Doom 2016:
>Let's go for a new unique design and not rely on nostalgia and let our game be it's own thing
Doom eternal:
>lol remember him?
Fuck off.
Doom 2016:
>Let's go for a new unique design and not rely on nostalgia and let our game be it's own thing
Doom eternal:
>lol remember him?
Fuck off.
I like them both.
Doom eternal might have gone too far with the wacky in a couple of places but let's not kid ourselves the art direction in 2016 was boring as fuck.
You could literally just have said that the demons were aliens instead and it would make no difference design wise.
How many more seething threads about doom are there gonna be
the original designs are all better than the ones in Doom 2016, especially Cyberdemon
They made him too easy to fight. Never really got to see his moves, and ended up killing him without any trouble.
How many days left until the end of the world?
That many days of threads, plus 1.
Any other day you'd be calling it SOUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLL like a gibbering monkey, fuck off OP
>Heheh, let's make the original cyberdemon appear like a complete pushover compared to our awesome irradiated moose OC donut steel!
I agree I actually preferred the art and atmosphere in 2016.
However autistic people gave them shit for doing so, especially regarding the Cyberdemon. So they listened, sadly.
Fuck off with the shitty bait threads
>I just revealed that I am playing on easy.
Please leave.
I think he's alright. Since they decided to make a new Baron of Hell I think the Tyrants have become my favorite monster in Eternal.
I played on UV retard
so easy
the tyrants are actually fun to fight. no meme mechanics, super tanky so the fight lasts a while, no cheese green flash shit. just pure run and gun
Literally everyone bitched about the cyberdemon in 2016. Also dont forget how Cacodemons were very dark red and werent changed until a few months before launch to their original bright red color.
Do the Codex entries mention what their relationship with the Baalgar cyberdemon is?
the new barons kind of baffle me. They're basically OG hell knights with sword arms, but there's also cyber hell knights that also have the sword arms, and the new barons dont throw green fireballs at you.
>Literal over-ghilled and boxy Gears Of War + WoW shit
>unique design
hush kid.
Demon nigga > Moose nigga
Keep seething zoomer. Doom is not for you.
what the fuck are you talking about...?
They're a "different breed", according to the Codex.
I actually thought the Barons from the original game were my favorite monster type (they just looked really well-designed).
its kind of weird the arch vile had a introduction in the promotional material and then in the game it didn't
filtered, thanks for continuing to use your dumb tripcode
>I actually thought the Barons from the original game were my favorite monster type (they just looked really well-designed).
Indeed, I was so glad to see goat demons again.
In Eternal, barons are completely grey compared to classic red skin, which makes them resemble the Doom 1 hell knights which were just greyed out barons
Kind of sad demons dont get intros like in 2016
Fuck off m8.
yeah I honestly kind of miss the intro's. they served their purpose pretty well to hype up the demons you're about to fight
He telegraphs his attacks way too hard to be difficult. Making him vulnerable to the crucible just makes him and any other super heavy enemy in the game, easy for anybody who doesn't go wacky with it.
UV is easy as shit once you get past the first few upgrades.
>Kind of sad demons dont get intros like in 2016
Same. I think there were only one or two that got one? I don't even remember, that's how little there are. Whereas I remember most demons getting something in 2016.
Just the bosses and Marauder
They are aliens, specially in Eternal.
Also I keep thinking about their schlongs.
The Marauder's intro was 10/10 at least.
Then you'll be glad to hear about Bad Dragon's new addition.
The cyberdeamon design in Doom 2016 was shite though.
He can fuck you up if he hits you. The problem is that he is slow and it is piss easy to dodge his attacks just by constantly staying on the move.
2016 was restrained and tasteful, Eternal looks like garbage
The enemy model comparison tells it all
But the demons are aliens, that's the point
How do you feel about the Gladiator?
>distinct and natural characterization of the enemies, the one aspect of OG Doom that hasn’t aged to shit
>Spunk gargle weewee enemy design where you can’t even make out the things because modern graphics makes everything look like it’s draped in dark and brown
Take a hike.
Meh. He's alright but doesn't have the physique of a Baron.
They have always been aliens.
I thought demons were still from hell, but the maykr are aliens?
they're revisionist bullshitters, pay them no attention
I feel like this guy is the only redesign that is actually better, despite not actually replacing the Cyberdemon in lore and being kinda copypasted from the older games
Hell is a different dimension and demons are its inhabitant, just like we humans and maybe other alien species are the inhabitants of our dimension, the Night Sentinels inhabit their own and so do the Makyrs.
Hell influenced mythologies of our world through history but it doesn't mean that the Doom's hell is ruled by a fallen angel that betrayed Jesus' father.
I mean, they were already aliens way back in the original games, so I don't see why people are so shocked about this.
if you go back to 2016 cyberdemon, they were probably worried about reusing that design because it could overshadow the marauders
As if I needed more reasons to hate nuDoom and braindead tripfags.
This are new breed. Doomguy made them extinct after doom64. Gladiator is the only one left of the old breed.
>new unique design
he looked like a fucking moose for god's sake
By definition they're still aliens. They're non-natives to the dimension they're invading so demonic infestation still counts as an alien invasion, it's just specific.
I actually prefer the old school/Eternal cyberdemon
2016 cyberdemon looks like something from Warcraft. This fucker actually looks cool. Too bad he's so easy to counter.
I prefer all the enemy skins and gun skins from Eternal to 2016 except for the ballista replacing the gauss cannon
Even without the Siegemode Gausscannon was cooler than this weird Quake style crossbow
I'd prefer that instead of this Warcraft looking garbage.
They're all aliens. The idea is that they're all transdimensional beings and have influenced species across the galaxy/universe with the concept of heaven and hell. To that end, the demons are still from hell, because the concept of hell is based on their domain.
Alot of the monsters from 2016 look like things you'd see in MIB, Will Smith should be shooting them with lasers.
Looks like something from nu-Final Fantasy
Still don't think I actually got why the UAC was augmenting demons
>go to Hell
>find awesome energy source
>make shit loads of money
>how can we get richer someone says
>I know, there are demons there. Lets try to weaponise and tame them so we can sell them to governments as new bioweapons
I kinda love how even the official Doom wiki calls them "cyberdemons" instead of "tyrants".
>whine that they changed it
>whine that they changed it back
The demons have always been aliens dumbass.
this, I played the demo of 2016 twice to make sure how garbage it is, and it's as boring to play as it is to look at
Because they can.
Have you missed the fact that they literally worship demons in DOOM 2016? So if Olivia told them to augment them - they will augment them at maiorem dei gloriam.