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DS, by Sega/Treasure, spiritual successor to the YYH Genesis fighter
Oh man I sure love some Bleach
GOMU GOMU NUUUU haha see? I'm a nerd myself too
cause bleach is a piece of garbage through and through
>dude ichigo is a yokai bankai quincy mundo hueco crazy boi
How anyone read this shit and liked it is beyond me.
that fighting game for the wii was decent
There was a fighter on the DS that was pretty good if I remember correctly.
Bleach RPG
>one trait where character will randomly power up to another powerlevel
>one trait where character is forced to hold back and then his power multiplies exponentially when he stops holding back
>one trait that does fuck-all nothing
>one guy who gets lucky on creation and can pick EVERY background trait because fuck you i'm a hollowshinigamiquincybount
Dark Souls was pretty good
Hey, at least with the anime coming back there's a chance we could finally get one.
Blade Battlers 2nd was great.
Yeah, the roster was really weird tho
Remember that parrot which was a kid soul? me neither but he's playable, there's also some random nurse
well it was a decent show up to the soul society arc
>Mediocre franchise gets mediocre games
Shocking. Even good manga/anime rarely get good games.
Soul society arc was the last good one though.
the MC should have married the black haired girl
There is one, atleast i think it is
Bleach sucks dick.
At least Naruto and One piece. The characters look different from one another's. In Bleach it's just, guy with sword and black robes #1, #2, #3... Etc.
Shit got boring that's why it failed
It satisfied the edgy teens
Also Dark Souls was good
the mobile game is good for a gatcha. Soul Resurreccion on the PS3 is good but feels like a low budget game.
This was unironically one of my favorite games on the DS. Never played the second one which seems to be the one talked about most here but this one was very based.
There isn't a single good Bleach anything, period.
Wrong, there's good openings
So why was it Orihime and not Rumia? I thought that was what they were setting up during the soul society arc.
Man, this series went stupid after that, it would have been better if it ended there
>Becomes the most based character in the entire manga
>immediately dies for no reason
On job, me. You just had to hit the K key and you couldn't do that
I've never read Bleach, but didn't the creator just utterly give up at the end and couldn't even be bothered to draw a background for an important scene, and just put text there saying "the heart"?
i know you're baiting but Bleach has better designed characters than one piece and naruto
PS1 has some good ones
Because there are no good manga/anime inspired games
*blocks your path*
this. anyone who followed it for any other reason than big titty bitches and lolis is a colossal faggot
I liked how despite Ichigo being "everything" his powers fundamentally never changed throughout the entire series. For a long time he just had a big sword. Then he learned to shoot laser beams from his sword. Then he learned to go really fast. And after that he just went faster and shot bigger laser beams and that was it. I think he had two swords once but they always just broke or merged into one sword so it never mattered
Even good anime and manga don't get good games. Why would a shit one get good games?
Bleach started off with so much promise. The band of friends in the small town setting fighting off hollows was so comfy. Then soul society happened and fucking ruined everything. Thats when it turned into yet another Dragonball clone and bloated the cast with way too many characters.
the bleach game would be overwatch but most people are melee by default
Hold on, new shinigami were *given* their swords? I thought everyone birthed their own, and that's why they all get weird-ass designs. Why didn't they mention this earlier then?
I lost interest at the vampire mansion. Read up to that and then got bored. Watched up to that and then got bored. From everything I've heard it sounds like I didn't miss much by dropping Bleach.
I thought most of the appeal came from the anime? Watched one or two episodes and there was a lot of quick action and fast-paced fights, which I guess makes up for everything else wrong with it
I think I stopped right before Ichigo fought Aizen. It was more of a "let's watch more tomorrow!" and then I just never got around to it. Sounds like I didn't miss much, I hear he comes back somehow and that plenty of characters die.
the final antagonist hinted that ichigo has a casuality warping ability like he did but the ending was rushed
hopefully kubo can fix that final arc with the anime
naruto is the same
Fix what? The entire series is a huge turd.
This reminds me of those Sanic OC stat pages that you can find all over DA. INT is almost always maxed out or super high. Thank fucking goodness that the internet was still in its fledgling stages when I was a chuuni fucktard.
At least one flashback to Rukia and Renji's days at the academy shows new shinigami taking swords out of a barrel. The weird-ass designs (the powers imprinted onto the sword) only show up once they release them; before that they're all generic katanas, besides weirdos like Ichigo and Kenpachi whose swords are "always" released.
>Kenpachi's sword
>always released
The DS RPG was actually kinda solid as well
>Thats when it turned into yet another Dragonball clone and bloated the cast with way too many characters.
As opposed to being yet another monster of the week but with masked monsters? Amazing dude.
The monster of the week shit was infinitely more interesting you braindead faggot.
Sure it was, sure it was.
Now, tie into that Ichigo marries and has a kid with Orihime, a fullbring with a power that basically denies creation.
So now you have a kid with combined power of Quincy, Shinigami and Hollow, with powers of a Fullbring that can deny reality (as seen when he basically denies Ywach's existence in the final chapter)
Just because it was manifesting as his vice-captain instead of a bigger sword doesn't mean it wasn't always released.
I already read all of dragonball. I dont need to read it again but shittier in every fucking possible way.
I don't need to look at a shittier Pretty Cure/Stardust Crusaders either.
Because Kubo ran out of fresh material after the Soul Society arc.
I stopped reading Bleach after Aizen gets beaten and Ichigo loses his powers.
It was the right move it seems.
>monster of the week
that shit is pure garbage in any form. So fucking awful and you have awful taste fucking kys
And yet you started reading bleach. Sounds like youre retarded.
Its not that he ran out of material. Its more that he tried to introduce TOO MUCH material such that he couldnt wrap it all up before the end of the series
Considering i'm not the one wanting shit monster of the week no, "youre" the retard.
>Mayuri's kino fight with Pernida finally getting animated.