variety in progression and exploration.

If you're playing on 360 you need an open NAT type I think.

Why because das3 has big areas that loop back?
That doesnt change that you literally cannot create many of the builds without running the exact same early content over and over and over.

It states which areas connect to one another. Are you slow?