Cold Steel 3 PC

Now that's how you do a port.
Also Fie thread.

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Ever since Cold Steel went multiplat, I refuse to buy a single Trails game. Either stay on Playstation or sell your soul and lose my money.

There's that word again. Why does a game getting more attention from people who don't play on Playstation somehow reduce this mythical "soul"?

It's about what attention you garner and from what groups of people. PC-gamers aren't accustomed to good JRPGs so they will praise anything, and thus bringing down the quality of the genre overall.

Ever since Cold Steel went multiplat, I buy every single Trails game. Either port to PC or stay as a shitty exclusive and lose my money.


So what did they fuck up this time?

Some DLCs are broken.

Had a giggle. Have a Fie for your troubles.

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I always enjoyed the yellow-eyes girls in video games. They're a rare find, even in JRPGs.

Cold Steel 3 sucks because they kill off the loli.

When's CS4 you cucks?

>Still playing Kiseki games
Let it go already


I love altina, she’s like your little daughteru.

is this game fun?

You do know it's the localization companies doing all the ports outside soyn consoles, right?

Glad I learned ahead of time that they kill off the cute one and then bring her back in only for the game to cuck you where she inevitably ends up with another guy so I never bothered

what the fuck is the point of letting you pick a girl if they're gonna pull that shit? Japs should be more angry about it.

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She's your dad's and your best friend's daughter user.

She wasn't popular so they made her fall in love with another guy

>that unholy amount of shitty dlc costumes
people buy these crap?

>can't romance Claire
All that sexual tension...
For nothing.

They never let you pick her past CS2 though

Being strung along for 2 games makes it worse

trails goat
Yas Forums seething about it makes me so happy

Should've taken the hint and realized she's for Jusis only.

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Post a link to the exe pls.

She's so pure hearted and smol.

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>turn based with ps2-tier graphics
every single time, holy shit do people never get tired of these games

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For me, it's Altina.

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>That one artist who alone drew over 50 ReanxTowa
I'm dumbfounded

I played CS1, never finished CS2, can I just skip to CS3?

I don't play PS4 exclusives

I hate Rean.
I hate Cold Steel.
I want to fuck Musse.
I want Aurelia to dominate me and peg me!

>I want Aurelia to dominate me and peg me!
Isn't she a virgin and a doormat, how would that even work? Use Mariabell for that.

Have Musse to fug.

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No. CS3 implies you've played every game in the series including CS2 NG+.

what's the deal with cs2 ng+?

how does someone develop this mentality?

You're mistaking her for the lance maiden!

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First info on the Sept-Terrions in Erebonia, lots of lore to be important in the future and a major character reveal.

Haha, that's just him for you all right...

I like Emma's big witch titties.

Can I play Cold Steel 1 without having played Trails in the Sky?

I just want to jump straight into the harem bullshit.

no i mean why ng+ instead of just ng? why would there be any difference between the two outside of carrying over quartz and links?

Play the games in order you dumb bitch

>Trails threads are now Neptunia-tier
Lol-ling my ass off right now

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What the fuck is this little Neptunia character wearing I can see her ass cheeks.

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Not surprising, considering the games themselves are now Nep-tier.

Are the first two good jrpgs?
Keep in mind that I found tales of berseria mediocre as hell

Because this stuff becomes available in the second playthrough.

She’s a brat built for good baps.

Because there’s a very important quest line locked behind NG+. It’s pretty stupid.

Berseria was carried by its interesting characters, these games are not.

If you don't like modern anime, that is, battle shounen, high school setting, LN tropes, harem, then please DONT play it. I personally enjoy the games but I dont hate those things.

they're standard jrpg tropes smashed around in an endless cycle of
>go to area
>do nonsense tasks while waiting for plot
>progress the plot
I thought the 2nd game would turn that shit on its head considering the pattern was used to world build, but gods be damned they stuck with it even when it doesn't make a fucking bit of sense.

I like it. I actually enjoyed Blue reflection

Console crusaders are a ruined people.

It's flawless masterpieces.

Trails and Berseria are games of different genres so it's not really fair to compare them. But while both have great characters, Trails have much better stories and world-building. Start with Trails in the Sky though.

This is your life on sucking off corporations.


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>Tfw Haven't bothered finishing the first one even though this series caught my interest last year

Then you will like Cold Steel.

Series started on PC, you retard.

>Trails have much better stories and world-building

Why you guys gotta keep lying like that? Tryin' to fool another poor sap into wasting 80 hours on a plot that goes nowhere.

>just went through Nord in CS2
Jesus fuck this is awful. I hoped that I wouldn't have to return here ever again after CS1.
At least it probably won't get worse than that, right?

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>At least it probably won't get worse than that, right?

Bros about to start, hard or nightmare?