Remind me: what was the linchpin game that started the pushback against Epic Games acquiring exclusive properties?
Remind me: what was the linchpin game that started the pushback against Epic Games acquiring exclusive properties?
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Metro exclusivity.
Literally the first game that went exclusive
But games being exclusive to digital distribution platforms in itself isn't a problem. It's how Epic acquires them that grinds peoples' gears.
This. Nobody bitches about HL, Fortnite, WoW, etc being exclusive to their own platforms. Exclusivity contracts are the real cancer.
I think it was this.
Exclusivity was likely a thing before it, but I believe this was the first case of a publisher going from from saying their game would be available on Steam at launch to suddenly changing their mind.
Platform and store exclusivity annoys a lot of people, but it was the idea that a publisher could suddenly change horses in the middle of a race that caught peoples attention, especially in situations where people had already pre-ordered games or had otherwise financially invested in their production like in kickstarter.
whats the problem? the platform its on PC so you can install it, right?
I don't want a million shitty launchers and accounts to remember on my computer
I don't touch ubishit and EA for the same reason, their games being garbage is only coincidental
I have those installed on my PC. But I draw the line at that. I've got libraries of games on those platforms but I own fuck all on EGS.
Only thing I own there is Shadow Complex Remastered and I haven't played that in years. Signing over exclusive properties to try to force my hand is not the way to get my attention.
Metro, I think.
That was the one where the devs clearly lied and back-pedalled for epic shekels
Definitely Metro Exodus. Which is weird in hindsight because it's not like Metro was some huge franchise AND Exodus was summarily forgotten about. Even worse because it was a PUBLISHER decision that only screwed over developers.
Well the whole "epic is cancer" sentiment doesn't really spread much further than Yas Forums. Let's be real the rest of the internet simply doesn't care and will buy thing regardless of platform nonsense. And here metro is pretty widely praised (sequel less so but whatever) so the third metro being the first big game that Yas Forums actually gives a shit about being exclusive was the best/worst way to kick off the hate train.
Exodus was then forgotten about because nobody bought it and the few people who did buy it realized it was trash so nobody cared anymore when it finally came to steam
>see your dream game being made
>decide to help fund it in return for a copy of the finished product on your preferred distribution platform
>game nears completion after a long production which you kept en excited eye on
>devs are suddenly bought out by some pig-looking mother fucker
>"we decided to go exclusive on a third-rate chinese game distribution platform because they paid us to. If you want the game you supported you'll have to play it there,otherwise tough titty. BTW no refunds because we finished the game as per the stipulated agreement"
You kidding? There's a long list of people who don't buy from EGS and it's mostly down to their tactics.
Shenmue right?
literally no one other than steamcels cares about this shit
another case of Yas Forums thinking they speak for anyone
Also chinks are sketchy as fuck and I don't want any botnet on my computer
No steam no buy.
And then devs are positively AMAZED why everyone is having a negative reaction to it their decision to sell out.
Because those games are on the platform onf the developer, thats a total difference.
People bitch about epic games literally because its not steam.
They even bitched when indie devs decided to go epic, even without getting bought.
Steamies angry that devs published their games on something other than gaben's drm shitfest of a platform
>People bitch about epic games literally because its not steam.
Then explain why nobody bitched about GOG.
>They even bitched when indie devs decided to go epic, even without getting bought.
Name one indie that decided to sell exclusively in Epic without being bought.
Which is a fair thing to do. People want their games under one umbrella if it's going to be managed by an overhead DRM system.
>why nobody bitched about GOG
Because you just buy the game installer and don't have to use any launcher at all
>Then explain why nobody bitched about GOG.
Because it has some kind of immunity status and most games are also on steam.
It only because a steamdrones issue if they cant show their games/trophys to their communitys.
>Name one indie that decided to sell exclusively in Epic without being bought.
Open epic store and search them yourself
>create a service worse than not just Steam, but every single other online store that can manage to get a shopping cart working
>aggressively hold products for ransom so other stores can't have them and to get customers to ignore how garbage the platform is
>hurr why mad Steamies
I use GOG, it's pretty nice.
I wouldn't use Epic even with a gun to my head, though.
