What do you think are the main flaws with this remake of 3?

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No more leaks today, ded thread

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I don't know because i haven't played it yet.

Good. I'd rather go into the game fresh.

What are your thoughts on the demo?

jills design
jills personality
shortgame with multiplayer component
too much cinematic action gameplay

Main flaw is all of the setpieces fights.

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Are these confirmed to be in the game?

>Capcom outsources Not a Hero DLC for RE7
>it gets delayed because chinks do a shitty job and Capcom has to remake it themselves
>Capcom doesn't learn and does it again with RE3
>its shit

>more linear than original RE3 and RE2 remake
>glowing weak points on enemies
>control constantly taken away from player to show them cool shit
>QTEs added back into the series
>sections of the game completely absent
>Nemesis web-slinging
>Nemesis and Jill visually changed just to disrespect source material
>No longer able to knock out Nemesis, only stun
>Enemy door interactions are still a buggy, embarrassing mess
>Adaptive difficulty bastardization
Might pirate it sometime when I'm bored, but I really don't see anything to make this stand out from a generic third-person shooter except that I can choose to limit my saves. Adaptive difficulty means resource management won't actually be a factor unless I unload all of my mags into a wall.
I copy/pasted from the last thread: fuck it.

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not buying it after watching this dumb shit:
I'll just flip my collector's edition on ebay or something. fuck capcom.

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Where are you getting this info? Isn't RE3 being made in-house by Capcom's B-team?

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>What do you think are the main flaws with this remake of 3?
hard pirate

No. Capcom was working on RE2, while RE3 was outsourced. They were worked on at the same time. That's why its coming out so soon after RE2.

im starting to think the leaks were from capcom paid shills to hype up this game, otherwise we'd have the whole game leaked at this point

He means those breakable crates. Lootbox is a misnomer.

replying to
from the last thread

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I dunno man, the game isn't out. I guess Nemesis seems kinda jank but I found him intimidating while actually playing the game so it's whatever

yes they are confirmed for the multiplayer component

You heard it here first, everyone. Capcom, a corporation with a net worth of over $3.5B USD, only owns one studio to make RE games, their best-selling franchise. No source required, I'm just slinging facts, my friends.

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Nice. What about the ones from the main game?

Why some people hated the RE2 remake?

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Very well done sir. I only have about 10 or so left. Guess I better get to it.

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>What are your thoughts on the demo?
Overall I enjoyed it, but it sucks that the dismemberment is gone. Also Capcom could've made some new zombie models instead of the same 7 or 8 from RE2, it gets really noticeable after playing for a bit

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>takes a nosedive in terms of quality 1/3 in
>"puzzles" made for retarded kids

I thought we were talking about the singleplayer only, what with the talk about barrels and "lootboxes". Calm down.

No flaws game is fine, just should add DLC with Park, Graveyard and grave digger and spiders also new areas like Zoo. And UBCS spin off missions

But all of those complaints can be applied at the original in the first place.

They have shit taste. Plain and simple. REmake 2 is honestly the best RE game overall.

hands of a person born after 2003 typed this


>Also Capcom could've made some new zombie models instead of the same 7 or 8 from RE2
Good point. It really does get noticeable after a while.

Was that a bug or an actual thing hes meant to do. When it happened in my game I not only thought it looked retarded it but bullshit annoying for no reason.

Based super saiyan Nemesis.

>Just add discrete chunks of DLC to make up for the missing portions of the main adventure
Thank fuck you don't develop any games, I have to filter out enough garbage as it is.

It's a trainer that makes Nemesis super fast.

This is what pisses me off, they reused so much stuff from 2 and still cut shit out, even jill's animations are the same as claire

Then that makes even less sence of why it happned in my clean install of the demo. I assumed it was how the demo would end. Like he becomes impossible to avoid and would guarantee he kills you. Was disappointed that once i got to the hydrant it ended. Assumed his super speed was just a bug after that.

Fucking hell that is terrible

M-Two was founded by former Capcom employees and has been funded by Capcom from its inception. This isn't exactly the "outsourcing" people tend to think of in this industry.

This.... honestly makes a lot of sense. I knew there was something off about REmake 3 soon as we got our first glimpse at it. The game's just lacking in quality.

>control constantly taken away from player to show them cool shit
On RE7 people missed a lot of plot related events due having total control of the camera during certain situations.

