Smash Bros Ultimate


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post em, r8 em and h8 em

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Considering the whole CORVID thing its probably not going to be soon at all

Replace TF2 shit with Doomguy and it would be almost perfect


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Thanks for reminding me. Replace that nu-Eggman design with something a bit more classy and not already a png.

Attached: eggman classic.png (1024x1024, 402.21K)

>no cloud
>no snake
>no ryu
i think it's gonna go something like
>arle/jack frost
>master chief
>something nobody expected

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>Not pulling a Pokemon Trainer and having all the classes playable.

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Nice 8/10
ok 7/10
Keep dreaming LOL/10
>Dr Eggman
Based Pingas/10
Cringe, heavy is better 5/10
I Hope 10/10

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Why do children think shit like TF2 or Master Chief can even fucking happen? Are you fucking seriously this retarded? You might as well put fucking Goku and Naruto on it.

use a better render than whatever that shit is.
>Wahoo Pizza Man
A heavy bandwagon character as of recently.
probably will happen.
replace with the blue outfir.
>Doom Slayer.
People are still using that outdated Green Samus armor.
Should be Agumon and you know it.

Attached: Doomguy Eternal.png (1300x1642, 1.5M)

Attached: Super Smash Pass Volume 2.png (1195x668, 1.17M)

A TF2 rep isn't all that likely, but I think it could be a fun inclusion

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A tag team trio of Scout, Heavy and Soldier could also be a great pick

All the same character most wanteds.
All the same predictions.
All the same discussions.
It's getting pretty boring.

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Fuck all the baby men. Heavy is best.

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>user saying to post pick is the same
>anons replying are the same
>never ever change their picks
>no one says anything different
How the fuck do you retards enjoy doing this shit? And you fuckers keep seeing eachother's picks and then think your pick are the most wanted characters when 99% of people don't even join your retarded game.

>Bimmy & Jimmy or Bill Rizer

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>The only character rosterfags got out of the pass was Banjo
>Everyone's still 100% convinced we'll get Dante, Doomguy, Sora, Crash, Hayabusa, Reimu and Geno

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POW. You are dead.

tbqh, Classic Eggman would work perfectly as an alternate costume

Can i have a png of that Ryu model?


Soon we shall have none other than the First Lady of fighting games herself become a DLC Fighter in the next Fighters pass (a.k.a. Chun-Li and NOT Springtrap)

You need to update that list to include Chun-Li

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You post this shit every day. It will never happen.


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I’d say he’s the better choice since he wouldn’t have to be sized down to work. Modern Egg is too tall and would look bizarre with short legs.

Don't waste your brain cells on drooling coomers man.

Beatchads rise up

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Hope you’re ready to wait 4 more months for the first fighter.


Nigga the first fighter would have been done by now.

>every single other Sonic character in the game is using their modern design
>Eggman should use a different one just because

we'll probably get 4 literal who disappointments from some generic JRPGs that sakurai liked and 2 actual characters

I know I am.

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You'd be making a mistake to count out Chun-Li, who is Yas Forums's most requested fighter. Remember when people said the same thing about Banjo? Well, at this point, anyone is possible, and it's HIGHLY likely that Chun-Li will be DLC!

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He's a 3D platformer icon. The original game is one of the best games of that genre.

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It's not my fault you're an autist.


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Didn't he get replaced?


the absolute best posts in this thread and board. Just fucking play some games, Yas Forums. The arena threads are much better than this monotonous garbage.

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>He got cucked out of the spotlight by the rabbids for years faggot.

All 90s platformer mascots got cucked in some way

Mario, Sonic and Pac Man sure as fuck didn't you frog eating subhuman

Crash, Spyro, Banjo and Rayman did

Sonic got cucked out of the console race and all of his modern games have been alright to terrible.

Yet he’s still popular and didn’t get replaced by rabbit minions.

>A character from a game owned by a company already in Smash is comparable to characters Sakurai has outright confirmed won't get into Smash.

>westacuck mascots
I don't recall him being replaced by a proto-minion gimmick.

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I'm starting to think Doomguy might be too mobile for Smash to incorporate him, a good player in Eternal can basically teleport wherever they need to be.

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>Enters the ring

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>enters the ring
Good pun but
>not finishes the fight

I simply cannot accept having crash and no spyro. Same the other way around. I'd rather have neither than just one.


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Finishes the fight has been done to death and only really works if he's the last character. I genuinely doubt Smash will ever end on a major character like Chief. Enters the Ring is more general.

>this image
>classic gaming icon
>classic gaming icon
>THE gaming icon
>classic noname
>oc donut steel icon
>fucking sonygro furry shoveloware trash

lol took me a while to realize what you did.

>oc donut steel icon


Point made, rosterfag threads are just endless shit flinging anyways.

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