YFW Valve redefines gaming


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VR will never, ever be popular

It already is, poorfag

>10k players

Call me when VR is actually affordable

Is there a full plot dump somewhere?

*ring ring*
*ring ring*
pick up the phone, poorfag

Sorry but Nintendo already did that with the Wii remotes. All Valve succeeded in doing is strapping it to your face and charging retards 10 times the price to experience the same gameplay but with a ridiculous looking apparatus.

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This feels exactly like when Steam was required for Half Life 2. VR is the future faggots, it's here to stay. Every other game feels primitive after Alyx.

Whoa, I can pick up a physics prop with my hand instead of pointing at it and pressing E, how revolutionary

Still not affordable

It will be when they learn that you just want the visual part of the vr, and let you play with real controls


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confirmed for never trying VR. stay down.

Steam didn't cost hundreds of euros.

and VR will eventually get to be 300 bucks all included.

Cool so call me when we get to that point.


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wake me up when I can dodge offset and royal guard fly in VR

most people didn't have an internet connection, either.

Regardless of what one thinks of any of this, your post is embarrassing. You make your point in the same retard fashion that the rest of the memeloving fucks on 4chins do

No. Alyx in game numbers prove it. If there was a band that had as many fans and the install base of VR, they would only exist in Yas Forums treads. Are Gorshit and Negative XP popular?

dude, are you aware that 1.5B people are in quarantine right now? The stock is blocked by the global trade. That's the only reason most people cannot get their hands on the Index.

Kek the quarantine is literally a driving force for people buying vidya shit

that's the demand. The supply is depleted, you mouth-breathing imbecil.

I would fuck with that desu, VR headset + mouse and keyboard or controller seems way better than using those autistic wii remotes.

they didnt redefine vr but they sure used every feature they couldve thats been done in games like boneworks

it's eu hours they're poor third worlders who cant afford vr

>people being able to stay home all day and play video games is the reason this video game isn't popular

Cope harder, it flopped.

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Yeah, I'm not sure whether it's funny or sad whenever I see gameplay footage of HL:A and the player is constantly trying to interact with shit, only to constantly find that the environments are basically the same as HL2 in terms of interactivity except now a disembodied hand model is pasted onto some random part of the object your holding.

>they ordered the devices
>the devices cannot arrive because of the worldwide pandemic, as they have to be brought from China


Yeah it will, I dont blame anyone for not buying it, personally I dont have the space for it to work, all the cables and set up and shit is too much for me to bother either, but that will change over time, and there isnt jack shit you can do about it. You can say YOU dont want VR, or you cant afford it or whatever, but the whole "muh never ever" just makes you look like a sperging faggot. So just stop you little seething autist.

it was the biggest vr release to date and plenty of games like boneworks and blade and sorcery were considered big milestone successes for vr
maybe in 10 years you can pick one up for $100 and play the classics

Didn't it sell like 300 thousand (pre order)copies? Pretty good considering you need a decent PC and pretty expensive peripherals just to play it. And there's an 8 week back log for the valve index right now and it costs a grand. it's not like everyone is going to jump to VR tomorrow but HL:A is probably going to be the turning point when we look back on the history of VR in years to come. I'm a poorfag but I'm looking forward to when VR really becomes mainstream.

The game was announced in December and anyone who didn't already have a VR headset that wanted one bought in December due to price drops. VR always goes on sale because it's gimmickshit hardware nobody cares about except consoomer retards.

they should hold a cope olympics for the most outraged poorfag cope posts on this board

Bro the index sold over 150k units, that's not a flop

>Something that's objectively true
Yeah I forgot big daddy capitalism puts $500 VR headsets on sale constantly for sub $250 because they're just really nice :)

Not him, and I dont think that hes entirely correct, but his logic checks out with Valve and hardware, even with their arguably good products
>steam link
>steam machines
>steam controller
All went on mad sales and then were discontinued, so only time will really tell

bro if $500 is a lot of money to you I can't do much else but laugh at you
you can make that shit in a week at the shittiest jobs on the planet lmao

but index has sold out being $1k market price. He's not correct when the product was in demand and is the highest marked up VR product in the market

Now you are completely ignoring his point, dont call people dumb faggots and then act like one yourself.


yeah and they buy burgers and beer and cigarettes that cost $20 a pack
americans are fucking retarded with their money on temporary goods that dont last

i was NEET for almost a decade and ended up about three months ago with a shitty Walmart job and have saved up about 2K while paying rent and utilities on my own. i have no idea what people are doing with their money if they can't save anything.

