Just beat the game, here's my review:

Just beat the game, here's my review:

The good:
>literally just HL again
>the dialogue isn't as obnoxious as I thought it'd be from the trailer
>gravity hands feel fantastic to use
>searching for stuff is fun
>3 guns actually feels like enough
>taking out antlions feels fantastic
>battle music is pretty great
>the final upgrade was neat

The bad:
>the puzzles are all braindead, thanks playtesters
>the story is absolute garbage and retcons Episode 2 for no good reason other than setting up an Alyx 2 sequel hook
>the shotgun has some of the worst upgrades in the game, I didn't take any of them because at no point, ever, did I think they'd be even slightly useful
>the enemies alternate between bullet sponges and dying instantly
>no melee, you have to bash everything with your guns or waste bullets. Adding a short range inorganic only knife to the multi-tool would've fixed this instantly, I don't know why they didn't bother.
>some segments are jank, I died twice to the strider before I managed to stand in the perfect position to use the gun, and Jeff wasn't fun

Overall, 8/10.

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>3 guns actually feels like enough
Stop reading there, fucking shill

Im having fun so far but I was dissapointed with lack of using enviro objects as melee, like metal pipes.
Oh and the vaulting jumping should've been replaced with using hands to climb or something

Also the menu system is slick as fuck

Have you used snipers in VR? They're janky as hell. I can't think of anything else I'd really want for the loadout, the existing guns cover all your bases well.

After using my hands in boneworks, I'm glad this game is just teleport shit for jumping. Far less room for error, or getting your hands stuck into things.

if you look down do you see breasts? if not i'll pass

>retcons Episode 2
>"Half Life 3" will basically be a multipart thing, and this is the first part
Not sure if retarded or extremely smart thing to do

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HL2 didnt even have a sniper rifle

You don't remember zooming in with the crossbow? What the fuck did you use it for?

Who said anything about a sniper rifle? Neither half Life game had them before. There should be at least all of HL2s armory.

Am I the only one who thought the voice acting was really bad? Not the dialog, the voice acting, they sound so unnatural and almost it does feel like its just them reading the script going through the motions and not caring.

I honestly barely paid any attention to it. Something about VR makes me just not care at all about what anyone is saying.

I couldn't tell you a single joke from the game that wasn't the shitty "lol now it's unloaded" from the trailer. I'm sure there were jokes, I just didn't pay any attention to them.

how long is the game?
how is the story aside from the final 2 minutes?

$0.01 has been deposited in your account. Social Credit +1

It's just "go to next point pls alyx" for 7-9 hours or so. Nothing interesting, but the locale changes are great. You've got spooky old hotels, alien fauna, a zoo, it's always fairly visually engaging.

>2 steam cards deposited in your account

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>shuffling through your backpack to find a single fucking gun or shuffling with the alyx gun to switch the modes
>having simple but effective guns, easily cycled
Choose one.

Based coomer tranny

2 handed weapons really feel like ass in VR. It feels like your pretending instead of playing a game. But in your defence, arktika had 10 completly different single handed guns, so 3 seems a bit low

Yes, Alyx seems unphased by everything and keeps talking casual like she's at a bar.

The problem is that most of the guns don't do much, especially when the game is restricted to fairly close quarters.

The magnum is replaced by the shotgun, the SMG/pulse rifle are replaced by the combine gun, the bow and RPG are removed because they're unnecessary.

The magnum is probably the only gun you could really justify adding, but reloading revolvers in VR is hot jank.

I'm refunding this shit unless they fix smooth turning. I can't stand that click-step snap turning, and turning it off doesn't work.

all the half life revolvers come with speed loaders anyway, so it wouldn't be that big of an issue.

>the bow and RPG are removed because they're unnecessary.

You don't fight gunships and striders in this? :(

I also just finished the game and i disagree with a couple things.

>the dialogue isn't as obnoxious
I really didn't like the voice actor for Eli. Returning VA's (vortigaunts, Gman were great though)
>3 guns are enough
Yeah but that doesn't make it a good thing
>The story is absolute garbage
if you ignore the last 5 minutes of the game its alright. But yeah they shouldn't have touched episode 2.
>the enemies are bullet sponges/ die instantly
Personally didn't have a problem with this. Use explosives on the bigger guys.
>Jeff wasn't fun
I liked Jeff.

>sniper rifle
uh user.

You fight one strider with a gun placement, it's awful.

It's a sniper rifle equivalent in HL, stop being obtuse.

>I liked Jeff.
Really? I just hate throwing things in VR, I can never get along with it, maybe that's why.
>Yeah but that doesn't make it a good thing
I'd rather have 3 guns with upgrade paths over the old HL2 arsenal, honestly. I wish there was more upgrade stuff, it would've been nice to customise your guns more according to what you wanted, instead of being forced to make Alyx's gun and shit.
>I really didn't like the voice actor for Eli. Returning VA's (vortigaunts, Gman were great though)
I agree, I just really thought I'd hate it after the trailer. Sounded like marvel shit, thankfully the full game wasn't unbearable.
>Personally didn't have a problem with this. Use explosives on the bigger guys.
I just saved the shotgun for them. It's just dumb that using the pistol takes like a million shots.

