Monster Hunter

Heyyy, it's my favorite hunter. So it looks like you're interested in the Monster Hunter series! Now according to this guidebook, Monster Hunter is...a series about hunting monsters. Alright then.

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>tfw I'm the only one interested in the Monster Hunter series in my circle

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Tried to reconnect but was disconnected again and now the session is gone. Why is Capcom such shit?

>LS is garbage is Safi's full set

aw fuck

>tfw don’t want to introduce friends to Monster Hunter because it’s a slow start and they probably won’t like it

>try to get friends into it for years
>world comes out and they love it
>can't stand world after a while
>go back to playing older games alone

>Brightmoss can stop Namis puddles!
>actual gameplay it's like throwing a sponge into the ocean
>Blast and Fire weapons can dry Namielle up!
>actual gameplay, it doesn't.
Great fucking advice Research Commission. Any more misleading Monster Notes you want to write?

gimme a pc that can run MHW at 60 fps that isn't too expensive

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Managed to get my friends into base World, despite the bumps, but I'm not sure I could ever convince them to do post-game content, not to mention Iceborne. The price tag seems to be a major deterrent to more casual players especially.

Uragaan and kushala are weak to poison

my 7 year old setup does that


It's quarentine time man

"Pitfall traps are effective on Rajang" Line is in relation to Shock Traps not working when arms are powered up. Want to know what happens when you pitfall a Rajang with "arms powered up?"
You know Capcom, maybe people don't like the entire Commission because they are fucking idiots.

Those were written by the Huntsman.

Based boomer.

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God I hope MH6 removes Clutch Claw

And mantles

I really wish normal monsters were still a threat at IB endgame level. Only Elders and a few exceptions like Furious Rajang and Raging Brachy are even slightly scary anymore. Regular monsters need arch tempered versions.

Arch Tempered Seethlegeuse


For all the flak Hypers got in GU, I appreciated that they made even things like normal Jho a tough fight even at endgame. I’ve had random groups wipe to that G4 Pickle so many times.

Should i go for raw IG or the blast one post-Safi?
Safi's set bonus looks like it gravitates towards elemental more and i can reach 100% crit with it pretty easily.

So Furious Rajang basically feels the same as always, except for his new projectiles. How do people feel about the Raging Brachy fight compared to how it used to be?

>Friend gets me into Monster Hunter
>Get so into it nobody wants to play with me anymore

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>it's for research I swear!

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>SnS can one hit tenderize or just use the CC uppercut twice to tenderize any spergy monster
>CC uppercut has hyperarmor
>those insane buffs to perfect rush
When they will give LS or IG some buffs? Helm splitter misses half of its damage ticks randomly.

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I've never met anyone who actually gave the games a chance that didn't end up loving it

Fuck off. You're just bad. Insect Glaive needs something because it's just a worse LS.

He got some cool new moves, but it doesn't feel like he utilizes them well enough. I think I prefer the original fight.

>Tfw some friends finally get into MH but they all play on PC and I'm forever laptop/console gang.

At least we can talk about similar stuff...

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Nargacuga has the most unfortunate "counter" animation in the game
>jumps towards you
>whiffs tail slam
>exposes head right in front of you
>if you hit it during the animation it trips
even Teostra's one that always whiffs isn't this sad

In 1080P?

Does it matter?

God I fucking hate the Handler in world so fucking much I wish we could just fucking let her get eaten by any of the dozen monsters who attack her because she rushes into danger like a tard rushes into traffic.

Yes because if you're playing on 1440p that drastically increases the system requirements.

I get 60 fps at 1440p with Ryzen 2600 and 5700xt which I got for $350

Just build a PC.

I want to have sex with Felynes and you can't stop me.

Why were the new monsters so easy bros?

>Play MHTri/3U
>Guild Sweetheart
>Cute hat
>Cute dress
>Cute voice
>Cute and funny dialog
>Cute wave
>Play MHW
>Not Guild Sweetheart
>Stupid dialog

Safi is unironically so easy I could sleep through the fight.

Stygian Zinny was a joke and not worth doing a second time.

Rajang is an awful and not fun fight and no amount of making it harder will make it more worth doing.

trying to solo g4 hyper jho gave me cancer
they severely needed singleplayer scaling

I'm just talking the raging brach and angry ape or whatever. I smashed them first try with sos randos. Why bother

What new Bracy weapons are better than Safi's?

All of them except the HH and maybe the guns unless you absolutely need the extra set bonus point from Safi to make your set work.

for Blades? All of them except the Horn

Uragaan is the absolute fucking worst. Why did he get a deviant and why did he make it into world

use Crystalburst when it rolls. I'm tired of carrying retards like you who insist on constantly spawning it

Just play Lance, equip Mind's Eye, and crystalburst him every time he rolls at you

catering to normies was a mistake

I actually did, recently, but all my hundreds of hours of progress is one Xbone. And 3DS. And Wii U. If a new MH comes out, I'll definitely buy it there, but at this point, it's not worth the time and effort to use it for Iceborne with them. Still got tons to do on my two profiles, like reach MR 100, beat all optionals, make my ideal builds... I'm too deeply entrenched in these profiles to warrant starting anew in this same game just for the sake of playing with friends. In a few years it won't be a problem, but now it's just suffering.

It's funny, cause even when you get the money to do the stuff you want, you end up losing the time to actually do it...

Had such a huge crush on this cutie as a teen


>Having nerd friends
Lmao why would you surround yourself with irl losers?
Just pretend to be a normie irl to enjoy life and make an online circle of friends to play games.
God you're retarded

>friends get me into MH
>i really get into it
>I outskill them by far
>mfw I don't enjoy playing with them cause they fucking suck

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this, cutie

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In what world does anybody want to spawn that piece of shit?

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If Deviljho still fights inside of traps why would you assume another monster famed for its aggression might not be able to if you leave the bits of it used to cause damage sticking out?

>Safi is out on PC
>blast weapons are already obsolete in 2 weeks unless i'm doing something like a frostcraft build

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waiting till it dropds denuvo

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In a guiding lands world where people need their volcanic region leveled for t.rajang or t.seething bazel.