He’s not wrong

He’s not wrong...

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I hated it the first few times I tried it but I just got to the prison segment at the beginning of disc 2 and I'm loving it.
The "coolest" aesthetic in the series, great music, Squall is a based autistic protag, and using junction to become OP is fun as fuck. Unless there's a major drop in quality later, I think people just hate it because they didn't understand it myself included, up until now.
IX was my personal favorite, but now I'm starting to understand why people might dislike it. VIII just feels a lot more ambitious all around.

man, the campaign for the 7 remake is so weird...

FF8 is great but OP is still a faggot for baiting and phoneposting.

I didn’t finish the demo. It’s gorgeous but felt weird somehow.

Nothing will ever change how broken and unbalanced FF8 is. Just getting 100 waters junctioned to strength from the fish fins on the beach outside Balamb is enough to have Squall LB spam through a good chunk of the game, LBs being farmable by skipping turns at low health is just awful design. If you know about the Zell/Quistis cards you can easily be set for the entire game. I don't hate FF8 by any means actually I quite like it, I'll be the first to admit breaking the junction system can be fun. It was my first FF but it's combat system is full of problems and yeah other games can be easily broken if you know what your doing but no game allows you to do it so early on. Literally right as you leave the garden you can become strong enough within 20-30 minutes to cheese over half the game. Only FF2 lets you do that so early but 2 takes a good amount of grinding to do it. Almost every FF games has ways to break it or super OP strats but often they are not available until very late or with significant grinding. Strats such a dual wield/rapid fire/spell blade in FF5 (even more so combined with insane chemist buffs) or Mime/KotR in FF7 are certainly OP as fuck but neither are really available until near the end the AP requirement in FF5 for that combination is high and Chocobo breeding/weapon bosses are not available until very late disc 2.

The combat was ass and chips. Scaling levels is one thing, but drawing magic and junctioning it was awkward and gimmicky as fuck. Both a good and bad point fot the game is that by the end you could use whoever the fuck you wanted to because character roles didn't matter one bit. I actually kinda dozed off during the later story bits because l didn't care what was happening.

It's one of the weirdest JRPGs I've ever played. The final boss was cool though, so I'll give them that.

>if you know the game well enough you can easily break it early on
>this is a bad thing
I never understood this logic. I'd go so far as to say that its a good thing, serving as a reward for experienced players who have mastered the system.
Yes, its easy to break the game early on, but only if you know what you're doing. Anyone playing for the first time will be spending the opening hours wrapping their head around the junction system.
As someone playing it right now, I didn't start to abuse the system until the Deling section when I decided to stock 100 sleeps and junction them to Zell's attacks, allowing me to draw magic from enemies as much as I want. Even then, it doesn't have any effect on bosses so I still haven't broken the game yet. I'm just having fun with all the options it gives you and figuring things out myself without a guide.
Also I usually hate level scaling but I think it works here since growth is tied mostly to your GFs and junction loadout as opposed to your level.

>the best


Did anyone not use auto-trigger for squalls' attacks?

FFVIII has a very clear narrative though.

Rinoa seriously makes me dislike this game

No, it’s terrible.

The “magic” system is awful

Yes he is.
It only has the best music.

1. Most enemies scale poorly
2. If you actually level up you can refine magic more efficiently from higher tier loot
3. Junctioning is easy as shit

Offensive magic is pretty fucking worthless though, I won't defend that.

I don't get why they didn't just stick with job systems for the PS1 games.

is this pasta?

On almost every criteria, FF8 is garbage. Shit characters, an atrocious storyline, underwhelming and unchallenging gameplay, graphics that don't stand up under scrutiny since they aimed for photo realism in an era where they couldn't come close to graphically matching it. About the only things worthwhile are some of the musical tracks and the relative ease of the character advancement/combat system.

Also FF8 revolves around a 'love story' between Rinoa and Squall. Rinoa's an absolute retard that keeps getting herself Princess Peached into trouble thanks to her own stupidity and is Seifer's sloppy seconds. You're basically rooting for Squall to stick with a girl that has room temperature IQ and sluts around with his rival.

>and is Seifer's sloppy seconds
>this is actual unironic criticism of the game

guess how I figured out your opinion is worthless

ikr? This is 2020.

I'm just glad we got this out of FF8

>angry about being reminded about it
guess how I figured out that you're a FF8 fanboy that listens to Eyes on Me

Don't worry, I'm sure you can forget about it again if you try hard enough.

