What's your opinion about modding?

What's your opinion about modding?

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One of the best aspects about playing on a platform that allows it.

Still anoyed than there's no mod to play DMC5 as Inspector Gadget instead of Nero though.

It's autistic noodling aside from simple functionality and QoL mods

My opinion is you should always play vanilla first playthrough unless they're gameplay fixes or FPS-limit fixes. Using a ReShade is frowned upon, but acceptable.
Modding can then vastly improve replayability in some cases, or just make it different enough in other cases.

Should NEVER, I repeat, NEVER be used. They ruin dev's vision.

Autistic, unless it fixes performance issues.

The sad thing is that there are mentally ill console owners who really think this.

Console ownership really does things to one's brain.

futa everything

You wouldn't be able to use any performance fixes anyway, SonyP0ny.

>think brother nier would be the obvious thing to replace 2B with
>nobody modded him in

I don’t really mod too much beyond simple things like having cloaks and weapons you don’t have equipped visible on your person in Skyrim

How about modding in some good fucking gameplay?

>Sony boogeyman
You really had to go out of your way to tell me you're a bitch, it wasn't enough that my opinion bothered you, huh?

Give yourself one more watch of The Last of Us before Part 2 comes out.

Modding is fine unless it goes against the spirit of the game. For instance, I think it's perfectly fine to mod in time saving methods and quality of life features as ultimately it just saves you time that would be otherwise spent performing menial tasks. Mods that just straight up make the game easier such as Sekiros easy mode mod are pretty lame.

I enjoy it enough already senpai

May God have mercy on your soul.

>Dev's vision
>Purposely not implement quality of life features to pad the gameplay.
As much as I love Subnautica, I also fucking hate some of their design choices due to stupid, stubborn individuals on the team. Literally couldn't play that game without mods.

>doubles down on Sony boogeyman
You're going to need to try harder to hurt my feefees the way I hurt yours. I wasn't even trying, btw, but being a thin-skinned faggot isn't easy, I bet.

Devs are SJW cucks too.

God doesn’t exist and souls aren’t real.

you've been filtered

Not yours, certainly. It takes a certain emptiness to enjoy Bethesda games.

>he doesn't know

Why? Because I didn't want to look at an online map every 5 minutes and place hundreds of beacons like EVERYONE who doesn't play with mods does?


He’s blessed my life well enough thus far thankfully

Subnautica's dev's are so full of shit. It's a real shame that some clearly talented members of the team are still stuck working with some absolute jack-asses.

Who said anything about Bethesda you fucking retard

>I don’t really mod too much beyond simple things like having cloaks and weapons you don’t have equipped visible on your person in Skyrim
>in Skyrim

Usually prefer my first playthrough of a game to be unmodded. Might mod the game on a later playthrough though.

>implying that was me and I was replying about that
Have fun not existing when you die fag

Looooooooooooool, you genuinely believe in le God?

What is it like being American?

You need to go back.

it's the best

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Mods fix shit ports, bad games and minor annoyances about otherwise good games. If you don't mod every game you own whenever possible you are a retard plain and simple

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Modding is theft.

Seethe some more, PC incel

How the fuck is that even supposed to work, consolefag?

The social and romantic life of a PC user is significantly decreased in quality when compared to a console user, this is a FACT. I guess PC just attracts a certain, socially undesirable crowd

>he says while browsing Yas Forums
>in the middle of a fucking virus pandemic
Yes, I'm sure you're blessed beyond human ken to end up in this shithole, you stupid fucking Christfag lmaoo

mostly i hate it
but are welcome if it's for games H

unless the "dev's vision" was to be modded to begin with.
See: BeamNG, Doom 1 and 2, Gmod, Source Engine games, etc.

It's good to have it, but I myself don't really use mods that much. I prefer the base game, even for Bethesda games.

What if the dev himself regrets it later and makes a mod?

i love modding for very obvious reasons

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>plays exploration game
>doesn't like to explore

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>aware of what my time is worth
NEET filth

>you should always play vanilla first playthrough

I can't tell if this is that vey old meme or a Yas Forums X functionality I'm noy aware of

I mean, it's possible to identify anons that posted after you entered a thread, making the filtering process automatic shouldn't be hard

You're stealing quality from a better parallel reality where the game you're playing doesn't suck as much

My opinion is that you're a faggot and that everyone should mod on first play through.

As an INTP modding is the only way games can be fun for me. Theres nothing better than adding something new or exploring a new possibility with mods, the vanilla game is usually only there to provide the framework for fun and experimenting with mods

Most games I never give a vanilla playthrough in first before setting of to mod them, theres just no time for that-
>Fallout 4
>Wargame Red Dragon
>Company of Heroes
>Men of War Assault Squad
>Jedi Academy
>Arma 3
>Battlefield 1942
>Battlefield 2
>SWBF I II and 2 (2017)
>Kerbal Space Program
>Honey Select
>War Thunder

To list just a few, I often buy games based solely on their modding potential and existing mods and modding communities, fuck DICE for ruining BF3 and 4 with their hostility to modding and mapping desu

Not that type of filtering dummy.

>What's your opinion about modding?
Modding good games to enhance the experience is great.
But trying to mod turd games (like the game in your pic) doesn't improve on anything.

Lol, what is it like to be a tard with no reflexes?

>needing reflexes for a game that has 5 sec long i-frames during dodge

What kind then?
I'm lost

The game is "filtering" you because you refuse to get good enough to beat it.

Oh, you mean "pleb" filtered?

As long as one does not use it in multiplayer against other players. I don`t give two shits how you mod your game