Then they should have designed encounters to utilize those guns.

not being able to jump is lame as hell, makes me not want to try it out at all, also "crawling" through wents is just clicking and teleporting.

jumping is something that seems to be done A LOT so having it be some meme teleport no matter what isn't fun

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I only hated how frequent the hacking was, would've been a mostly excellent game in my book otherwise, regardless of how I feel about the story implications

The game is very clearly set up for VR, though. VR is awful at long range encounters, or wide open spaces with lots of movement. The guns we lost were all guns you'd use in those scenarios.

You don't jump much. Usually just to get into the next level trigger, there's only one section in the game where you jump more than once in a row. And after jumping in Boneworks, teleport jumps are honestly the way to go.

even if you're going to do the teleport thing, you could make it a bit more elegant with a little animation showing you getting from point a to point b, with like a jumping sound effect or something. instantly going from one place to another is something that i can only imagine is really jarring in vr.

Based retarded Yas Forumscel

Towards the end it got really obnoxious with how much longer, but not any harder, the hacks got. I liked the following electricity through the wall bits, I think they spaced them out well enough to not make them annoying.

But they do that. There's a little landing sound, you just zip forward instead of watching some slow ass canned animation.

>teleport jumps are honestly the way to go.
then VR is not for me, at all.
if VR is only capable of delivering teleport shit and no action movie fights it's not worth it.

move a box, teleport up on it, repeat.
no jumping during firefights, no jumping just for jumping sakes, just being john woo, it's so basic

still, i think it should at least be an option to let you jump manually instead of having the teleport be the only way. i know vr can support it.

I can agree with that, although I feel like they were both worried about people jumping out of level bounds, and their insane "b-but you can't move the player!" shit.

i feel like valve is usually autistic enough with their level design to prevent something like that from happening. like the balcony where you spawn in, if you could jump over the railing you would just die. maybe they wanted to stop people from doing accelerated back hops or something, i don't know.

>>no melee
no fucking way, isnt a perk of vr to use everything as melee

there is a lot of fun to be had picking shit up and playing with it, combat is the least interesting thing you can do with your hands in VR

is there a level editor for custom HLA levels? if not, is there any info on if it ever will be a thing? it probably will be once source2 is officially out but i just want to know if it's a thing right now

There will be, there isn't one yet.

I was watching some gameplay and the environments, sound design, and some of the vr shit like grabbing, reloading, pulling the slide back on the handgun looks really great. The quirky voice acting was irritating, and the story was dumb. The teleporting and walking looks like it would make me puke desu, so I'll never ever get it

Boomer faggot

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Watching the gameplay convinced me to buy this game but first I'd like to replay the whole series. Having never played HL1, is Black Mesa ok as a substitute or not?

Teleporting is a thing because it doesn’t make you nauseous. The visual motion of walking without the feeling of movement is what makes you nauseous (opposite of reading in the car and feeling car sick where your environment appears stationary but you feel motion)

yeah sure. HL1 is still pretty special but if you can't handle the age then go ahead with BM.

I don't own a VR headset for PC but I'm really interested in this and hope it succeeds. Anyone got some webums to share?

HL:Alyx death match with that slow movement, and teleporting, it's like Halo but without vehicles and well.. movement/jumping.

>looks like it would make me puke
people said that about cars and ships and airplanes but a simple pack of hard candy solves any and every problem.

Is this shit VR only?

Do people live under rocks or something?

A crossbow is not a sniper rifle.

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What a shill

>I'm so glad there are no weapons in this first person shooter, that wouldn't be fun at all!

>I'm glad this VR game just uses insta teleport mechanics so you can sit in your chair and play instead of being physical


>>no melee, you have to bash everything with your guns or waste bullets. Adding a short range inorganic only knife to the multi-tool would've fixed this instantly, I don't know why they didn't bother.

this is the biggest flaw, like, jesus christ, this is the CROWBAR franchise and they could not think a single melee weapon? not even punching shit? goddamn

Are zoomers really hating actually a good game and pretending like they're boomers to look cool?

eh, i don't think i agree with your hot take on Boneworks, being able to jump and grab/pull yourself up to ledges does a lot for immersion, and jumping/pouncing having movement options available is always great.

>instead of being physical
Do you think people are jumping IRL to jump in games or something? I had to crouch down a few times to get into tight spaces, too.

It bothered me on the very first ledge in the game, and then I just didn't care. If they'd done it well, it would've been nice, but Boneworks honestly soured me on the whole thing. Full body physics shit was a mistake. My hands clipped into boards a few times while I was trying to bash them with my guns, I'm glad they didn't try and do anything fancier.

From what i've seen, the gameplay looks really barebones with the core mechanics, but i understand that Valve is basically popping their cherry with this whole fullVR game so i can't exactly complain as much.

HLA deathmatches are going to be really awkward with this movement scheme though, and teleporting around doesn't sound like a great compromise, maybe i'm looking at this wrong since i haven't played it, but from what you're describing it all, it's basically a COD cover shooter but in VR

There's no way Valve will make a MP VR shooter for years. Best we'll get is L4D3.

So what the hell does the respirator do? Why can you cover your breath with your hands?

Later in the game there's a gimmick spore system you have to cover your mouth for. Weirdly, at that point, I never saw another respirator.

>the story is absolute garbage and retcons Episode 2 for no good reason other than setting up an Alyx 2 sequel hook
did you even watch the post credits scene? the next game is definitely not going to star alyx