I don't like their business practices, I don't like their anti-consumer stance and I especially don't like that ugly fuck Sweeny and the dumb brainlet shit he says.
Okay, but then why are people praising GOG Galaxy then?
This guy gets it
>no drm
>no predatory monopoly practices which are blatantly anti-consumer
>doesn't enforce exclusives
>the games you buy on GoG galaxy you actualy own.
gee I wonder why.
I mean why are people voluntarily using a launcher? You don't NEED GOG Galaxy but people like to use it. So why?
Don't think there was any specific game. The practice in general is just pure shit. It's so shit that Tim Sweeney himself actually wrote a long article about why exclusivity is so bad for everyone LITERALLY two years before he decided to make a storefront based on exclusivity.
>litteraly a better service then the other launchers around
gee wiz people like using a better service who would've geussed.
>Even worse because it was a PUBLISHER decision that only screwed over developers.
I think this was what woke me up to the disparancy between Publishers and Developers. It became hilarious with Borderlands 3 because it seemed like Randy woke up one day and found out his game was Epic Exclusive at the same time everyone else did.
The biggest problem is saying that it's ok to pay for exclusives.
If there was no backlash against EPIC, all stores would be dead by now, because microsoft would buy ALL the games and they would be all UWP shit.
>gee wiz
Why would I buy from a store that shits? I don't give a flying fuck if fucking publishers get 18% more money if they still sell games for 60 shekels+season pass+battle pass+micro transactions.
Yes, Epic may be good for devs/publishers but gives no benefit to the consumer, on the contrary.
they don't care about you, the sales pitch isn't aimed at you, it's aimed at publishers or small enough developers who think it'll be more valuable because they can't or don't want to advertise on the level that big names like Bethesda can.
>ran out things to say
go breathe in some covid 19 gas Chen.
They can keep pissing away their fortnite bucks then. I'm just going to pirate all their exclusives that I gave a shit about.
I'm not the guy you were discussing with, just joined in for shitposting yo :)
Fuck epic tho
Would you willing install a spybot for a video game? I know piratefags would but they're poor and don't know any better.
This sort of laziness is why I come to Yas Forums
That's a non-answer. Are you speaking for them or as someone who's actually used it?
>Exclusivity was likely a thing before it, but I believe this was the first case of a publisher going from from saying their game would be available on Steam at launch to suddenly changing their mind.
I think Satisfactory was before it and that was kickstarted promising steam keys. It was the first big example though.
People have to learn at some point to make their own research, especially if its a topic that was spammed for months nonstop on this website.
Its like someone asking for proof that zoom eternal was a success
I was a pirate for nearly up to a decade before I decided to start buying my video games and let me tell you, buddy, I would not install EGS.
I use it because it's litteraly a better service.
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Pheonix Point
I'm still salty even though the game turned shit
But they were supposed to use all that epic cash to make the game even better.
Blowing money on hookers and refunds didn't made the game better
Paying developers to not put their games on another store is like predatory competition. Instead of delivering a better service than the competition you just make it so people have to use your service to play certain games, so you may have an awful platform but you're olbiged to use it to play the game.
It doesn't make their store attractive, they take certain titles as hostages, even if it's temporary.
>whats the problem?
That people are being unable to buy the game where and how they want because a company that took no part in development bribed publishers and devs for it.
I can understand why a developer will go for the offer from epic, is easy money withou risk even if their game sells bad. After all this is a way some people get paid, just imagine if cuphead in development had that offer.
But for consumers epic is other platform that barely tries
One of the pet peeves i have with EGS is the way the EGS shills actually shill their store. The way they go about it is just feels manufactured and aggressive to the point of me weirded out from buying the game from them. I mean look at how EGS threads is made, they always looking down other stores like Steam or GOG and feels like instead of trying to make a 'proper' store competition, it feels like EGS's management from top to bottom were trying to not just to compete but trying to dominate the store monopoly itself, something that is contrary with what their shill's narrated.
Epic is pretty based for having made Yas Forums seethe as hard as they have.
A lot of pro egs posts/threads are made by one giga autist.
>push Epic Games up the pig's asshole
What did they mean by this?
Feast today, famine tomorrow. Unless you really need the money right now, selling to Epic a mistake (well, it also works if you game is shit).