Literally impossible

Literally impossible
Fuck anyone who wants to defend this boss, is such retards even exist

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 19.91K)

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get gud

>le git gud xDD

get gud

Just use silk shot to destroy the cannons and then charged sonic slicer to kill serges
The megaman xtreme version of this fight is harder anyways

g i t

Stand on the yellow platform next to serges and spam charged slash. It's ok user, I'm not too big on X2 either.

>lierally impossible
>screen shot is post-defeat

Thanks, the charged sonic slicer did I trick, I just stood on the bottom platform of his machine and kept firing the charged shot. Still, this fight is really badly designed since you have such small space for maneuver and there's extremely little time to react since you don't know in which directions his four shots will go.

>I'm not too big on X2 either
I want to say that the game is better than X1 because I enjoyed the robot master battles more and because some stages are better designed than X1's, but then I remember that some stages are really shit design-wise (e.g. Bubble Crab), and now there's the second X-Hunter stage with this abomination of a boss and the overall level being shit (too much waiting around for platforms).

Difficulty does not make something bad.

X2 is so boring to me, dunno what it is.

Just stand in the platform next to the guy and fire charded Sonic Slicer at him.
Easy boss as fuck.

>thinking that was the implication
If you actually read the thread (and it wouldn't take you more than 20 seconds), you'd see this post and this part
>this fight is really badly designed since you have such small space for maneuver and there's extremely little time to react since you don't know in which directions his four shots will go.
How about you stop embarrassing yourself by entering a thread with less than 10 posts and commenting without reading the posts first?

git gud

get gud

>Bubble Crab
>Badly designed
There's nothing wrong with it
And there's no waiting around for platform in X-Hunter Stages you just such at wall jumping/air dashing.

Worst fight in the SNES X games if you try and do it legit. Easy as shit if you just charge sonic slicer on the lower platform. Who the fuck made his hitbox so small? X2's castle stages are pretty shit in general. Kind of a shame because the Maverick stages are really good.

You probably played it a thousand times by now that you know it like the back of your hand.
Same reason that I'm bored of X1-3.

Which one is the best X game?

oh my god, aren't you a little spoiled baby. who's the prettiest baby? who it is? is it user? our little user is pretty so we won't develop frustration tolerance in him

Seriously user, keep playing till you git gud, it's not that difficult.

Motherfucking babies want easy wins all the time.

I actually played it the least out of the first three. X1 is always good for me, X3 I dont replay as often but more often than X2.
Something about the stages maybe. Or the music.

gitto guud

1 or 4. I say 1, but some people just love the PS1 engine.

Attached: zero i will never die.png (960x720, 543.57K)


>There's nothing wrong with it
Look at pic related - do you really think it's not a bad stage? It's empty as fuck.You also spend almost the entire underwater section with that vehicle which enters at one point and which serves no purpose other than to slow you down a bit and thus camouflage how empty the stage is.

You can cheese the boss, yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that it's shit.
>X2's castle stages are pretty shit in general. Kind of a shame because the Maverick stages are really good

Attached: 10911.png (3084x1484, 320.62K)

X4 is the best in the series unanimously

Boring ost

The music is pretty good, maybe not as good as X1's but definitely 2nd best in the series.
IMO X2 is the best one out of the bunch with X1 coming in second and X3 is just flawed and unfinished in many ways...I still like it though but it's a clear downgrade from 2 and it shows.

>It's empty as fuck
You can say that about most stages of the series.

>You also spend almost the entire underwater section with that vehicle
One Giga Crush decimates it entirely.

>but some people just love the PS1 engine
This is the lie of the century. Nobody likes that awful Mega Man 8 engine.
People who like X4 like it because of cheesy anime cutscenes/nostalgia.

>Git gud
Is no one gonna comment on the fact that the screenshot literally shows the boss being beaten?

>X4 is the best in the series

That's a youtube thumbnail taken from google images.

You're so wrong it hurts

Of course not, this is Yas Forums where we ignore the easy answer that would stop a thread and rather play out all our arguments we've been wanting to say to another gamer for the longest time.

It's a reason Yas Forums is called the internet hate machine.

Yeah but that's not OP.

I actually didn't mind that change, given how action packed and full the 'shallow waters' stage for Launch Octopus was. Getting used to the new jump physics that would send you flying like a coked-up Michael Jordan took some getting used to, yeah, personally? I didn't mind the emptiness.

>Worst fight in the SNES X games if you try and do it legit.
Are you sure about that?

I played all 3 recently and can't think of a worse one.

lol im stuck on this too actually

>The megaman xtreme version of this fight is harder anyways
I disagree.

>Motherfucking babies want easy wins all the time.
That's what I'm saying too. People need to just try harder sometimes. Not everything can be as easy as your mom.

Thanks for the reminder of how terrible this stage was. An user insisted I play the game because it's better than X4.

It's not. X2 and 3 are some shit.

Launch Octopus' stage has other problems

Only problem that comes to mind for me is the 'vacuum subs' that can pull/push you into spikes. Or are you thinking of something else?

That's the main problem, but there's also the fact that the stage is really empty as well (although it's still better than Bubble Crab's)

>Dies not because you blasted him up, but because the treads gave out and his mech fell onto the spikes
Not so fun when you're on the receiving end, eh, Serges?

Hm...apparently I need to replay it, because I don't recall that as a problem. Was there ANY stages you felt were fairly populated, because I don't recall any stages(aside from Bubble Crab and Flame Stag) that were really 'empty to the point of annoyance'.

I think Bubble Crab and Flame Stag are the only ones that could be said to be empty.

No, the main problem is that second miniboss with those spike pits.
Fuck that shit. I always just take damage to get behind him and spam rolling shield as fast as possible to kill him.

In the X series yes

Nope, it's trash.

>there's extremely little time to react since you don't know in which directions his four shots will go.
Its actually a really simple pattern, he never does the same shot twice, just + then X, then +, then X, etc.

The problem lies with the moving platforms you're stuck on, which make the X shot near impossible to dodge.

X4 for sure.


ooh you're such a rebel

t. salty SNESfag

I like X2 more than X1. The X hunters actually encourage you to do different routes each time you play, and the game is slightly more challenging.

X4 is not good.

>the game is slightly more challenging
I have to disagree there.
X1 has the highest peak in difficulty with the final boss being way harder than X2's.

I know you anons haven't played it yet, but screw the new Ragna Bagna in Megaman X Dive. Dealing with him unprepared and under leveled sucks super bad if you are trying to win with touch controls. I'm probably going to be annoyed with every bit of the Serges and Gate fights in the future too.