you know you fucked up when not even mods can fix your character's face
You know you fucked up when not even mods can fix your character's face
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DMC5 character models are so tacky. It's like watching a bad 90's music video.
Why did they turn her into an Ayylmao?
Neither one looks good
RE engine is trash. Change my mind.
ayy lmao
no shit sherlock
just means the modder is garbage and should stop modding.
Don't forget, Vergil and Dante are supposed to be twins. Yet they look nothing alike in DMC5
>Not one mention of DMCV ridiculous hair.
I mean, it's like kicking a dead horse, but still.
and dmc5 vergil is still better looking
I think the modder tried to use her DMC4 model, but that doesn't work well with 5's animation and texture. I honestly think that the engine is capable of stylized faces, but it would require some actual effort.
No shit retard, that’s the point
Left at least I can look at though, right is just so unforgivably bad
Strangely enough while this does still bother me, their faces fit the characters
>supposed to be twins
>they are identical twins in only 1 game out of 6
V3rgil - Ruffled haphazardly swept back hair
(V)ergil - Neatly combed slicked back hair
You wish
>old good new bad
At least you are not kamiyafag
She looks like my friends 12 year old sister, how the fuck can you incels find that attractive
>old good new bad
>reddit meme
Go back
sounds like cope.
Bullshit no 12 year old looks like that
Dude, with the shit they putitng in them school lunches, 12 year olds literally starting to look like 20 year olds man.
Shit ain't right.
>it's the only game that matters out of all 6
Nothing's as reddit as being the kid who cries OLD GOOD NEW BAD whenever someone doesn't like a new thing.
>12 year olds look 22
>25 year olds look 35
>30 year olds look 50
I hate women.
much better with hair down desu
They have identical faces in 3, 4SE, and even DmC.
With better masks and added bangs it can look better
The visions of V manga, which is canon to 5 says they have the same face.
In 4se Vergil looks nothing like Dante, they used Nero's face with some tweaks
mods are what makes me keep playing dmc5
>playable vergil mod + turbo mode CE table + pseudo LDK mod
with mods we almost have a SE already
maybe if the bangs cover her entire face
On the other hand, identical twins don’t necessarily grow and age the same.
That said I do wish Vergil looked more like Dante.
Shut the fuck up Chris, I’m not banging your sister.
Is that how you justify your pedophilia, by convincing yourself that you don't have mental issues and saying that kids just look older?
We need to stop the racism against white woman.
and that's why you should never make any pact with a demon
even if you are forced into it
Cool story
Do they?
Don't forget avout full divergence with coop mod
>pseudo ldk
Recent one where enemy attacks spawn new enemies?
>still daily threads about the same exact pointless shit as a year go
>absolutely nobody discussing gameplay
same faggots who keep harassing any dmc related twitter accounts about playable vergil but wont actually play the game for more than one playthrough at best, im starting to hope capcom never releases dmc5se
His nerdy nasally voice sounds retarded coming from that big hunk of man in 5.
>Don't forget avout full divergence with coop mod
crazy how thats in the same mod as playable vergil, all of those elements being really well implemented now after countless updates, based modders
>Recent one where enemy attacks spawn new enemies?
yes, its still a bit janky but it got updated a bunch and i was trying some missions with it today, it can get pretty fun
>fucking Asians look young.
Listen, we get it. You like GMILFS.
I wonder when modders figure out how to edit enemy spawn points instead of simple switching prefabs.
Why has there never been a mod that spawned one of each boss in a single area in the history of DMC games? Nobody did multiple bosses in 3, 4 and now none in 5.
that would be nice, im personally already pretty satisfied dmc5 modding didnt end at simple modelswaps, wonder how far it'll get before a SE is announced though
>now none in 5.
Iirc there some multiple same boss mods. Like some vid with 2 Geryon knights
The mod is actually worse. She looks like a fucking alien
> " Shit ain't right"
> justifying pedophilia
Has there been any with multiple different bosses? Like Burial and that Ice toad whose name I forget? I mean, both of those bosses map area are big enough to fit at least 3-4 of them at once with enough space to spare.
And that's a good thing.
>modding didnt end at simple modelswaps,
Coop mod authors and cheat engine guy are goat for making such cool shit for 5. Waiting for re3 stuff to be ported in dmc 5, like somebody did with Nior Leon hair on Dante.
>you know you fucked up when not even mods can fix your character's face
Trish looks like shit but that statement really doesn't mean anything.
The amount of female hormone in modern plastics and chemicals is a legitimate modern health concern. Girls do reach puperty earlier and boys are more likely to have development issues. Biggest problem is that it gets into the water. It's what Alex Jones is mad about when he talks about gay frogs.
Also some kids just mature physically faster. Everyone kept mistaking my sister for 19-20ish when she was 14. Then there's also the infamous Asian neotenism.
god kpop stars are fucking disgusting, i dont know how people can get behind these people, it's like theyre not even human
not even race baiting look at her, she looks like a fucking real doll
>It's like watching a bad 90's music video.
That was most likely the intent. Remember the time when the first game was released fashion had some really weird ass styles.
His enemy swap mod is also really good, better than any of the others
Left is worse than right. Looks like a fucking alien.