I'm going to make a digimon world inspired game, what mechanics do you want to see?

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Romance, marriage and impregnation.

The DNA/fusion mechanic.

>I'm an idea guy! I'll make a game no problem!

This. But always offer an option and not just one.

Do what the X V-pets did and let me raise a monster, freeze it, and then let me raise a second monster while the first one is in an ice cube.

so you want multiple different romance options?

do you mean kind of like what monster rancher does?

yeah, it's basically the same mechanic.

Some randomization mechanics that at least soft force the player to aim for different evolutions and town dweller recruits at start. Something akin to evolutions being tied to a resource type and type you get the start is random, i.e. mon evolves to a sea thing if you feed it kelp and plant thing if you feed it carrot and whether you get kelp or carrots from the farm as default is random.
Progression tied more to having specific mon or specific type of mon instead of just getting vast majority of content just by having one that is good at combat. So more stuff like the mansion access requiring virus type and Moyamon requiring a Numemon.
Raising mons should require some activity that isn't as inane and repetitive as the gym. I don't really have an idea what it should be, but combat or Harvest Moon type of farming stuff could work.
Actually enjoyable combat system, preferably where you are in full control of your character(s).

these are some good ideas, i will definitely keep them in mind as i make the game.

>so you want multiple different romance options?

Yes, I'm not asking for a harem. Just one option is better than no option. I was typing this out beforehand but Digimon World could still revive the first game, by revive I mean re-imagine.

They all got transported at the same time and disagreements lead to the group diverging into different factions each with a different goal in mind. Staying, looking for something to get them back home, or creating their way back home through scavenging (potentially creating a moral dilemma in how desperate they are to escape). It should happen naturally with the first arc being a safe tutorial zone almost like Breath of the Wild's starting plateau was separate from the rest of the world as it taught you mechanics.

I'm not a writer but I think the 3 arc setup is pretty easy to approach with the Digimon World 1 game/anime season redo. Introduction to being trapped-->Ideas brought forth and exploration--->Resolution/conflict of the factions. The romance stuff will payoff with the partner choosing your side by the middle of the game and sticking with you to the end. Just an aspect of "hey, guys I chose this and this path in my playthrough" people will talk about, waifu stuff isn't the only reason to implement even a soft romance aspect.

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Some spooky Dark Digivolution equivalent if you mistreat/neglect your mon

Anything but romance options, please. This board needs to have sex and stop looking at 2d girls to fill their love needs.

Who is blue haired girl in back?


The only reason you should watch Digimon Tri.

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What should I watch before watching tri?

i got you covered, having more weight to neglecting your mon which leads to creepy things is something i had in mind.

oh i see.

what if the romance options was between two mons? would that be better?

Breeding also digimon breeding.

Nothing because you shouldn't watch Tri in the first place it's horrible.

Be sure that there's side content available all throughout the game that a monster at middling power can reasonably complete. Give people reasons to want to leave town and not just train until they're at max power.
Speaking of side content, make sure that your recruitments are memorable and varied. Avoid too many simple fetch quests. If you're truly looking to make a game that feels like DW1, don't be afraid to make weird or hidden stuff that not every player will find.
Try to make the movepools varied. In Re:Digitize, the attack types were super homogenized, and a Digimon with Fire attacks felt the same to use as one with Nature as one with Dark and so on. This really sucked and made each generation feel way more samey in combat than DW1 or even Next Order. Avoid this.

got you, yeah i'm going for that dw1 feel but also i will be taking some inspiration from a few other ps1 titles.

also i like the idea of weird/hidden stuff not every player will find. i'm a huge fan of secrets in games or stuff of rumours, i'll try brain storm up some weird stuff to find for sure.

symmetrical docking

Just make it the same but add a viewable map

Have an actual tutorial instead of having to talk to the town folk to learn the important stuff.

No romance options FFS, stop listening to these coomers. Digimon was a chill laid back game and it should carry that energy.

I don't know what you already have planned, but honestly Digimon as is was a pretty good base game, it just absolutely lacked polish. I think most improvements are pretty straightforward, easier learning of techniques, more varied and fun ways of training up your monster, make combat more valuable to training up your mon besides as being a EV requirement, more EVs more content more more more etc. However, my main suggestion is this:

Instead of your monster dying (unless you kill it, you asshole), it go off on it's own and you just pick up an egg from a nursery. It will send you letters from time to time telling you about it's new life and such. It's life will depend on how you raised it after all. Either it becomes successful pillar of the community, raising it's own family and living a happy life or becoming a violent hateful monster that fights all the time, gradually losing it's sanity. This is pretty complex to implement, but I think it'd be well worth it to really strengthen the bond between Digimon and player. It doesn't have to be exactly that, but just any kind of follow up would be really neat and emotional.

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both sound like good quality of life improvements.

but i think maybe a map that uncovers it's self the more you explore making re visiting areas easier; as exploration and discovery was a huge part of dw1.

that's how i feel as well, it's a solid game that just lacks polish, i kind of want to give it the stardew valley treatment and refine what is their with more polish.

there are new games in the world franchise but i don't feel they capture the same energy as the initial first game with it's lowpoly visuals.

also i like your ideas at the end.

