>B-b-b-but muh aerisu is good tifa is ethic
>b-b-b-but muh tifa tits, and aerisu man face
Any red blooded chad high quality male knows that both girls are gorgeous and theres no wrong choice.
Fags not welcome.
B-b-b-but muh aerisu is good tifa is ethic
Other urls found in this thread:
Are they still gonna have the whole thing of getting a date with one of them depending on your choices?
>the neck
Fag here, but even we know you're right.
Why is Aerith so much more attractive than Tifa?
Nah man, you are not a fag, just an homosexual.
At least Tifa is known to be female.
My wife Tifa is a goddess. That's all.
Why does Aerith's model look more polished?
manjaw aeris is nothing to be proud of
those tifa scenes are pretty old builds
the other scenes like inside the room are way more polished
the winner is the one that doesn't die
So wait a second, don't they live in the bar anymore?
that's some fucking bazookas bros
Tifa is plain and they try and compensate for this by putting more makeup on her and making her "asian" cute. Aerith is naturally pretty/beautiful and it's obvious. They also clearly spent more money and polygons on Aerith.
>ugly bimbo with too much makeup on, still looks like an insta tho with too much filter anyway
>fresh-faced, natural beauty, cute even with dirt smudges on her face
Yeah the original designs were 10/10, these fucking suck, you simp faggot
the original designs are deformed anime style
>Tifa is the game heroine
>She and cloud lives together in a flat
Aerifags BTFO
She’s white
Still coping from this btfo I see?
Aerith is legit hideous in the game
You've got to be kidding, she looks dreadful, those eyes are freaky
>Gender: MALE
Sorry, they live in the same building together:
>BTFO Aerith fags on the poll
>BTFO Tifa fags on the poll
>BTFO Lightning fags on the poll as well
Truly the best girl.
Well are you still coping?
Cloud loves Aeris
>doesn't know what word heroine actually means
Based Tifatard.
This game is too dark
>heroine - the main female character in a book or film who is usually good
You're welcome, retard.
Also, they literally stated that both Aerith and Tifa were heroines of this game long ago, double retard.
Aerith is the one with tons of make up on user while Tifa is bare faced. If they wanted to compensate for anything they should have put make up on her as well.
>Ignores the Japanese meaning out of separation
my sides
Fat face.
c'mon aeris face isn't THAT fat
Not even gonna give you (you)s at this point. You've been at this for 3 threads already and every time you got called out as wannabe barry. So fuck off.
Shit graphics.
Shit models.
So, this is the power of Square in 2020. PS3 era?
do you know how to make gifs?
I can see obvious lightning improvements but i also see more arm definiton, more tits and more thighs
I wonder how much more it will take till you fags realized that Cloud and Tifa is very obviously the main pairing in this shit. Like besides all shipping faggotory is fucking obvious.
t. barry
well square is making a game focusing on characters story and gameplay, unlike the kikes of us 2
Yes, but it will look like shit
Japan can't into next-gen graphics desu.
its ok user, thanks for the pics
>game needs to look outdated if it is to have a story
Based coping retard.
seeth more
>she is trying to be strong
this hurts my heart
>both girls are gorgeous
Maybe if you're a tranny with a warped sense of aesthetics. Please proceed to dilate and join the 41%
This has to be the most retarded excuse someone could come up with. Especially since their older games had better models while supposed newest one looks outdated as fuck.
yeah you already posted here
>tumbnail is the promise
Why do you guys post like straight version of fujos?
>oh my poor wittle baby is trying to be strong. this hurts my heart
Don't cut yourself on that edge user
Tifa looks horrible.
>Waifufags are just straight fujos
oh no....
Because it has been proven that VII and XV are tranny games. See ratio for male vs female voters for these two games and both have more female voters than dudes.