The steam controllers and steam link also sold out when they were released, needs more time on the market to really know at the end of the day, I think you are right, I dont think VR is going away, but I also think that its progressing rapidly right now since it's an emerging technology, so there is a damn good chance that the current index could be completely out dated and irrelevant in a year, even if it's not unpopular, it could just as easily get replaced by a better product at the same or even a lower price. Not everyone is abstaining from VR because "muh poorfag" memes, some people are just waiting for it to get to a more stable consistent place, but I dont think that Alyx and the index is potentially a nice step in that direction.

So if it wasn't for the quarantine, EVEN FEWER people would be playing alyx? lmao ur right, that's embarrassing for valve

sophism is the lowest form of intellect. Stop it.

>lying NEET pretending to have a job
When you lie you have to stay within your own experiences and knowledge, or else the lie is obvious, quit punching above your weight class kiddo.

$1k is a retarded asking price and I don't think it's sustainable to expect people to keep buying at that price.
$200-300 will be the eventual standard as is for any sort of mobile gaming device similar to the switch as long as they can keep creating exclusives to ensure a lasting market.
I myself bought the rift cause it was the cheapest at the time and it works fine in alyx. Resolution could be better but it's the full experience.

>have no idea what people are doing with their money
Raising kids, probably. Those little shits are expensive.

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why would i lie about working a fucking Walmart?

You must have low rent/utilities then

Wew lad.

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>Implying amerimutts can afford tech when they cant even afford basic healthcare

>neet cannot comprehend someone similar to him ever getting a job
based walmart bro

>Sorry but Nintendo already did that with the Wii remotes

Oh for sure the price will go down over time, as will the convenience, once it hits a sweet spot it will fully catch on. I am actually of the mind that VR would have been better off starting in a more arcade type setting, I think it would have given people an easier entry into the medium and could have helpmoffset the high cost to allow time for tech to improve, while still garnering interest, not unlike how current video games got their start.


lol SEETHING poorcel

the cost of healthcare is stupidly inflated in America since hospitals/drug companies realized they could charge insurance companies whatever they want, and it would be covered.

came here to laugh, ty

You misinterpreted my post because you are probably room temperature IQ. Headseats go on sale constantly because there is little demand for them. Even in the pandemic I can get mixed reality shit for sometimes at least $100 less than what its MSRP is.

Probably an attempt at keeping the lie viable, but it was still over the top, but I think you are just some spoiled underage, not a NEET, that was also smoke and mirrors, really I commend the effort, but you over did it

Your post is just as low res as the image you attached. Why shitposters are always so lazy and obvious?

More like Valve makes a medium fized fish in a small pond that is VR games because they cannot compete with modern developers. Even their Source 2 engine is a failure that was surpassed by other engines, they know it because modders who used to be on Source have already moved on to Unreal Engine, the G-Mod dudes and also Project Borealis using UE.

Nobody wants to wait for their failure yet again, and most don't want to update Source engine to the modern age, that other group making the HL3 fan mod have to work a lot just bringing features that are the norm in other engines to the ancient pile of trash that is Source.

cause nobody wants those featureless knockoffs, index and oculus are the playstation and xbox

All they did was re-release HL2, but this time isntead of being 90% gameplay and 10% puzzles, it's 60% puzzles, 30% walking, 5% watching cutscenes and 5% gameplay.

everyone who's played Alyx is saying that it's the best looking game ever. Seethe more.

my store number is 5079

The physics engine alone is enough to BTFO any other engine. Alyx makes every current game look like cardboard.

That's the point. How they'll redefine pc/console gaming if VR is unaccessible for 99% of the population? Unless valve or whatever is already planning on making a dirt cheap VR that isn't fucked by third world inflation and taxes, VR will stay niche for a while longer.

Having a family.

You call it family I call them flesh turds

Everyone who's played Alyx is looking for ways to justify their purchase. You can't seriously look at this game and think it's the best looking game ever. Even shit on PS4 looks superior.

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I don't know how popular it will be, but VR's nature being tied to high end hardware will make sure VR will always be a niche thing. Valve's VR headset costs what, 2 PS5s? That shit is obviously cost prohibitive to the mainstream, and it's kinda going to affect developers not wanting to support a platform with 1million users, compared to PC+Console with how many people again, around 170million?

Even indie devs will not want to risk their company developing for such a small niche market. It's like wanting to develop games targeting people who own a RTX 2080ti, that's a niche that may just bankrupt your company. It worked for Crysis to be a benchmark type of game, but few if any developers wanna do that today.

Yeah I'm gonna say it's another 10 years out before it goes full mainstream, more or less.

>"Redefine the genre"
Is there a more reddit term than this

I'd rather have a nice car tbqhwy

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