>they aimed for photo realism
Imagine being retarded enough to actually believe that.

why do people dislike 9? genuinely curious

Too much fantasy

I assume mostly because it's more cartoony than 7 and 8.

why do you know the name of the song, retard

>game is called Final Fantasy
>complains about too much fantasy

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FF8's artistic style was 100% photo realism for the time, compared to FF7 which had cartoonish character designs that resembled contemporary anime of the time and FF9 which outright went for a whimsical world and character design. Since FFX they've all been on the same photo realism kick.

FF9 was my series favourite. The character writing didn't grate on my nerves; Zidane as the lead was flawed but compared to Squall from FF8, he was at least proactive and didn't spend 90% of his dialogue communicating in ellipses or with a single word vocabulary as a moody teenager. The aesthetic design was cartoonish but not to an obscene degree and the combat was pretty much a direct improvement over FF8.

how can someone have such shit taste to not appreciate the art style of this game?

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VIII is one of the best Final Fantasy games. But it's not better than VI, VII, or IX.

Because of die hard FF8 fans spending all their time jerking off with tears as lube while they listen to the song insisting that the love story is pure and that FF8 is a good game. I had to google the name of it since I remember other song titles for songs I actually liked, but the stereotype usually plays itself out.

>choosing a girl who launches her poor dog at enemies over Quistis literally begging for the dick or best girl

Different people have different tastes.
I personally like FF9s style.

1. Magic is too valuable to your stat block and has little use outside support (Meltdown, Aura, Triple)
2. The orphanage link is unnecessary for anyone outside Squall/Edea/Cid, same with the GF memory loss. Every other character is flat beyond belief and slapping them in the orphanage was a lazy way to skip exploring them.
3. Auto-attack focused battle system
3.5. Zell can solo the damn game
4. You'll spend a lot of time in menus once you know how to exploit the GF abilities and magic refinement
5. The story goes off the fucking rails
The Good
1. The story goes off the fucking rails
2. Triple triad could pass for its own game
3. Soundtrack fits the setting and creates a ton of memorable moments from mundane experiences
4. Squall shows massive growth and his character development holds the game together
5. Understanding junctioning and mastering the systems in place reaps massive rewards. There are also more nuanced stats you can play with like GF affinity.
6. Great final dungeon and bosses

Honestly if you don't love the parallel romance plot and FF8, you can fuck right off.

It's childish and the MC is a manlet

If the only other FF game you’ve played is 7, yeah

The shitty draw system and awful characters render this game unplayable for me. I cannot fucking stand Squall's shitty, stoic bullshit. That isn't an interesting personality, it's BORING. If you want to do stoic right then look at fucking Auron or something, or Cloud before he got AC'd into faggotry.

It definitely has a lot to do with FF9 trying to go back to its roots when Square was in the middle of continuously progressing the technology starting all the way back with 6. It also has a very weird art style. I personally love it, but I can see how most FF fans at this point wouldn't since we just saw super realistic shit with 8 and 7 before.

Eyes on Me is lit

Even 7 is weirder than 8.

This dude gets it. Some entitled airhead chick that abuses animals, fucks your rival and runs off to get yeeted by Edea with a stupid plan and also nearly gets consumed by another Sorceress later, versus a hot chick in uniform with her own personal cult, who visibly creams herself the first time she sees you in the game and has a whip. How is that even a fucking option? Even Selphie with her weird autistic train fixation is a better option if you need somewhere to sling a load.

One of the best soundtracks. Great cgi cutscenes. Great first disk. Overall kind of not great tho

>people unironically believe the love story in 8 is good
this is just shitposting? people seriously can't be this retarded.

The best love story in Final Fantasy in Tidus and Yuna, and it was still absolute TRASH.

The love story of the parents is some good asian tv drama desu.

FF9 was too safe of a game. It was a generic high fantasy story and spent entirely too much time alluding to previous games. There has always been some continuity with items or skills in FF games but 9 took it a new level.

Also I'm sure everyone said the same for Squall but Zidane is still my least favorite MC, right at the bottom with Vaan

Reserve your judgement until you've actually finished the game. I was loving it too during disc 1 but the game just steadily declines after that. The plot, the characters, the writing overall just gets more and more retarded. And like mentioned this is a love story, which isn't focused on too much at the start, but it has an extremely critical fault here in that the love interest is a total shit tier retard character. The junction / drawing shit can be kind of fun at first because of how easy it is to become OP with it, but unless you just really enjoy mindless grinding it's not going to last for long and it quickly becomes clear how poorly thought out it was.