>And the shitposter/reverse marketeers are on

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I found that I got most of the records by just playing the game to be honest, it was only the last 10 or so that I had to consciously make an effort to get

Oh shit

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Are you trying to say RE7 gave players too much control during its set pieces?

>jill's animations are the same as claire
Yeah, this was one of the first things that I noticed playing the demo

Decent fight.

Why would Capcom fund a studio that it doesn't own?

Why would any corporation fund anything it doesn't own? I don't know. My point is that this isn't the sort of outsourcing done to save money by hiring the cheapest workers. It was to get more professionals on deck.
That being said, I don't like the look of RE3 and I'm not gonna buy it.

tranny main protag

>plot events
Do a favor, remove yourself from this planet.

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Jill, both her looks and her personality.

> Bad Pacing
> Story is Boring
> Nemesis Encounters are more Scripted in spite of the strides made with Mr.X
> Enemies are extremely segregated in their appearances
> Carlos' segments are better than Jill's making the majority of the game leave this "why couldn't it be like this" feeling
> Nemesis' forms don't make sense from the context of the T-Virus
> Nikolai's character was damaged
> Brad somehow lost characterization in the Remake compared to RE3
> Kendo has no significance and doesn't even really build on his appearance in RE2R
> The best character is a scientist you barely see and dies before you get to meet him face to face
Probably forgetting some other stuff

5 hour campaign is pretty absymal.

Re Outbreak file 2 did this, what is your point?

> Nemesis Encounters are more Scripted in spite of the strides made with Mr.X

Because they weren't scripted in the original?


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>it's not-Birkin again
no buy

>comparing a multiplayer session-based game to a single-player campaign
I can't believe it's not bait.

lmao imagine fucking up a simple design this hard
>"dude what if instead of Nemesis having the tentacles he turns into like a giant licker or something that would be so scary, and he runs on walls like a licker too and he is really big with spikes and shit yeah that would be so cool right?"

Will they keep the attache case in the RE4 remake?

>Dismemberment is gone

Explain? You can't knee cap zombies anymore?

>are you sure that we should do that? It would not be very realistic...
>it's fine, we gave the Hunters chicken wings and a grave digger's mouth to make it all more sensible
>oh, you're right. Licker-Nemesis a go, then

you can but their limbs just disappear unlike RE2 remake where they slowly detach from the body and remain on the ground

It's still in, but now you cant just turn a dead (aka super killed zombie that won't get up) into a kebab, you can kneecap and disarm them while they are still "alive"

There was a degree of AI fuckery behind the scenes with which, when and whether Nemesis encounters would or wouldn't occur in the original, as far as I'm aware all the encounters in RE3R are all set and there are specific encounters at certain points in the game including the one for his Flamethrower and Rocket Launcher and at least three melee only encounters (which is a shame because I think it would've been cool to see Nemesis wielding other heavy weaponry;
- Grenade Launcher
- Minigun (I know about the movie, regardless)
- High Caliber Rifle
- Coilgun
- Scatter Missile Launcher

In the end it's still B-team. Which sucks balls.

What made Nemesis different from other B.O.Ws was the fact he could use weapons and navigate places like a human such as opening doors and running faster than Jill. Turning him into a giga licker completely misses the point behind his design and shows how clueless Nu-Capcom is.

Sometimes I really wonder how a lot of development decisions get made. Did this go unnoticed by the director until it was too late to change? Who approved it? Who thought it was a good idea? Did the artists make the model and animate it, forcing the rest of the dev team to go along?

It's not gone, you just don't see the cut arms/legs anymore. I'm betting on technical limitations since environments are larger plus there are more enemies now, i guess consoles couldn't take it.

Attached: RE3 - Zombie legs blown.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

Anyone have footage of the labs/final segment of the game?


Why chinks so sensitive?

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That's... really disappointing. Didn't RE2R include the slashed face scene in the RPD for no other reason than to flex its dick at its gore engine? It's not a make or break thing but damn does it suck

It appears in the remake all he has is the missile launcher and a flamethrower then he turns into a giant licker, I was really hoping for more variety with the Nemmy boss battles given the better hardware but nah man just turn him into a big fucking licker to scare the 10 year olds

>I'm betting on technical limitations since environments are larger plus there are more enemies now, i guess consoles couldn't take it.

Nice excuse.

>consoles with 12gb of memory can't handle some limbs lying around

>takes stuff away from previous game
ah yes, great game design
such improvement