What is master race of elder scrolls, and why is it orcs

tier1 orc, altmer, bosmer, dunmer
tier2 khajit, breton, nord
tier3 lizards, niggers, roman niggers

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roman chads rule the empire and slay thalmors, that's pretty based user.

niggers at least fought thalmor, virgin empire surrendered, and became thalmor whore

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>yfw no Seranaholic gf
anons plz tell me there are mods where i can marry and hand hold seranaholic

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you know she fucked with molag bal so she could be vampire

you have no chance with your virgin dovahdick vs chad molagster

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>wanting the King of Rape's sloppy seconds
wtf is wrong with you

despite making 5% of tamriel population they are responsible for 90% of scuma dealing

its purely socio-economic factors

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Lorkhan-pilled tier:

heathen tier:

subhuman tier:

literal shit tier:

Dunmers are are just Orcs with a different color, move them to literal shit tier

but molag bal is dead, i killed him


ESO fag detected

Very ironic post

how are dunmers lorkhan pilled

they only played with his hearth, they didnt worship him

the dunmer revere Lorkhan and worship Lorkhanic gods. Boethiah, Mephala and Azura are strongly tied to him, and the tribunal are literally powered by his heart.

you don't kill him even in eso

except for Dunmer still call Lorkhan the doom drum and now Tribunal has been removed and they are reclamations/worship Daedra again

What an ironic post you have there, t. actual lorelet.

>be Bretons
>be the only race with plated knights on horseback with lance
>be tied for strongest magical race producing top tier Archmages
>literally the most powerful armies on Tamriel and the chaddest race
>only reason every other race hasn't been utterly BTFO'd into perpetual slave races is Bretonchads need worthy foes and spend all their time fighting one another

Life truly is suffering for the Elder Scrolls master race.

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>currently manlets
>literally rape babies of elves

>have to use a greater power to get on the level that Nords are operating on 24/7
>master race

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now read the rest of my post you dumb n'wah

Argonians are the master race.

Worship the Hist and you'll be provided x1 busty Argonian wife.

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>combine the alphas of mer and men
>rules state that race has to be determined by mother in case of cross-species and no new races can be created
>rules only apply to lesser races
>thus were the chads born

>half breed between ayleyds and nedics
>no loyality to others
>living in HRE of Tamriel
>needing niggers help to win against orcs

muh master race

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>half-breed mongrels
>best anything

Actual lorelet here, what's the deal with Dunmer and Orcs?

not ayleids, Aldmer Direnni

Both Orsimer and Dunmer were Aldmer that got altered by Boethiah, in case of Orsimer Boethiah changed Trinimac into Malacath which caused all of his followers to transform into monstrous Orcs, in case of Dunmer they covered their skin with feces of Trinimac which turned them into Chimer which means changed folk though they still looked very similar to Aldmer maybe with a more dark golden skin tone. Then Chimer got cursed by Azura and became Dunmer.

>TFW no kitty cat wife

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Orcs used to be Aldmer (Elves). Their God Trinimac got into a fight with the Daedric Prince Boethiah, lost, got devoured and shit out. The pile of green feces became Malacath, the Daedric Prince of bloody shits. The Elves that worshiped him literally turned green and brown with corny lumps on their skulls as a result.

they worship tribunal which get their power from hearth of lorkhan
they dont worship tribunal as manifestation of lorkhan
they even dont know that tribunal is fraud

only azura, mephala and boethia are true tribunal

>they covered their skin with feces of Trinimac

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>be half breed chad
>weaker parent races cant cope

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>in case of Dunmer they covered their skin with feces of Trinimac
Literally shitskins.

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It’s just a nordcuck trying to cope with being objectively the worst race in all Elder Scrolls games.

Tripfag talking about others being deluded and coping with being shit.

reminder to filter that faggot.

Ligers and Tigons suffer from horrific genetic disorders and struggle under their own weight.

which one?

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Just as Bretons suffer under the weight of their own excellence.

literal jews of elder scrolls, greedy and always scheming, they are even racemixed

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>more durable
>better smithing
>better warriors
They're just better version of nords, with the only downside being that they're ugly as sin

well i like their code of honour and loyality to each other, their lore is cool, and worshiping god of deals and revenge seems cool too

Okay lorefags, you each have one post to explain tower lore to me. Go.

Very strong big magical pillars spread around the world making sure it does not collapse

what's the best mod list to have full gf experience in skyrim?

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And that most of the time they are sterile.

Oh snap.

you are gaying in the towers

>tier 1

try loverslab

>Be me
>Playing ESO
>Exploring a city in Morrowwind
>A guy walks by
>He's wearing Samurai Armor
>Samurai Armor

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Why would the world collapse in the absence of such towers?

akaviri armor, just look at sky heaven temple, they are clearly based on japs/chinks

Orcs are the best soldiers in Tamriel, so it's understandable

because some dude who no longer writes for the game said so

>competent and agile fighter
>can bring down a bear on his own
>healthy animal

>useless and needs to be in captivity in order to survive because he is basically an equivalent of an extremely obese man
>can't do anything without ending up on constant medical check-ups due to his countless health issues he has
>doesn't know what health even is

Truly great example of superiority you showed there. It's literally healthy athletic man vs. obese fatass picture.

They are Aldmeri's half-breeds. You know, prototype-Altmers.

I like to role play an Argonian with a taste for Nord flesh. I like to eat all the children first, collect the poop I produce from eating them, and make poison with it to kill their parents with.
I wanted to see just how far I can go with my roleplaying and Skyrim mods. Pretty far if I have admit it.
While everyone is concerned with the civil war, I enjoy playing a character isolated from the current events. Makes me feel at peace.

liger characteristics sounds very american to me.

no qt cannibal gf for you

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user, you do realize that liger is the weaker one on that image, right? Not everything is in sizes. His size might be more impressive compared to his parents (lion / tigress), but he is far more useless than both.
Both lion, and especial tigers, can run for longer than him. They are also faster than him. Liger can drop dead from mere exhaustion because his health is the same as of extremely obese person. Liger might be impressive in size, but he is worse and weaker than his parents in everything else.

Niggers fought the thalmor with Imperial Legions you brainlet.

>created the Thrassian plague that nearly wiped out Tamriel
What was their problem?

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The only Elder Scrolls I have ever played is Skyrim. Should I buy Morrowind next? Did any of the first games age poorly?

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