Here's a follow up to the letter idea. I can see wanting lots of letters from your first mon, but getting spammed by all those letters from every mon you raised ever raised could get annoying. So what you could do is send back a letter to a particular mon you want constant updates from. Otherwise they'll just send you a letter or two.

i see what you mean that would get annoying so there should be an option to get all letters, update letters from selected mons, or no letters.

maybe the mons you raise though can even send you items attached to their letters like in animal crossing that could be of some use to the player.

More interaction beyond praising and scolding. Depending on the monster designs you have in mind this could be Digimon amie or even talking to them directly. I'm with the poster above on avoiding romance though.

This'd take some effort but something I think would be cool is physical variation within the same species depending on how you're raising it. Feeding a bunch of a red berries to a bird might change its color, or maybe a dinosaur with a big focus on attack power has differently shaped horns than usual.

Cosmetic bows and scarves etc. could be nice.

thanks for the ideas, i'm putting all of them into a notepad doc, and later i'm going go over them again in contemplation. also i don't want to rush the development of the game as i want to make it a really refined and polished experience, if it means it takes me years to make the game i'm willing to put down years in order to make a good game with mechanics that people like and the appeal of the first game.

it's also good to hear from others who liked the first game on what they would have liked.

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Good luck user. Hope you have an inkling on how to make games and aren't just a starry-eyed ideas guy because I'd like to play that game someday.

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Are you going to end it at perfect/ultimate or are you going to have mega/ultimate too?

i hope you enjoy the experience.
yeah, i have an inkling on how to make games.
to make a game you just really need to have a desire to never give up, for the most part.

Daisuke Amaya, Eric Barone, toby fox they all never made games before they decide to make their game, it's not impossible to make a good game with no previous game background experience.

you just need a little bit of desire and ambition and a lot of resolve to always keep going until the end and spend crazy amounts of effort on it.

i think i will start with a base of aiming for perfect and then try and implement mega if can to create more scope

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actual city building instead of "recruit digimon and building pops up"

Ok, last question. Are you going to make this a fan-game with official digital monster designs or are going to sell it and crank out fifty or so monsters of your own?

that's fine.
i'm going to sell it as it's own unique ip, and crank out my own designs, mainly taking inspiration from digimon and also anime and manga (i'm thinking of even maybe having some evangelion inspired stuff in the game).

the game is not going to replace digimon world but be sort of be an alternative take, that's why i'm going to also add new mechanics as well into the game and make it a new but familiar experience at the same time.

No quests log or quest markers.

The freedom was the best part of Digimon World, you were allowed to go where the hell you want without a quest marker or indication where to go next.

I want a song in it that's an homage to the file city (night) theme


i hear you, not many people know it but it's actually one of the best open world games on the ps1

everybody loves a good homage.

Digimon trype specific places and monster cards.

95% train simulation and 5% of minigames

Remember how in tamers the kids scanned cards too power up their digimon, let me do that.

Link to the project?

got ya.

i will post it on Yas Forums when it's done.

Just curious but have you completed any other projects? Can you link to one of them? I'd like to see your style

Do what should have been done a long time ago and just copy pokemon.

Give me one or a small number of digimon I can tame, train and digivolve without bullshit gimicks. And let me later reverse the digivolutions so I can check out new branches.

Do you have any idea how successful digimon games could have been if they'd just been a pokemon clone?

Don't judge me.

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>metalgreymon (virus) 02
This chart is wrong and you should be ashamed for posting it.

Sounds like you're describing Digimon? With the branches and de-volution.

i'm an artist by nature i mainly draw and i know a bit of code, there are no other projects just drawings. i am also self teaching myself lowpoly 3d and music as of recent.

Here's an idea, if you have vending machines or a phone, something like that, have certain alphanumeric number combinations do stuff, like a secret item/menu or calling the main bad guy's phone.

nigger you are literally describing cyber sleuth

they made a bunch of digimon games that were just pokemon clones, they didn't do that well. pokemon sells more than digimon because of three things
>much better marketing
>coming out first in america
>how fucking bad the theme song to the show was compared to the pokemon show

I'm not trying to discourage you but if this is your first game you are going to have a very difficult time with a project that's as complex as you are wanting. It would be better for you to create a very simple game. The game you are talking about making consists of several complex systems that overlap. Think about how many hours it would realistically take to create what you are asking for. Try your best to understand the workload ahead of you. It will not be easy and 99% of people in your shoes give up after a year of little progress by trying to do everything themselves.

Since this game will never be made, make sure to have good art.

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give romance options

>vending machine gimmick
i like your thinking.

yeah, i totally get where you are coming from but the challenge is why it's worth making, by the end of the project i will be on another level when it comes to game design.

it will be my first game but i'm confident i can get it right the first time if i get stuck i'll just go and read and research more on what i want to accomplish.

besides every major game dev started somewhere, a lot which had little to no experience, it's best to just start and get the ball rolling than just to dream about the game you truly want to make forever.

i love the ui pixel art in this, i'll take inspiration from it.

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Whoever took the time to make this didn't spell Rookie correctly

>it will be my first game
And probably the last if you try a large project like a DW clone, keep it small, like a shmup, platformer or a breakout clone, until you have a better grasp in project management and game dev.
Remember, finish the game first.