Did a video game ever make you cum?
Did a video game ever make you cum?
You make me cum user >//////
Only when I'm on voice chat with girl gamers.
Overwatch but i have never actually played it.
what if OP is also 16 years old?
Yeah I know, she is way too old. Now, if she were 3...
seriously? I thought she was like 13 when I watched lucky star
still illegal
Illegal for what? Why do you have such a dirty mind
Dude, she's like 30 this year.
Sucks to be you :^)
Several h-games
She was 18 during the show and now around 34
more than old enough here
stay jelly
Is she married?
You're both retarded. She's 18, has a driver's license, and by the end of the anime graduated from high school. The manga is still ongoing but I don't know if that's in eternal high school limbo or if they kept aging.
I'd cum from looking at Joy's ass in Shenmue II all the fucking time.
Chad? That guy is a pudgy mess
Konata is actually ugly, and the same goes for the rest of her friends, that’s why no one have boyfriends despite being in highschool
yet he has sex and you dont
He's fucking prime 18 year old pussy that looks like she's 13, seems chad to me
I've always said she's three years younger than me when the show aired in 2007 (if we say she graduated in the year the show aired, making her 17 at that time and me 20).
Tales of androgyny
peak female age
Legal here :)
Or everyone is gay.
>The manga is still ongoing
wait, seriously?
i wish i was her
I remember that i masturbated to the moans at the end of castle cat 3 wehn i was 17 or so
What are you, members of his fanclub?
if so, then why konata doesn’t have a girlfriend? she is so ugly that even ugly lesbo doesn’t want to scissor’d her
vrchat and secondlife
i love being a girl in those games
too old for you?
Holy fuck I miss this game
Based and AGPilled
>recently develop a crush on Yukari from Azumanga for some reason
>she's probably in her 50s now
I don't know i didn't watch the anime.
American hands made this post.
How are you burgers enjoying your nigger defiled preteens over there?
Do Americans really wear shorts under their pants?
Is there anything more yucky than being an American?
perfect breeding age.
muslims had the right ideas.
Age of consent is 16 in the majority of the US.
I'd jerk off to killing women with the Hit(wo)man in Scarface: The World is Yours.
That's what Japanese Chads look like
sims 2
Girls are ready to breed at 15.. pic related. My friends little sisters friend. Barely 16. And you tell me they don't have sex?
He obviously deleted it himself.
>he thinks you can delete posts without mod approval
No, that would be your mother!
>Being this new
but you can
8 is prime
I haven’t...relived myself in a week.
Hiro told me I can delete the thread but I don't think I'm going to just so everyone can see how much of a fag you are.
>not canon
Yeah lots of times. I have Sims 2 with a lot of sex mods installed. I make teenage male Sims and have them fuck in an opulent sex mansion, then I record that shit and I jack off to it. It's pretty fun desu, and very hot as well. I've came lots of times to Sims 2, it all started years ago when I was a teenager. What a wonderful and sexy game.
Why would you do that to yourself, user?
No desire.