Indie game

>indie game
>it's actually good

What's her name, Yas Forums?

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They got an actual fantastic sprite artist from the 16-bit era and it looks incredible in motion, even on the Genesis version. Fast, frantic action and harsh difficulty- still can't beat it. Man, this is a good game.

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that game is underrated.
I don't even like the jrpg style dialogue 'cause it gets long and tedious but the combat, dungeons and puzzles are fucking insane.

>implying MP is not objectively superior

>even on the Genesis version
It was made for the Genesis on an actual dev kit.
All the other versions are just straight up ports.
The artist in question is Henk Nieborg of Lionheart, Flink, The Adventures of Lomax and Contra 4 fame.
And dat music, hope it'll get Savaged Regime more work:

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Fuck outta here

Died on day 2 huh?

Notice me spampie

whats the name of the game

not crosscode, that shit is mad boring and repetitive

Xeno Crisis, a 2019 Mega Drive release.

I never heard of it before, picked up
Thank you for mentioning it

mighty switch force
risk of rain
deep rock galactic
aces wild: manic brawling action

why does it give me boner?

Other games have since come out that do the same thing better but Banished was max comfy

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Anno games tend to be the same deal, and also same genre of game

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Cross code is the best indie game ever made and is as good as any classic 90s jrpg

The soundtrack to the game is absolutely phenomenal, stage 3 makes me fucking explode every time I hear it

What's so boring and repetitive about it? Unless you're going for all side quests and secrets, the game changes in enemies, environments and your abilities quite quickly. The game itself is also decently challenging. The only somewhat boring part was the red, story related area, which certainly didn't take up much time.

Bug Fables

It not only plays nothing like a SNES JRPG, it's just fucking garbage really. Samey quests over and over, here grind some more monsters for more rat scrotums. Crosscode is a fucking dull piece of garbage.

It's not even a JRPG. It's a faux-MMO where the quests are garbage and the story is bad. The combat is fun, but it can't redeem it.

that Anno game was not cracked tho

It truly is an incredible soundtrack. This game would have been huge had it released back in the day, with those graphics, animations and OST.

Bug Fables
Hollow Knight

>is as good as any classic 90s jrpg
So it's dogshit?

Cave Story
The Binding of Isaac
Slay the Spire
Hollow Knight
Steamworld Dig 2

>>it's actually good
The fuck does that mean? What type of retard thinks every game not produced by the aaa cancer machine is automatically bad?

Ok Zoomer

anodyne 2

it's an underrated gem

Sadly, if they didn't go with "single player MMO experience" this game would be much better. Whole crafting system and amount of errant side quests make me puke. Too bad because i liked the ascetic and how responsive and skill based combat is. I've played it for a few hours and after that game still had all this pointless busy work.

More indie games are bad than good by the sheer numbers of asset flips and shitty programming class projects that get put in digital marketplaces. So he’s not wrong


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Fell seal is the best game I played all of last year

Just started up number 2. I played the shit out of the first one. Well, the remaster of the first one


Looks like shit. I'll give it a try.

Name a single good 90s jrpg
I will then refute you by telling you it's total dogshit with more broken mechanics than working ones, bad x, bad y, shit x, and that the only reason to play it is to say you played the older ones in some series

I'd let myself get sucked dry by those desert faeries.

>inb4 Undertale
>inb4 Hollow Knight
>inb4 Idishitable
If you think any of these are good, let alone great you need to play more games that aren't cod #37

If the older generations of games are shit then all your favorite games re shit too by default given they all copy and recycle the mechanics, gameplay and even plots of older games. Creative bankrupcy is at a point where a company is more willing to remake a 10-20yo game and sell it to you again than try a fully original project.

Post three (3) indie games you like.

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rain world

the most fpbp first post I've ever seen

filtered retard

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Jumper 2

one of the hardest platforming games ever made, and it was made in Game Maker back in like, 2002.

Anyone ?

Binding of Isaac Rebirth
Hollow Knight
The Stanley Parable
The Room
The Swapper
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

>What's her name
here's a brief list of them

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The messenger

caves of qud
ftl: faster than light

user, this is not an indie game anymore.

and it was never good, outside of building Minecraft's gameplay was always fucking terrible

it's even crazier when i found out crosscode was made in fucking JS.
it had so many redflags on paper and somehow triumphed over all of them.

It was better when it still was.

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Most indie games are complete garbage. There's only been a handful of good ones in the last TEN YEARS or so. Like whatever happened to fbf animation? Interesting character designs? Nothing? It's all the same faggoty 8-bit trash that nobody asked for. Triple AAA titles blow them out of the water on every front, including creativity, because "indee devs" don't now how to draw or animate, let alone barely know how to program. Buying indie games is basically like giving to charity at this point.

Blah blah blah I like old broken messes with 0 thought or even playtesting put into them because muh nostalgia
Those new things that fix that stuff are all bad

Almost nobody says indivisible is good, the other two are popular because they are simply fine games that do exactly what they wanted to do

I mean theres a demo on their website that you can just play in your browser

Yeah, but most indie devs aren't making their full games in a custom JS engine.

You know RPGMaker MV is also made in html5 javascript

>tfw cannot play Raider to save my life

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>indie dev puts cute monstergirls in their game
>it's a start, but there's not enough variety, it's the go-to monster types
>email the devs a copy of Monstergirl Encyclopedia

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Blade damage charges up over time and the charge is spent after it's used. It also deals increased damage based on the lowest HP mob in the attack's AOE.

>It also deals increased damage based on the lowest HP mob in the attack's AOE.
Shit, I actually didn't know that. Actually interesting. Thanks user, wish me luck for >200%


Also still play nuclear throne once in a while

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Papers Please
Dungeon Defenders

I've been playing nuclear throne recently, damn that game holds up well.