>just got corona fired
What have you lads been playing to pass the time? I need suggestions now that I'm a forced neet
Just got corona fired
Postal 2
>tfw working tech support so I'm getting paid to watch porn and play vidya all day
TF2, SFIV, UMVC3, Wizards 101, just stocked up on wii games so I may pass the time with Last Story
>work at super market
>tell them I feel sick
>get 14 days of mandatory paid sick leave
>I'm not sick
Based union tbqh.
nice videogames faggot
Kingdom Come: Deliverance, if you haven't already
>TFW retailcuck
>Really wanna go tempNEET
>Considered "essential" because we have 2 aisles and cooler doors of food
Considering this.
Real fucking stupid thing to do in the event you actually fall sick.
I have NOTHING but free time on my hands now you should watch how you talk to me
>still working at job as essentially tech support
>boss says I'm now an independent contractor
>"cool I don't see the big deal"
>find out I have to pay an extra 7.5% in taxes
At least there's less work and I'm spending a little less in gas
You just say it again you retard?
Reinfection possible with Chinese virus though
we aint even getting neetbucks for this shit, just keeps getting blocked over and over
>tfw making mad dosh as DoorDasher/Ubereats
>tfw same
>tfw grinded out 400 bucks past 2 days on door dash
You need to present evidence for that to apply. Start licking door knobs and handrails.
Interestingly enough (Even though it has lost a huge player base) I have been playing a lot of Apex Legends.
What virus?
Nope. If I'm sick at all in not allowed to work and I don't have to have anything more than a doctors note.
The Kung Flu
Wagie wagie get in cagie
Sorry, don’t recall.
the chinkland should pay compensation for what my business would have made if it was open
That's nothing.
I run my own small "business" and have to pay 50%+ in taxes (if I stayed independent instead of creating a company and giving myself salary through the company).
Don't be dense. Something will get passed and they will come to a deal. People will get their socialist Trumpbucks.
>What have you lads been playing to pass the time?
Video games, duh.
They’ll be more than happy to buy it from you once they completely dominate the market.
Yes but you're not gonna get the paid time off this time. You'll just regular time off.
Boris better give me 80% of my paycheck back
>tfw trump is planning to open the country back up on the 30th ignoring all advice from medical professionals
>food prepper
>digimon dusk
Truth be told I've gotten sick of the grind.
stop with these memes. havent you seen the news corporations and manufacturing have move out of china back to their home country. a lot of of businesses have refrain from using chinese slave labor.
thats not what happened at all though
Good. It’s just a flu that kills unproductive old fucks and weak trannies.
who else getting /paid/ to play video game at home right now?
Flu Manchu
>cases skyrocket
>market crashes even HARDER
Can't wait desu.
They’ll go back to their countries and realize that everyone is too sick to work.
>tell work girlfriend is feeling unwell
>14 days off and doesn't look too suspicious since I wasn't claiming I was ill
serves them right for not closing
Hopefully the world will be a little better after the decay.
Doesn’t ring any bells.
>still have to go to my shitty job but it's even more useless now
>>market crashes even HARDER
Keep trying chink
You’ll be left in the dust once we open for business
>Wagies temporarily enjoying what neets always had
Alright you had your fun, now back to work, you have to sustain my lifestyle.
Wuhan Shivers
You would be stupid to keep working right now. There is only about 300 confirmed cases in my city right now but I wouldn't fucking risk it even if they were paying me triple. I Also read yesterday that a worker from another store in my city just fucking died about 2 miles from where I live. Your employer will literally work you to death right now.
God i wanna get laid so bad. whens your quarantine gonna get lifted? here its April 13 assuming things get better.
It will be kind of hard to breath life back into the market if everyone's dying, user.
kung flu makes it sound cool
stop, we need to make FUN of the chinese, idiot.
>Brother in law just got corona fired
>While of forced quarantined by the job that fired him.
Any other circumstance, this feels like it'd be illegal
for what reason why "corona virus" is getting censored?
My semester in Japan this Spring was canceled, so they sent me another offer to come back for Fall. However, Japanese semester starts in October. So essentially I'll have an 8-month period of essentially NEETdom while still being enrolled in university.
This is very strange.
CA has no definite date so unknown.
Chink propaganda working overtime
My coworker did that with his fiancee. Can't blame him we're apparently seeing record profits.
>working near mexicans
>with flu going around
they ALREADY have terrible cleaning ability
is it that they are so DIRTY that they aren't effected?
can we use this to kill off the arabs too!?
>Lets just go ahead and trim the fat by laying people off during this killer virus. No one is going to pay it any mind right now, afterall, they're too busy being autistic about a killer virus
Pretty unbased of him for censoring
The whole thing is fucking maddening. A lock down means absolutely nothing if we don't fucking commit to it.
Seems like he's desperate to get the market back up and running, which is obvious from the nonstop pumps going on from the money printer
t. CCP shill
guess what faggot, I'm not gonna die to your little bioweapon
I mean if you want to go ahead and get a virus that slowly destroys your organs and reinfects you after "recovering" that's fine by me, we need less retards in the world anyway.
i think ca is gonna have a limited martial law
He’s desperately trying to 1-up China even though Corona-chan is creeping closer to his inner-circle.
The Chinaman Dyin-man
My lungs hurt bros
>tfw essential personnel
On one hand it’s good to be getting paid, but on the other hand goddamn I just wanna stay home and play Pathologic 2
Where do you go to uni? I'll be going to Japan this year and trying to get into Electrical Engineering somewhere. Touhoku University would be pretty dope
What are you even going on about. The job itself forced them into quarantine, then fired them during the quarantine. At any other time, meaning if there werent a killer virus, that'd be illegal
>*coof coof * just a flu