So yeah nah. Nice introduction and presentation but then loses its luster. It's kind of true for most FFs actually, but FF8 just drops so much harder than any of the others.

I also prefer fucking my sisters over someone who might have had someone who's better than me before

I think Nomura knew. I mean look at contempt and mockery on Rinoa's face here.

Attached: Ff8-rinoa2.jpg (976x1112, 502.78K)

Plus it is unrealistic as fuck. In the real world if you're unapproachable, passive and unengaging people won't think "omg so stoic and mysterious" and hot teachers and spoiled general daughters won't throw themselves at you - people will simply ignore you, and you will end up isolated and bitter. Being active and social is key. Fun people are more successful than stoic and "cool" people like Squall.

FF8 seems like an autist wank and fantasy.
>be your usual autistic self
>somehow people interpret it as positive and think you're stoic and leadership material
>a hot teacher and a rich girls throw themselves at you
>you are made fucking commander
>everyone wants you to open up and cares about you
Way to set false expectations about life in teenagers. In real life nobody would babysit you and make you open up. You would be just tossed aside and replaced with more engaging people.

Zidane is a Saiyan, prove me wrong.

Attached: Dissidia_Zidane_Tribal_ex.png (675x650, 311.78K)

More like a gayan lmao why the fuck is this nigga pink!?

You'd have a point if Squall wasn't also extremely handsome and ridiculously talented (is a master of a weapon so hard to use that only 2 people in the entire game are known to be able to use it). People will naturally be attracted to beautiful, talented people, no matter how shitty their personality is.

Yeah and there's also the fact he was an orphan raised as a child soldier for a command role. Don't they make references to the fact he is putting on the stoic face because he is the SeeD team commander?

If only the magic wasn't ruined

The romance drives the main character to get off his ass and develop as a person. It makes perfect sense for an angst-ridden teen to do some stupid shit in the name of "love".

Just accept she's a brohopper and it all makes sense.

>Scaled enemies
That shit right there is the reason why I had to restart my game, I still can't believe how they allowed such a shitty system in. Fuck final fantasy two too.

Nine went back to the roots of the first few games with all the high fantasy shit. It was pretty comfy, but not everyone likes that comfiness and wanted the grimdark shit of 6/7/8

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You can't balance a game over "what if the player knows everything beforehand?". Specially in complex games where there's lots of elements and grinding aviable.
You can also go through the entire game in VII with trine and it requires much less knowledge of the game and infinitely less grinding.

Still, there's never been anything challenging about Final Fantasy games, just stat-checks and equipment-checks. But exploring, unraveling the story, the characters, etc, made up for it (for some people, at least).
Even if the game has one or two efficient ways to "build" your party that outclash any other, finding out which ones is part of the game and there's lots of things to fiddle with.

Pic related is the only JRPG with a good core romance

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Name one good thing about 9 that isnt muh soul

Its just a solid, traditional FF game.

I really liked how Steiner and Vivi's magic sword attacks worked.

Too safe. Gameplay and progression systems were boring. Too preachy about its themes. Overrated characters written to be "likeable" instead of complex, and then shoehorned to be complex because the devs realized halfway through that they had to live up to VII and VIII.

What's weird about 8?

Yas Forums is full of attractive, muscular people who can't find girls or even friends because of their autism and lack of social skills.

If you are talented and handsome people will expect you to have a personality as amazing as your other traits. If they discover you're a dick they will just hate you more and think you're arrogant. Elon Musk was bullied so severely he was in a fucking hospital as a kid. You are delusional if you think the world is ruled by some sort of meritocracy and talent automatically makes people treat you nicely if you do absolutely nothing in return.

Also talented and beautiful people are not THAT rare. Statistically each school has at least 20 Squalls. Like I said it is all just huge fanservice and autism wank. The target demographic of JRPGs are autistic shut ins who can't open up and who isolate themselves. Squall is literally that - the difference is the world in FF8 conspires to provide him with a girl, friends, purpose, an excuse for his behavior, he magically finds out about his parents and even becomes a legend.

I have spent far too much effort in trying to design an alternative combat system for VIII that retains most of its features in some form.

Imagine being a retarded zoomer

The issue is that most of the world building and characterization for non main characters are hidden in optional scenes you need to specifically setup to see.